Chapter 38

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Christmas and New year came and went by and soon, we were back home. Amari went back to school and I resumed work. Amari wasn't excited but it's not like she had any choice. It was a Wednesday morning on her first week back to school and my first week back to work.

"Mummy do I have to go? I can resume next week Monday." She pleaded as we waited for the bus and I shook my head before patting her head affectionately. I dropped her off at school and then made my way to the office. I picked up coffee for the boss and did the usual morning routine things but as at 10am, Leo had still not shown up. I called him to know if something was up because it was all so unlike him. He usually called to inform me if he wasn't going to show up at work.

"Hi baby." He mumbled sleepily and I blinked in shock. Twice. He was still sleeping?

"You're still in bed? You have a meeting in two hours time."

"I... what?"

"You're supposed to meet with Mr Kowalski and his team to..."

"Ohh. That." He said. I heard the rustling sound of sheets as he turned in bed. Leo isn't really a noisy sleeper. Even on those nights e couldn't sleep, he didn't really turn everytime in search of a good position. He just laid down there and didn't turn all the time, except maybe whenever I turned to hold him or he just turned to change position.

"Yes. That."

"I forgot to call you yesterday night. We changed the venue. I told him I'd come over instead. I want to use that opportunity to see how things are over there since this is a new year. Book tickets for two. Book a hotel. You know the drill. I'll come in by 12. I didn't sleep last night and I have a headache. See you soon babe. Love you." And he ended the call. I stared at my phone for some seconds and then dropped it in my handbag.

I stood up, put my things away and then took off. Since he wouldn't be in till 12, I figured I'd use that opportunity to go to the hospital for that blood test I'd been going on and on about in my head. It took a long time before it finally got to my turn to see the doctor. The doctor was a nice older woman. I told her why I was there and about the negative pregnancy tests regardless of the fact that I had missed three periods and had pregnancy symptoms. She told me to hop on the table for an ultrasound and that was surprising. I thought she'd tell me to have a blood test done.

"This will be a bit cold." She said as she squeezed the cold gel onto my belly before doing her stuff. I stared unblinkingly at the screen on the wall with my fingers crossed.

"Okay there's your strawberry tucked in his little cocoon." I chuckled at strawberry. The last doctor I saw called Amari a peanut. "I don't know why your tests were giving you false negatives. It happens sometimes but you're definitely pregnant. Pretty advanced from what I'm seeing. There's the head and the fingers and toes. You should be in the third month and on your way to the fourth month of your pregnancy." She said and all I could think was What?! Three months? The last month of the first trimester? Fingers and toes? What the fuck?!!

" everything okay with him?"

"Yes. I don't see any problem. However, we will have to check your overall health status. You may have to make some lifestyle changes. Do you drink or smoke?" She asked and i shook my head. I told her I drink occasionally but I don't smoke. She calculated my expected due date, prescribed the necessary vitamins, told me to stay off caffeine, etc. I got to hear my baby's heartbeat and that made me tear up. I told her I suffered a placenta abruption as a result of abdominal trauma and she said she will have to monitor me closely since it had happened before.

I left the office with a printed copy of the ultrasound. I looked at the sky with a big smile on my face. My phone vibrated and I dug it out of my bag.

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