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          "Why the hell is this place so big?" You complained as LJ led you through yet another long, twisting corridor. You wondered how he even knew his way around this place it was so damn big.

"It's a mansion, gumdrop." He responded, chuckling as you rolled your eyes at his nickname for you.

"Are we there yet?" You questioned. He glanced at you.

"I swear, gumdrop, if you start playing the 'are we there yet' game, somebody's gonna die."

"Who? You?" You snickered as this time he rolled his eyes. You finally came across a set of huge wooden doors that looked brand new. LJ glanced over at you, sporting that twisted grin of his.

"We're here! Alright, uh, you have any clue who Slenderman is, gumdrop?" He asked. You thought a minute, and then old stories you had been told came to mind.

"Tall, faceless dude that can read minds and all that shit?" LJ nodded.

"Yup. Be careful what ya think, I've gotten my candy away before just by thinking something I shouldn't have. It was the end of the world!!" The last sentence was pretty overly dramatic, making you laugh.

"Definitely." You responded in a slightly sarcastic tone, grinning. He rolled his eyes, then pushed the door open. He motioned for you to follow him, so you did. The room he led you in was pretty big, and a desk with two chairs in front of it was the main thing in the room. Behind the desk sat none other then the tall, faceless jackass that apparently these people worked for or something like that.

"That's not a very polite thing to say about me, child." A booming voice rang through your head made you attempt to cover your ears, but your efforts were in vain. Ow- fuck- that hurt- you thought, looking up at Slenderman.

"Forgive me child, I did not intend to speak so loudly." His voice rang inside your head again, yet this time it was a helluva lot quieter and didn't hurt near as badly.

"I-It's alright, I didn't intend to think that about you, my mind just kinda does it's own thing." You responded, giving the tall man a slightly nervous smile. He only nodded, turning his head towards LJ. The room was silent and you suspected LJ and Slenderman were having a conversation of their own. Finally, Slenderman 'looked' back at you.

"Child, I will allow you to stay. Although, I will not be responsible should this result in your death. You will stay in Laughing Jack's room until we get one set up for you. Dismissed." He said, then you and LJ happily left the room. The doors shut behind you and you both turned to each other.

"Hear that, gumdrop? You get to stay in my room, which means I'll let you have all the candy you want- as long as you ask me first." He said and you laughed.

"Okay!!" You responded, grinned at him.

"Let's head back downstairs so you can officially meet the others, m'kay?" He grinned as you nodded, grabbing your hand and practically dragging you back down the hallways. Considering the long strides he took, you knew you couldn't keep up with him anyway so you just let him drag you along. You finally made it downstairs, where everyone was just finishing cleaning up the mess they had made.

"Alright everyone, this is (Y/N), and she's gonna be staying with us! Introduce yourselves!" LJ shouted, getting everyone's attention.

"You're not the boss of us, why should we?" The blond elf questioned.

"Because you need to be social." LJ growled, shoving your towards the group. You gave a startled 'Eek' and nearly face planted. The elf caught you, smirking.

"Hey there beautiful, I don't think you need to fall again; I bet the fall from heaven hurt enough as it is." He chuckled. It took you a minute to think of a snarky response for you had never been flirted with before. It was awkward for sure. The elf was cute, yeah, but not your type.

"Fall from heaven? P-lease, I ascended from hell, thank you very much. If anyone fell from heaven it would've been you, because It seemed you landed on your face and messed it up." He stared at you for a moment, a rather offended expression on his face before just dropping you.

"Rude." He said, also muttering something under his breath that you didn't catch. LJ chose this moment to walk over. 

"Oi, BEN Drowned. It's rude to drop a girl. Oh, and, she has every right to reject you, you are pretty ugly after all- not to mention a jackass." He said, smirking.

"I'm not as ugly as smiles over there." BEN pointed towards the male with the smile carved into his cheeks and no eyelids. The male walked over and hit BEN on the head with the hilt of his knife.

"Care to say that to my face you fucking bitch?" He snarled.

"Certainly Jeff. You're ugly as fuck." BEN responded, batting his eyes at the smiling killer.

"Why you little-" BEN took off in a dead sprint, Jeff hot on his heels. You struggled to keep yourself from laughing. While BEN and Jeff raced around like a bunch of idiots-which it honestly seemed they were- LJ took you around to meet the others. The male with the ski mask and marigold hoodie was Hoodie, the boy with orange goggles and the mouth guard was Toby, the dark brown haired girl was Hunter, and the black-eyed female was Jane. After you had met all of them, a little girl with brown hair, green eyes, and a pink dress skipped over to you.

"Hello!!! I'm Sally, do you wanna play with me??" The little girl asked sweetly. You couldn't help but smile; it was a little girl, afterall.

"Sure thing, Sally! I'm (Y/N)!" You said. Her face lit up and she took your hand, dragging you upstairs. LJ followed, chuckling as he did so. You were brought into a pink room with some blood splattered on the walls, a pink bed, and a bunch of stuffed animals and dolls. There was a mini table set up in the middle of the room that had stuffed animals and dolls sitting at it.

"Let's have a tea party!" Sally said excitedly, turning to you.

"I have a dress you can wear, too!!" She giggled, racing over to the closet, digging in it. She pulled out a dress, but didn't let you see it. You only caught a glimpse of silver fabric. She shoved the dress in your hand and the pushed you into the bathroom, closing the door behind you. You sighed, shaking your head, then beginning to slip out of your clothes so you could wear the dress.

          A/N: Whew! Another chapter done! I find it really fun to write this story, and you guys seem to like it, too. This chapter had more cussing, i did indeed add the 'f' word because, well, Jeff is known to use it often. My first softball game is Monday, so then is when my updates will begin to slow down a bit. Hopefully they won't slow down too much and I'll be able to keep adding chapters. Anyyyywaaayyyyy, tell me if you find any mistakes so I can fix them!

Oh, something else I want to add is, until I add a 'Perfect' at the bottom of the chapters, I'd recommend looking for updates. I get new ideas sometimes and may add stuff as I go along.

Snapped And Sane (Laughing Jack x Short! Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now