Feeling alive

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I finished reading the book given to me by draco to discover more about what i have been turned into. 

I have now found out that I only need to feed once a week,  its wise to stay away from all human life sources for at least a decade and that a vampires main enemy is anyone who threatens them or there mate. Not to mention that you might own a power.

It wasn't much information to take in but what it would lead to felt like it was tearing me apart from the inside out. 

I mean how was I meant to stay away from my parent for a decade at the least assuming that I could control my bloodlust.  And I would have to deal with enemies if I made any.  It seems impossible at the minute.

The only good thing that I could see out of this whole situation is finding put who my mate would be.  If I had one.  Even that had its down side.  I presume that you can't chose who your mate is,  so that means it just happens. So what happens if my mate is someone I don't like. Someone who hates me.  Then what do I do?

Just deal with it?  Great

My mind wondered elsewhere and started to think of draco.  Why was he the one to hand me the book?  Was he the one to change me?  Did he want anything from me?

Many more thoughts continued to forces there way into my head and I knew that is I was human I would have a headache.  All I wanted to do was go back to the way I was.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even realize that draco was standing In the doorway,  watching me as my mind continued to spin.  

"Have you read through the book like I told you to do? " he asked in a friendly tone. 

"Yes" was all that I replied with.  I didn't know what else to say.

"Then I suggest we get going"

"Going where? "

I was rather confused as to why he would want to be with me.  I mean,  didn't he hate me?  Were we still enemies?

"Hunting of course,  don't you feel thirsty? "

I hadn't given it a thought.  I was so wound up in what I was,  what I was capable of and why draco was here that I hadn't thought of my thirst.  The more I thought about it,  the more my thought became dry and began to burn. 

I suddenly felt the need to drain the whole of London,  it was so strong. 

It must have been a while without me saying anything because Draco caught my attention again. 

"Well hermione? "

"Yes,  let's go,  now"

I needed to get out and feed.  I had to.  It was an urge. 

Draco showed me the way out and went of into a full on sprint leaving me behind.

How was I ever going to catch up with him. 

I decided that if I even stood a chance I had to run.  But when I did it was like nothing I had ever experienced before.  A sense if freedom and control.  I could see everything clearly as I ran past them.  The wind also felt amazing on my face. 

It didn't take me long to catch up with Draco.  He suddenly stopped in the middle of a clearing.  It was filled with a football team playing a game. 

It took all of me not to just launch myself at them and drain them all.

Draco wrapped both his arms around my waist from behind, in order to keep me from launching. 

"I want you to pick one and walk up to him and ask to talk to him in the woods.  After you have him there do whatever feels natural.  But silence his screams."

I did as I was told and walked toward the tallest,  most muscular one out if the group.

I managed to lure him into the woods with a bit of simple flirting and saying that I was a Traveller and lost.  He followed me willingly. 

I pushed  him up to a tree and did what I felt was natural.  As draco had said. 

My sharp pointed teeth felt like razors when the touched my bottom lip.  I smiled at the man before me who was smirking and had his hands on my hips. 

I couldn't help but let out a laugh as I knew that what he was thinking was the opposite of my intentions.  I made it look like I was going to kiss his neck but instead sunk my teeth right into his pulse point drained him withing seconds,  remembering to put my hand over his mouth to silence his screams. 

I was full after that.  I felt draco eyes on me and turned around.  And there he was leaning against a tree trunk,  smirking at me.  I felt slightly embarrassed that I had done that and not even realised that he was there. 

We both sprinted back to his mansion and settled for sitting on his couch.

That was when i brought up the subject on what had really happened and what his intentions were with me.

Sorry thus chapter was so long.  But I felt the need to write this.  Hope you enjoyed.  🙂

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