Chapter Six

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Hey lovely readers! I'm really sorry for not updating! I'm such a bad person! I know! I've been encountering writer's block for weeks. But now since my story reach 2000 reads and I have received some good feed backs! Here it is! Chapter 6! Sorry if it's suckish! x

Tiara's POV

As I walk towards Harry, the clearer I get to see the girl. She looks a bit older than Harry and I. She actually reminds me of someone.

"Hey." i waved at him.

"Oh your here. I've been waiting for you." he smiled. The girl clear her throat. Looking at the curly haired boy with her eyebrow raised. "Well, I'd like you to meet my older sister, Gemma." Oh that's why she kinda looks familiar. She and Harry looked alike. Same chocolate brown hair, same beautiful green eyes and same cheeky smile that reveals their dimples. Wow! She's stunning.

Before I could open my mouth to introduce myself, "Hi there, I'm Gemma! You must be Felicity? Harry told me so much about you." she blabbered, grabbing my hand; shaking it. She taught that I'm her brother's girlfriend. Well, isn't this awkward.

"But.. I'm no-" i tried to protest but she continued on talking.

"Your so pretty. Why are you even dating my idiotic brother?" she teased, looking at Harry's direction.

"Gem, she's not my girlfriend." he blurted out, pulling away his sister's hand from mine.

"You two broke up?" she asked, looking back and forth to me and Harry.

"No, they didn't. Actually I'm not Felicity." I verified, placing a hand over my chest.

"Gemma, I've been trying to tell you that I'm not having a date with my girlfriend."

"Then who is she?"

"I'm Tiara, Tiara Williams. Me and Harry are just friends." I interfered, lifting my hand for her to take again. And she gladly shook it.

"Well, this is embarrassing." she admitted, rubbing the back of her neck. She apologized, "I'm really sorry for that."

"It's okay."

"So if this is not a date, then what is it?" she question, having a suspicious look on her face.

I turn my sight to Harry for answers. I can assure you, this is definitely not a date. I just can't figure out what to call it.

"Lunch?" he replied with an unsure tone.

"Okaaay?" answered, not even sure if she's gonna believe it or not.

"Come on Gem, don't doubt on me. We're just friends." questioning her sister. I could tell by his voice that he's hurt.

"It's not that I doubt you, but does Felicity knows about this? How did you two even meet?" she bombarded questions at him.

"No but I would like her to meet Tia. We just meet two days ago while I'm at work." he explained.

"I'm here for summer vacation and I don't know much about this place so Harry gave me a tour yesterday but I left unexpectedly due to some errands and I invited him for lunch to make it up with him." I butt in and explained more further so that her sister wouldn't get the wrong idea.

"Okay, I believe you guys but in one condition?" she offered, raising her one finger. I simply nod, waiting for what she wants. "Free lunch?" she chuckled.

I laughed at her request. "Sure, why not? It would be really nice to have a girl around." I agreed, a 'girl' friend huh?

"Let's go then." she beamed, hooking my arms with her's, walking ahead Harry.

'I'm still here?" Harry yelled from behind.

"No one cares!" she hollered at him, turning around; sticking her tongue out. I laughed at their brother-sister relationship. They kinda remind me of Steve and Jack. Which reminds me, they're probably following us.


After lunch..

Hanging out with Gemma was so fun. It felt like I had a sister I'd never had. It's really not nice hanging with guys all the time. I never had much time with Harry because I was enjoying a girl's accompany, Gemma's accompany. I need to apologize to him for not paying attention to him.

"I'm so full. That was very delicious. Thank you so much Tia. Well, I need to get going. I'll leave you two. I hope we could hangout again sometimes. And here's my number." Handing me a piece of paper. "Text me sometime." Gemma gave her goodbyes and walk towards the other way. Leaving me and Harry behind.

"I'm sorry." we chorused.

"Sorry, for what?" we chorused, again.

"You first." and again, for the third time.

"We need to stop doing that." I grinned.

"I know, so why are you apologizing?"

"I've been talking to Gemma for the whole time and pretty much ignoring you." i said, apologetically. "What are you sorry for?"

"For Gemma, I thought she irritated you but it seems like you like her." he smirked.

"Well, she's very fun to be with and very easy to talk to. Are you sure you two are related?" i teased, we started walking to the other direction.

"Haha!" he laughed sarcastically.

"I actually enjoyed spending time with her. It's really nice having a girl around."

"What do you mean?" Should I tell him? He wouldn't use me for money, would he? I trust him though.

"Um.." I started off hesitantly. "To tell you the truth. Believe it or not, your the first guy friend I had. Well, your the first friend I have hung out with."

"Your serious right? You mean you never had a friend before? Like ever?" he asked with a puzzle looked on his face.

"I had a friend when I was in middle school." I would never forget that girl. I had so much wonderful memories with her until I figured out it was all for an act. She's the reason I'm home schooled.

"What happened?" Should I continued? Ugh! What if history will repeat again? No it will not Tia. You need to learn trusting people.

"She used me." I replied, smiling weakly.

"Used you?" he gasped. "For what?" As we marched down to the park we went yesterday, he sat on the grass. He pat the ground beside him, signaling me to sit down. I obediently followed his order.

"Money." i responded, absentmindedly.

"Huh?" he pondered, tilting his head; looking like a lost puppy.

Where should I begin with? I can't just tell him that my dad is a billionaire. I quickly stand up and looked down at him. "Would you freak out if I told you we're being followed?" i asked, trying to sound calm as I can.

"Well, you're freaking me out." he confessed, getting on his feet. I disregarded his words and pulled out my phone from my pocket. I dialed Jack's number and pressed the call button.

"Jack? I need you. HELP!" I screamed my lungs out, attempting to sound in danger. Before he could answer, I clicked the end button. They will be here in no time. I smirk with my genius plan.

"What did you just do?" he yelled at me with his eyes widen. "Am I in trouble? I didn't do anything wrong!" he protested, panicking.

"Relax, you didn't do anything."

"Then why di-" Before he could continue Jack and Steve rushed and grabbed me, checking me if I was okay.

"Just in time." i smirked.

"What happened?" Steve asked, panting from running about 2 miles.

"Did this boy hurt you?" pointing to Harry. Aww, how sweet of Jack. He sound so concerned.

"Nope, I'm fine. I just want you to meet a friend of mine. Harry? Meet Steve and Jack. My bodyguards."


I'm really sorry! It's boring chapter! I know!

Thank you guys! For all your support! Love you Guys! xxxx

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