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          What demon created the living hell called school? You chuckled at the thought, actually beginning to wonder who did just so you can curse their name. Your bullies had dragged you outside, and hell was guaranteed to break lose.

"What are you laughing at, pipsqueak?" The tall, skinny blond female, named D'kota and her popular friends glared down at you. All of them were at least a head taller than you, if not more. You were the shortest in your grade, if not the entire school. And D'kota and her friends made your life living hell for it. You didn't understand why being short was bad, but they sure seemed to think so.

"Your face." You said sweetly. That sent them over the edge. They pinned you to the wall and D'kota began punching and kicking you as much as she could. Then, one of her friends, Kyleigh, handed D'kota a metal pipe. Now your eyes widened with fear. Being punched and kicked you could take, but if she hit you hard enough with that pipe it could kill you. You began to struggle in their grip, kicking and screaming for them to release you. But it didn't do you any good. They were a lot stronger than you, you didn't stand a chance.

"Go to hell." D'kota snarled, and began hitting you with the pipe. She hit you in the head, stomach, chest, and anywhere she could reach. You screamed, able to feel the bones she hit break after repeated blows. You weren't going to last very long at all like this. You were screaming and crying, swearing to god that you were gonna die.

"Beg, pipsqueak. Beg and maybe I'll stop. Maybe." D'kota smirked at you, yet you refused to beg. You weren't going to give her that satisfaction. So what if you died? You barely had any friends as it is, and your parents were gone half the time. Who would miss you? You didn't know. D'kota kept hitting you and your screams grew louder. The pain you were in multiplied with each blow, tears falling down your cheeks. Then, newfound strength hit you, the pain disappearing into a dull throbbing. You didn't know what it was, but assumed it was adrenaline. You kicked the girl who was holding you downs' kneecap and she cried out, letting go of you. You grabbed the metal pipe from D'kota, ripping it out of her hands. Now you began slamming the pipe into her skull, over and over again, not even caring to stop as you heard a sickening crack and life began to fade from her eyes. No, you only stopped when you were sure she was dead. Her friends had ran off, and you knew it wouldn't be long before the cops showed up. Biting your lip, you dropped the pipe and sprinted off and into the nearby forest. The school cameras likely had caught the entire thing on camera, but knowing this damned town, they wouldn't care if she had been about to kill you. Oh no, they'd only care that you had killed her. You smiled at the thought. You had killed her! It felt so good, so right. You liked this feeling that killing her had given you, the sense of power it had with it. You could just tell that that wasn't going to be your only kill. You longed to feel blood on your hands now, and you liked the thought of killing again. You were deep into the forest by now, feeling the adrenaline begin to fade. You were going to be in a helluva lot of pain here soon. You kept running, wanting to make it as far as you could before the pain took over your body once again. You began to feel the pain return, and it was now that you pushed yourself to an even faster sprint. You couldn't afford being too close to the edge of the forest, you didn't want to be caught. You screamed as the pain hit you like a speeding train. You collapsed right then and there, black at the edge of your vision. The darkness threatened to take you, and it did. Right before your eyes shut you saw something black and white. You couldn't make out what it was though. It seemed only time will tell as you drifted off into the comforting, painless darkness of unconsciousness.

          A/N: First chapter done! Thank the gods! This chapter is short, I know, the future chapters should be longer than this. I hope they will, at least. My original plan was to make this a Ticci Toby x Reader, but after talking with a close friend about how few good Laughing Jack fanfics there were, I decided to change it. Again, this is my first x Reader, so please, no rude comments about this. Thanks for reading! :3

Snapped And Sane (Laughing Jack x Short! Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now