Chapter 29

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I stroked my daughter's hair as I stared blindly into the dark. I could hear my mother's movements outside the room but I didn't pay any attention to it or to the fact that her footsteps were approaching. She opened the door and I hissed slightly when the light hit my eyes.

"Iyana get out of there." She snapped in a low tone and I shook my head. I was scared of leaving Amari alone because I was scared she would disappear the moment I did and I would never see her again. She has not been to school since the incident neither have I gone to work. I considered moving to another state and starting life from the beginning all over again like I did when I gave birth to her and Martha pulled her shit but something told me it wouldn't help because the fact that she knew where my daughter schools meant she was following us. I didn't know what to do and who to talk to about it.

I didn't think the police would do anything since there was no proof of someone stalking me, so I just remained indoors and panicked over and over again, cried buckets, obsessively checked in my daughter and had panic attacks at random times.

I didn't go to work or even officially apply to be excused, so on the third day of my absence, I got a text message from Leo. Seeing Goober💕 brightened my day for a second because I thought it was one of his random text messages but I opened it and my spirit deflated even some more.

Goober💕: When you are no longer interested in a job, your supposed to give notice of your resignation at least a week before, otherwise this sort of behaviour can get you fired. I expect a reply within 24 hours and if I don't get any, you're fired.

It would have come as surprise to me if I hadn't shed tears after reading that message. One day, I was happy and in love and the next, I was left with nothing but a gnawing ache in my chest. My baby's grandmother had tried to kidnap her and I broke up with my boyfriend and I lost my job. I didn't even care about the job anymore. I just wanted to sleep at the foot of my daughter's bed, keep watch without sleeping and ensure that no one took her away from me.

"Iyana Mila Garvey I said get off the floor and leave this room. She isn't going to disappear just like that." My mum said and I shook my head. I could live without Leo. Fuck love and all that. It was something I could live without but Amari was my entire life and the thought of anything happening to her terrified me.

"If you don't get the hell up, I will come in there and drag you out by the hair by myself. What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I'm scared." I whispered and she sighed.

"Baby, there's nothing to be scared of. I understand how you feel, I really do. But nothing will happen to her. She's just sleeping. She will wake up soon. This is getting out of hand. She hasn't been to school in a week, you haven't been to work in that long too. All you do is mope around and cry. You can't pause your life like this for someone you can't even find or know when next she'll strike. This time though she won't have any opportunity to do anything, so move and get to the bathroom, get dressed and take her to school. I won't be a minute late next time I promise. I'll be there before they finish up for the day so that there won't be room for this again. It was my fault and I'm sorry. Now, move."

I began teaching Amari about safety and being cautious around strangers a long time ago but this time, what got to her was the fact that the person knew her name, told her she was her daddy's mummy and showed her their identical eyes. Martha told her that her mummy's mum had told her to come and pick her because she was running late and Amari believed her. I trembled every time I imagined what would have happened if my mum hadn't gotten there in time.

"I don't know what I would do if anything happens to her."

"You won't do anything because nothing will happen. Now, up." She said softly in her motherly voice and I finally moved from where I'd taken up camp on the floor because she had insisted on sleeping in her bed.

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