Going home

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POV= Hermione

I was walking home, by myself because I have spent the day with one of my best friends Ginny. We had gone out for the day, had dinner and now I was going home.

Was am at least three blocks away from my house and I know it won't take long to get there.

I continue to walk when suddenly I get a feeling like somebody is watching me. I don't know why though. I turn around and all that I am greeted with is the street that I have just walked down. It's dark and gloomy with only the street lamps as light to guide my way.

I turn around and continue to walk and convince myself that it us just my imagination playing tricks on me. After all the horror films that i have watched, no wonder I am getting a little scared of the dark.

As i walk, the feeling of somebody following me continues to get stronger. I know that it is best if i pay no attention and focus on getting home but my curiosity always gets the best of me and I turn around.

But instead of seeing nothing, i get slammed into a nearby brick wall that knocks out nearly of my consciousness.

When I finally get the strength to open my eyes, I do and I see that the person or even creature, with this amount of strength it has, with its head in the crook of my neck.

I start to kick, punch and thrash around in his strong grip, trying to great free but it is no use. But I am determined not to give up.

With me doing this, it seems to be entertaining to the creature doing this to me. It let's out a dark yet fierce growl from its evil mouth and I feel its warmth on my neck.

The creature moves it head further into my neck and opens it mouth until I feel what must be fangs on my pulse point.


This creature is a vampire, and I am its prey. Its hunt. Its meal.

I put more force into my form of escaping but it is again no use. I am trapped and am going to die a slow and painful death in the hands of a vampire.

I end up giving up as I have no fight left in me and allow the vampire to do as it wants with me.

I feel the tips of the fangs sink into my sweet soft skin.

I knew that I would start to feel weak as the blood is drained from my body, but instead I feel a burning that is coursing though my veins and leaving a trail in its wake.

I can feel myself losing what little consciousness I have left in me and i slowly drift of into darkness.

Hope you enjoyed. I loved writing this. I had this idea last night and I thought why the hell not write a book about it. 😎😍

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