Alpha douche

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Hey guys this is my first book hope you like it

( picture of Crystal's dress on the side)


Crystals p.o.v

"Crystal! Get up!" Kyle yelled.

"I don't want to."I mumbled into my pillow. I heard footsteps thudding up the stairs. My door flew open letting the light stream into the dark room.

"Kyle,"I groaned. It was far too early for my brain to function.

"Sis you have to get up!" He said ripping the sheets off me. I curled my body into a ball to keep myself warm. I groaned loudly as I felt the cold creep onto my skin.

"Oh yeah give me one good reason why!"I challenged. He sighed before saying

"Maybe, because it's alpha Jason's Party today." with that he left out the door, not even bothering to close it

Ugh. I sat up in my bed. Alpha Jason...his name ringed in my mind. I have never met him, but he has the strongest pack in the country. I've heard the rumours of the big bad wolf but I wonder if he would live up to them. Pushing the thoughts out of my head I headed towards the bathroom. I cringed as my feet came into contact with the cold tiles of the bathroom floor.

I turned on the shower and got in. My muscles relaxed as the hot water dripped off my body. Moments later, I came out and wrapped a towel around my body. I stood in front of the mirror. My blue-green eyes stared right back. My usual jet black hair clung to my head. I sighed thinking of the long car ride I would have to endure. Walking out the bathroom, I put on a black dress that stopped mid-thigh. It clung to my figure nicely and complimented my emerald necklace nicely. Satisfied with my look I trotted downstairs where, Kyle, my brother was scarfing down his bacon, as my mom was glaring disapprovingly at him. My dad was busy on his laptop probably with pack work. I made my way down the stairs and everyone looked up at me.

"Honey you look beautiful" my mom complimented carefully eyeing my outfit.

"You guys look great too. "I said. Kyle just stares at me with his mouth full of bacon. Sometimes it's hard to believe that he was next in line for the alpha.

"What?" I asked. He shook his head dismissing me and continued shoving his face with food.

"We leave in 20 minutes" my dad announced.

"Why do we even have to go to this party anyway?" I asked no one in particular.

"Because this pack has an alliance with Alpha Jason's" my dad said "And as the alpha's family we must attend along with the rest of the pack" my mom finished.

we were the Alpha's family, meaning my dad was the Alpha. I ate the breakfast mom had made for us, or at least what was left over from Kyle.

"What's this party for anyway?" Kyle asked.

"Alpha Jason is trying to find his mate. He is inviting all the packs in Canada trying to find her." My mom said. I rolled my eyes.

"He can't just be patient?" I asked

"An Alpha is weak without his Luna "my dad simply said.

"Being most powerful in the country wasn't enough?" I muttered under my breath. There were a couple minutes of silence before there was a knock at the door.

"That must be Eric. We have to leave now." my dad said. We all stopped what we were doing and walked towards the door, grabbing coats, bags and other crap. Dad was already talking to Eric, our beta.

"You guys ready?" He asked

"Yes, "we said in unison nodding .

"Okay, then the car is ready." Eric said.

"Come on now sis. What's got your panties in a twist?" Kyle said smirking. I growled

"Stop saying that." Kyle smugly got opened the car door

"Never," he said smirking before getting in. I got in right behind him, followed by dad and mom. Dad swiftly pulled out of the parking lot. I looked back as I saw other cars belonging to pack members following us.


"Sis?Sis?Sis?Sis?'' I heard a voice call. My eyes slowly fluttered open. Sun immediately hits my eyes and I groan in annoyance.

"Huh?"I asked whoever was calling me.

"We are here" I heard.

"Where is 'here'?"I asked, sitting up and rubbing my eyes still dazed.

"At the alphas house." the voice who I realized was Kyle said.

"Oh "I reply rubbing my shoulder attempting to get the kink out of it. My back was aching from being cramped in this damn car too long.

"Yeah" he murmured. I looked outside the car window. We were approaching a house-no we were approaching a god damn mansion! We lived in a mansion too, all alpha families do. But this mansion was like the size of five mansions put together! Hell it could be a freaking castle!

"They have a big place don't they?" Kyle asked clearly noticing my mouth that was now hanging open.

"Big? its huge!" I exclaimed, in no way hiding my surprise.

"Well it is what you expect from the most powerful alpha in the country." my brother said.

"Whoever his mate is, must be very lucky" my mom said,

"I don't think so. Whoever she is, she has to put up with alpha douche." I said.

"Come on sis, you haven't even met the guy yet! Give alpha douche a chance." Kyle said repeating my words.

"I'm not his mate, she's the one who has to put up with him" I said coldly

Kyle chuckled. The car came to a halt. We all climbed out of the car and were greeted by a very handsome guy. He looked really young. He wore a dark blue shirt that clung to his body, which hugged his fit body. His brown hair was tousled to the side and his piercing green eyes were looking me up and down.

I presumed he was the beta. My dad snapped me out of my thoughts by telling us that he was going to meet the Alpha along with my mom. The beta's gaze never broke from mine. Kyle noticed and snapped his fingers in-front of the beta's face.

"Dude, stop checking out my sister." He whined. The beta smirked and introduced himself

"My name's Evan I'll be showing you around'' He said. Kyle glared at him but followed Evan as he walked off towards the building. Evan showed us around the mansion and soon we reached the backyard, which was more like a forest. Probably used for runs and tracking. Somehow Evan managed to ditch Kyle with the rest of the pack and pulled me away. I wasn't protesting, I mean Alpha douche for whomever the unlucky girl and hot beta for me.

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