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Lucas has me blindfolded and guides me by holding my hand.

"Do I really have to be blindfolded?"

"Yup its 100% nessessary."

We walk for a little while more.

"We're here," he says. I can hear the excitement in his voice. He removes my blind fold. Wow....

We're in this amazing field. There's a large and clear pond to the right and the moonlit path makes it all the more beautiful.

"Its.... Beautiful..." I say, stunned as well amazed. Lucas faces me.

"And so are you." He's trying to flirt now, I see. I smirk.

"Stop being such a goof—," I'm cut off as he kisses me. I smile into the kiss and I feel him smile as well. We separate.

"Listen. I know we've only known each other for about, what 24 hours? But I really like you. And... I want you to be my girlfriend," he says anxiously.

I smile and kiss him again as an answer. When we separate, we smile at each other.

"I'll take that as a yes then?" He says, pretty confident.

"Yes." I confirm with a slight smirk.

We stay there for about an hour and I suggest we go hunting.

"The thing is, once you feed on a human, they die. Animals are drinkable too, but human blood is the best," I inform him.

"How come when you bit me I turned into a vampire then?" He questions.

"Well, its hard to explain," I reply.

"I don't want to kill anyone... Or any animals either."

"I have substitutes back in my dorm. They're called blood tablets. They taste similar to real blood, but its definitely not as rich."

We walk back to the girls dorm hall. I take out my keys and unlock the door... And see Jade and Jase making out. Lovely.

"Ahem," I say, breaking the apparent couple up. They both blush madly and sit there awkwardly. I smirk at their embarrassment.

"Haha... Oops?" Jade tries acting all innocent. Jase looks way beyond flustered.

I walk past the awkward couple and grab some tablets.

"We're going back to Lucas' dorm. Use protection," I say with a wink and smirk.

The both of them were too red to speak.

At Lucas' Dorm.

We sit down on the couch and I grab two water bottles. I drop the tablets in. One for each bottle. They evaporate quickly and I hand him his bottle. We both drink and relax.

"Doesn't taste that ba—... Your eyes... They're s-silver?" Oh.

"Yeah. And yours are a vague blue. This happens when you drink blood or the tablets."

I retract my fangs and my eyes turn back to black. He changes as well.

We stare at each other for a good 10 seconds before he decides to kiss me again. Not that I'm complaining or whatever. I kiss back passionately and lean forward so I'm on top of him. We separate and lay there for a while.

Eventually, we both fall asleep. Who knew someone so cold blooded could contain such a warm feeling?




Sorry if there was too much kissing but as you can tell, that's how Parodia and Lucas work. Parodia is normally rude and cold and Lucas is normally smooth and flirty. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't let the vampires bite (; 

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