Chapter 10- 'The normal'

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Obviously seeing the look of horror on my face, Harry grabbed his timetable that had been placed before him and ran out of the great hall with me shouting after him. What have I done?

We have the whole day to settle so Harry will most likely be missing all day if I don't find him soon. I look at my timetable and see that I have; Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, Herbology just as normal then I have; Care of Magical Creatures and Arithmetics(maths) as my electives. Because Harry is now in Slytherin I will have the majority of my lessons with him for the rest of the time that we are at Hogwarts. I actually have a chance to get to know him now. Before I would only guess or use the things I heard Weasley and Granger say to know what he likes and what he doesn't but now I will know more.

It is now around midday and everyone is at lunch but not me, or apparently Harry, and enjoying their food. I spend a very long ting looking for Harry, then I see him by a willow tree by the black lake. I try and get close enough to him that won't scare him but I can still hear and see him clearly. He has his head in his lap and no longer has his robes on. He must have gotten hot while out here and taken them off. (I wish it was that hot in September here 😂)
As I get closer I see purple and black marks on both his arms and even red lines that look like cuts. I finally get close enough and squat down next to him and say;
"Harry.... what are those on your arms?" I look into his beautiful emerald eyes and he looks into mine.
"Crap! Draco you weren't..uhh...What are you doing here!" He grabs his robe and tries to put it back on as well as pulling down his sleeves to cover his arms.
"Harry stop trying to change the subject! What are those in your arms!" I ask again. Harry sighed changing his face into an empty expression.
"Scars, scabs, bruises. The normal. Now if you don't mind I want to be left alone." The raven haired boy replies casually while staring out into the lake.
I stare blankly at him for a few second then stand up. I can't believe I thought Potter was pampered with those muggles, when in fact it is the complete opposite. I sigh and slowly take my leave, all the time still looking to make sure he doesn't want me to come back. Have we all been lied to by Dumbledore? He said Harry was safe and pampered. But that doesn't look like either at all.

Word count: 479

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