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I awake the next day with the sun streaming in through the small gap in the curtains. I look around the room and see what it is really like. Last night when Blaise showed me to my room he only stood outside. he wouldn't enter. I though this was strange at first but then realise that it was Blaise after all. he was a Slytherin.

My room isn't as gloomy as the others I have seen. It is more bright colours and of course, very spacious. The ceiling is incredibly high and their is a hanging chandelier. it has black shades and golden chains hanging from one light to the other. at the foot of my bed there are these two white pillars that go from the floor to the ceiling. They are marked with a swirl and at the bottom it is like a box with the engraving HG on it. it is like they were specially designed for me. As I look above me I see that there is a light purple silk cloth that has a hole in the middle for the light to come through. On the ceiling there is beautiful snowflake surrounding the top of the chandelier. The headboard to my head is soft and fluffy. It's almost as through it is padded and it is a golden brown shade. My bedsheets are made of silk as well. and at the foot of the bed there is like a long pale white velvet bench for one to sit.

I get out of bed to get a better look at the room that I am in and I see that the floor has a rug but the rug is in pieces. it only covers some of the floor and is fluffy and white. the floor that isn't covered by the rug is made out of marble. it has shapes of squares and a brown ring with a black outline that makes a ring around my bed. the windows have these beautiful long curtains that have a frilly edge to them and there is a painting of a beautiful girl sitting in a chair. this place is truly magnificent...

I am interrupted from admiring my new room when there is a knock at the door. I decide to leave it and let them figure out that I might be asleep or that I dint want to be interrupted. but unfortunately that doesn't happen. the door swings open and in walks Pansy Parkinson. of course she would be the one to barge into someone's room who doesn't which to be socialising when they first wake up. she eyes my up and down. I look at the way I am dressed and I remember that I didn't even change from what I was wearing yesterday. I didn't even have a wash at that. Lord, I dint even know where the bathroom is. surely in a room that looks like this, I must have my own washroom right. Maybe my expectations of this place are too high. Maybe we all have to share one. but that isn't very Malfoy now is it. " Draco has told me to tell you that we are all going hunting and that he requires you to be there. once you have", she pauses, looks at me again, roles her eyes and continues talking, " washed up and changed, meet him in the gallery as that is where he will be waiting for you. Piece of advice, don't take too long. Malfoy's don't like to be kept waiting too long. They don't have that much patience when it comes to the likes of you." one spoken, she walks out of my room, slamming the door closed behind her. damn I have always despised her but right now my anger is fuelled and all I want to do is rip the gobby head right off of her skimpy shoulders.

I look around my room for something that may look like a door and believe it or not but there is a hidden door. Now I know what your thinking. You should never open a hidden door because you never know what could be on the other side. There could be something dangerous like a trap or a hole or something that you could fall down but why would Draco put me in a room that had something in it that could harm me? After all he is the one that wanted me to be a vampire. He is that one that said he wanted me and he always gets what he wants. I head up to the door and put my hand on the handle. For a moment I contemplate not opening it but I'm pretty sure that it is just a bathroom or something that I will need on the other side. I'm just worrying over nothing.

I open the door and on the other side is believe it or not the exact thing that I was looking for. A bathroom. Similar to my bedroom, everything has the same colours. The gold, the white the brown and black. the floor is made out of marble and looks exactly the same as the on in my room. the bath looks floorless. At the bottom of the bath there a waterproof lights that shine to make the back water look blue. I also notice that they is a remote on the side of the marble topped unit that I have no idea what is for. I examine it and it has these dials on with colours on it I press the button that says red, being the Gryffindor that I am, and the colour of the water changes from blue to red. I love this idea. I not only have a bath but I also have a shower. There is a rug on the floor that is the same material as the one in my room but this one is a plain rectangular rug. Not that fancy. I love having something that is regular. That you would expect in a muggle home. something that isn't fancy and doesn't remind me that I am now going to be living like a Malfoy vampire. Something that reminds me of home.

I take a shower instead of a bath because I thought that this way I would take up less of Draco's time and would finish quicker. I knew that if I took a bath that I would be in there for quite some time. When I walk back into my room with a bath robe wrapped securely around me I notice that there is a house elf walking around my room putting clothes on my bed for me to wear and bottles of cream, spray and numerous other things on one of my dressers. when the elf notices that I am here, its eyes widen and with a click of its fingers it is gone. I change into the clothes that have been put on my bed for me. Along with the pair of shoes on the bench and head to the gallery which I just about remember form my quick walk to my room yesterday with Blaise. when I arrive I see that Draco is in one of the leather chairs with a book on his lap. I never noticed this before in all the years that we were at school together but when Draco reads, his lips are parted ever so slightly that he can just about breathe without being heard, his tongue sits below his top teeth and he holds one hand on the next page for when he has to turn it. I see that he is strongly engaged in whatever he is reading that it makes me not what to interrupt him. I sigh at the view and this catches his attention. If looks could kill, then I would be very much dead. with no change of ever be resurrected.

I know this has been a long chapter and I'm sorry for that but I just have so many ideas. I have also noted that they haven't actually gone hunting yet but I will make a part 2 that hopefully wont be as long as this chapter. Tell me what you think in the comments and tell me if you have any ideas for what could happen in some of the later chapters.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2019 ⏰

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