The time Jared threw a party

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Before you read this crap, this is the story behind this. It's three in the morning and I got a writing prompt for a plot generator. 

summary: Jared hosts a party, and shit goes south

tw: swearing and underage drinking

Word count: 891

"Jared's doing what?" Connor turned to Evan, raising an eyebrow. "A party, he's hosting a fricking party." Connor snorted and kept walking. "Is parents are out of town or something." "Well, that just seems like a disaster waiting to happen." The brunette retorted before adding, "If anyone bothers to show up." "Knowing Jared, only a few friends will come, and I'll be blamed, for some reason, but no matter what, I'm obligated to go." Evan shrugged. "I don't care what happens, I'm not missing this party for the world." Connor chuckled lightly and smirked. Evan rolled his eyes, knowing the only reason Connor would want to go anywhere near Jared, was if it involved seeing him fail miserably at something. The two boys turned the corner and halted to a stop. "Speaking of the devil." Connor mused, Evan, giving a slight nod in an agreement, but not looking away from the sight of Jared practically yelling information about his party at every person that was passing by. "I don't know if I should be concerned for him, or take advantage of how stupid he looks right now." He said, half-amused, but still serious. Evan nodded, shrugged and started to walk at a very slow pace. "Good lord, this is going to be a very..." He trailed off, with loss of words. "Interesting party." "Yeah, very...Interesting." Connor hummed, leaning against the lock way to watch the principle usher Jared out of the hallways. Evan couldn't hold back a small laugh in amusement at his 'family friend'. They watched for another second and the bell rang. "See ya tonight," Evan stated. "You bet on it." Connor grinned.

~Timeskip brought to you by Mike Faist's hair~

Evan, Connor, Alana, and Zoe had to arrive at Jared's place early to set up the house. But after Connor refusing to help (He claimed that setting up for it would be useless because the house would end up trashed anyways), Alana getting kicked out from talking too much, and Zoe joining her, Evan was the only doing anything to help. By the time all the valuables were locked away, and Jared's weird dollar store snacks had been set out, the first guest started arriving (surprisingly). Evan was pretty sure Jared was more shocked that people actually came than Connor was, although he played it off like this wasn't his first rodeo. "Hello, Hello. the beer keg is in the corner, the make-out room is three doors down, and dancing in the living room." Jared greeted people as they entered. Evan was pretty sure people stopped listening to what he had to say after 'beer keg' because that's what was getting the most attention. The dancing was just drunk, horny teenagers grinding against each other and no one bothered to use the make-out room. Evan felt someone tap on his shoulder, and he turned around. "We have a problem." It was Alana. The music was blasting so loudly, Evan had to lean forward to hear what she was saying, but once he made out the words she said, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "What's wrong?" "One of the neighbors called the cops. They're on their way." She informed him. "Crap...I'll go tell Jared." He muttered and made his way across the room to (yooouuuu) Jared. Evan grabbed him by his shirt collar and dragged him away from the girl he was dancing with. "Dude, cops are on their way." He said. Jared's face dropped. "Shit." He quickly stepped on the coffee table and cupped a hand on either side of his mouth. "Cops are coming! Get out of the house." He tried to yell over the blaring music. The teens merely paused for a moment, blinked at Jared, then went back to their dry humping. "Seriously, get out." He attempted again, this time not even earning the slightest reaction. Jared's inability to control the crowd was almost astonishing. Finally, after a minute of Jared struggling, the music stopped and the room went dead silent. "Everybody, get the fuck out!" Jared's head snapped over to look at Connor. His nostrils were flaring angrily and his top lip curled up. There was a pause, then somebody's red solo cup dropped to the ground, and they yelled, "Scatter!" This time, people listened. Every student there sprinkled in a separate direction, desperately trying to locate an exit. Jared stood frozen, probably not sure if he should be relieved that Connor stepped in the help, or worried because the yelling had triggered a stampede of intoxicated teenagers, which was dangerous on a whole new level. About five minutes passed before the house seemed to be cleared. It looked like an abandoned war zone, but instead of debris and gun shells left behind, there was a sea of solo cups and beer cans. Now, only the five remained. "Holy shit, dude," Connor said, he was the only one that seemed to have the guts to talk after the whole scene. Jared opened his mouth, but no words came out. For once in his life, Jared Kleinman was speechless. 

Wow, I can't do endings... Also, please drop suggestions for future one shots in the comments. I'll do pretty much anything, apart from heavy smut.

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