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                                  - - - - - - - - - -     LJ's POV    - - - - - - - - - -

          I left EJ to take care of (Y/N), pretty sure that he wasn't gonna try to eat her kidneys or anything. I walked downstairs to chill with the others. BEN and Jeff were yelling at each other, something about cheating in Mario Kart. I shrugged and ignored them, walking into the kitchen to see if I could find any candy. Masky, Hoodie, Toby, and a tall, dark brown-haired female were all eating, Masky and Hoodie eating cheesecake while Toby and the girl were eating waffles. The girl was our newest edition, by the name of Hunter, and her and Toby were awfully close. I wandered if they were dating they were so close. She booped Toby's nose and he booped hers. Then he whispered something to her and they both got up and went over to Masky, poking him and yelling 'HEY MASKY!' over and over again.

"TOBY MULTIPLIED!" BEN yelled, who had apparently just walked in on Hunter and Toby poking Masky repeatedly. He raced off and I laughed, shaking my head as I walked over to the fridge, opening it. I found a bunch of frozen Twix and took a few of them out, setting them on the table. I opened one and started eating as I watched Toby and Hunter annoy Masky. I finished eating all of the Twix I had taken and then wandered into the living room. I sat down on the sofa, watching BEN and Jeff go at Mario Kart again. Masky, Hoodie, Toby, and Hunter wandered into the living room soon after. BEN suddenly screamed in rage as he finally lost to Jeff, throwing the controller. The controller nailed Jeff in the forehead, which only pissed him off. 

"C'MERE YOU LITTLE GLITCH!" He yelled, taking his knife out of his hoodie pocket and racing after the startled BEN. Jeff threw his knife and it narrowly missed Jane, whom was walking down the stairs. She took out her knife and raced after Jeff. EJ walked out of my room and down the stairs, shrugging as he just walked into the kitchen, probably to grab a kidney. A piece of cheesecake slammed into the side of my head, making me scramble to my feet. A very startled Hoodie stared for a moment before sprinting off, me hot on his heels. I tackled him and pulled out some candy, lifting his mask and shoving it down his throat. I was wacked in the back of the head by something squishy, probably a kidney, as for out of the corner of my eyes I could see Masky throwing cheesecake at EJ, whom was throwing kidneys back at him. Hunter and Toby had grabbed some waffles at some point and where throwing them at everyone. BEN, Jeff, and Jane were crashing into things, mainly BEN in his attempt to escape death. It was pure chaos.

                                  - - - - - - - - - -     (Y/N)'s POV     - - - - - - - - - -

          You awoke to yelling, screaming, banging and crashing. You groaned and sat up, feeling only dull throbbing rather then searing pain now. You looked down at yourself, seeing only your left arm in a cast, and that was about it. What about all your other broken bones? There was no way they were already healed. You shrugged it off, not really caring at this point, as long as you weren't in a lot of pain. There was clothes laying on the end of the bed, clearly intended for you. It was a simple pair of jeans and a black V-neck T-shirt. You slipped your ripped clothing off and put on the clothes you had been given. After deciding your wild hair looked decent enough, you wondered out the door and downstairs, towards the crashing, banging, yelling, and whatever other racket there was down there. You were met with quite the sight; A blond elf, probably about your height, dressed up like Link was being chased around by a male with long, shaggy black hair, with seemingly no eyelids and a eerie smile carved into his cheeks, holding a knife. A pale female with black eyes and lips was chasing the male, also holding a knife. LJ was shoving candy down the throat of a male with a black ski mask that had red eyes and a frown on it and was wearing a marigold hoodie. EJ was throwing what looked like an organ at a male with a feminine white mask and a tan-ish jacket. A brunette male wearing orange goggles and an odd, mouth guard thing that almost made it look like he had a wicked smile on his face was throwing waffles at everyone with the help of a tall, dark brown haired female. In all honesty, it was a pretty funny sight. You started laughing, unable to stop yourself. Everyone froze and turned to look at you.

"Oh my god..! You guys are hilarious..!" You said between your fits of laughter. LJ walked over to you and patted you back, smiling. 

"Breathe, gumdrop, breathe!" He said, for you were now laughing so hard you weren't making any noise. The others were still staring.

"Uhhh... LJ, who is this?" The male with the white, feminine mask and the tan-ish jacket asked. Your laughing fit faded into a smile so you decided to speak up.

"I killed someone after the broke a few of my bones, LJ found me after I passed out. Brought me here- wherever here is." You said and he stared for a moment.

"..Alright. LJ, you should take her to Slenderman, make sure that she can stay. I doubt you'd want her killed, am I correct?" LJ nodded.

"Will do, Mask face." He said, chuckling.

"Don't call me that unless you'd like to lose that nose of yours." The man snarled. LJ rolled his eyes.

"Fine Masky." He said.

"That's better." So now you knew the man's name was Masky. You glanced at LJ, whom was staring at you.

"I guess you get to meet Slenderman, then. This'll be interesting." He said, holding out his clawed hand to you. You took it and he led you up the stairs.

          A/N: FINALLYYYYY!!!! oml wow that took foreverrrrr- Okay, so, the pastas fighting is like my all time favorite thing to RP, it was something I came up with one day and just found sooo freaking funny. Lol- i'm weird.

Snapped And Sane (Laughing Jack x Short! Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now