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          God dammit everything hurt. That was the only thought truly forming in your head as your eyes slowly fluttered open and you groaned. You realised there was someone standing over you, looked to be a male, staring at you intently with a twisted grin on his face. It appeared he was a monochrome clown, dressed in black and white. His nose was even black and white. It was a bit creepy, considering there were some dark stains on his clothing that almost looked like blood, but you couldn't really tell.

"Hehe... morning gumdrop." The clown chuckled, his clawed fingers brushing gently against your cheek. You were more confused than scared at the moment, but you bet you'd be scared shitless once you fully came to your senses.

"Who.... who are you?" You asked, staring curiously at the clown. He frowned.

"Aw, not even scared, gumdrop? How sad. Well, I'm Laughing Jack, but you can call me LJ." He grinned at you, showing his sharp teeth. You shrugged, studying him a moment as you tried to figure out what to say.

"First off, I have a name, and it happens to not be 'gumdrop'. I'm (Y/N), and why would I be scared of you?" You simply stated, watching as his grin disappeared for a moment before returning again.

"Well gumdrop, you should be scared of me because I'm a murderer." His twisted grin really didn't phase you as much as it should've.

"And you think I'm not?" You smiled at him. His twisted grin somehow managed to widen, which looked even creepier.

"I've made quite the find then, haven't I, gumdrop?"

"Stop calling me gumdrop." Your eyes narrowed, but he only laughed.

"Okay gumdrop, your adorable." You felt your cheeks heat up and you looked pretty angry. He laughed, muttering something that sounded an awful lot like 'so cute'.

"S-shut up!" You said, embarrassed. No one had even called you cute before, much less adorable. And you most certainly didn't expect the first person to call you such things to be a clown. An apparently murderous one, at that. The tall clown bent down so he was eye level with you. He lightly tapped you nose, saying "Boop." as he did so. He smirked at you.

"Make me, gumdrop." He then stood back up, crackling with laughter as he did so. You tried to sit up, muttering curses as you did so. Everything hurt, and the pain intensified as you moved.

"Nonono. Lay back down gumdrop, you're hurt pretty badly." He pushed you back down onto the mattress where you laided and pouted. This only made him laugh, of course. You finally looked away from him, taking in your surroundings. You were in a black and white room with blood clearly splattered on the walls. There was candy scattered on the floor and all flat surfaces in sight. Some was brightly colored, while some was monochrome, just like LJ. The only thing that was even slightly normal was a brown door. There were other doors, yes, but they were either black or white. There was blood splattered even on the brown door, which was probably the exit. You looked back at LJ, whom had resumed staring at you.

"Stare much?" You asked sarcastically.

"Yes, actually." He answered bluntly. This time you laughed, but quickly forced yourself to stop. You rips hurt like utter hell when you tried to laugh, probably meaning some of them were broken.

"Ow." You muttered. You took a shaky breath, but the pain in your ribs clearly wasn't going to subside any time soon. LJ frowned.

"Are you alright, gumdrop?" He actually looked kinda concerned.

"Stop calling me gumdrop and I'd be better." you remarked. He laughed, shaking his head.

"Not gonna happen, gumdrop!" He grinned, before his grin faded as he looked into your (E/C) eyes.

"I mean it, though. Are you okay? You're obviously in pain." You sighed, wincing as you did so.

"Mentally or physically? Oh wait, nevermind, I'm not okay either way." You smiled, forcing yourself to not laugh. LJ chuckled.

"I'll be right back, gumdrop. Don't get up so you won't be in anymore pain then you're already in, m'kay?" He said and you nodded. He turned and walked over to the brown door, opening it. He ducked under the doorframe to get out and shut the door behind him. You hadn't realised just how tall he was until you saw him have to duck to leave the room. You waited for him to return, looking around the room to the best of your ability. There really wasn't much of interest, minus the candy. Your stomach growled as you looked at a Reese's Cup, still in the wrapper, laying on the nightstand beside the bed. You seriously wanted to reach for it but your arms didn't want to move. You tried to move them but they refused. You groaned and gave up, sighing as you stared at the ceiling. A few more minutes of blankly staring at the ceiling passed before you heard the doorknob turn and a familiar clown entered the room. He was followed by what appeared to be a male in a black hoodie, dark, bloodstained jeans, and a navy blue mask with black tar-looking liquid flowing down from the pitch black eyeholes. This made you wonder if he even had eyes.

"This is Eyeless Jack, but you can can him EJ. He'll fix your bones and stuff." LJ stated. His name answered your question, he didn't have eyes. EJ glared at the clown-or, tried to-but soon just shook his head and walked over to you, not even going to try to correct LJ. EJ seemed to study you for a moment before sighing.

"Quite a few broken bones. Let me go get my supplies, I'll be right back." The eyeless man said, turning and walking back out the door. Your stomach growled again and LJ frowned.

"Hungry, gumdrop?" He asked and you nodded. He picked up the Reese's Cup you had been eyeing earlier and opened it, feeding it to you. You wanted to say that you could feed yourself, but since your limbs didn't want to move, you really couldn't. So you just ate without complaint, finishing the candy rather quickly. 

"Who needs normal food when you can have candy?" The clown remarked, picking up a Hershey's bar off the ground and opened it, beginning to eat. You stared him down.

"Gonna share?" You asked, watching him eat the chocolate bar.

"Nope!" He said, continuing to eat.

"Meanie." You said, looking away. He laughed, then broke some off and stuck it in your mouth. You gave a muffled 'Thank you' and ate the chocolate. EJ walked back in, cleared away whatever candy was on the floor so he could set his stuff down. He pulled out a needle. 

"It's best for you to be unconscious for this, or it's going to hurt worse than it did having your bones broken, uh.."

"(Y/N)." You continued for him. He nodded, then injecting whatever was in the needle into your forearm. Soon after, you got dizzy and your vision began to blur. You then slipped off into unconsciousness. 

          A/N: Over a thousand words, thank the gods! Most of these chapters are likely to be about 1,000 words, maybe a little more, maybe a little less. I'll try to keep it close to 1,000 words so I don't get tiny chapters. Again, if you find any mistakes, please tell me. I think that so far this is actually going pretty good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go get a Reese's Cup. Or two. Or three. And maybe a Hershey's bar too.

Snapped And Sane (Laughing Jack x Short! Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now