Chapter Eight

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Harry's POV

Apparently, with all the thinking I've been doing I suddenly fell asleep, overslept to be exact. It's now 6pm. Shoot! I need to be at Tia's in an hour. I rushed to the bathroom and took a quick shower. As soon as I got out, I wore my Ramones shirt underneath my hoddy and some chinos. I just felt I need to impress Tia. Weird?

I hurried downstairs and saw Gemma sitting on the couch. "You're not coming?" I asked as I walked towards her.

"No thanks, you go enjoy little brother." she said, standing up and rested her hand on my shoulder.

"Okay then, Bye!" I immediately started walking out of our house. "Tell mom and Robin I'll be home by 10." i shouted at my older sister.

"Tell Tia I said Hi!" i heard Gemma yelled from the living room.

"Okay!" I yelled back at her and gave her a thumbs up. Now, to Tia's, I made my way to door. As I twisted the knob and opened it, an unexpected visitor came.

"Fel." My eyes widen as I see her figure standing on our door frame. Her hands are lifted in front as if she was about to ring  the bell.

"Harry. Going somewhere?" she asked, with a confused look on her face.

"What are you doing here?" i asked back, trying to sound calm.

"Well, I came to pay you a visit since you're not answering my texts and whenever I call your not home. I just thought we could have dinner date or something but I guess you've made plans." she answered with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

What to do? Should I tell her? I'm definitely freaking out right now. I can't tell her I'm going to girl's house. She'll definitely get the wrong idea.

"Uh- di- dinner?" i stuttered.

"Dinner? With who?" she raised an eyebrow at me. I can tell she's starting to get suspicious.

"Um, You know.. Some friends." really? Great way to make an excuse. I said to myself. I mentally face palmed.

Gemma's POV

 Finally, my idiotic brother is out. I can have our house to myself. I really want to go see Tia, she's such a nice girl. If Harry didn't have a girlfriend, I always thought that he and Tiara would make a cute couple. Not that I don't like Felicity. I have nothing against her, she's nice too. I met her once but we didn't clicked unlike the first time I met Tia. Harry should pick already. He needs to make up his mind before hurting both of this girls. Wait, why am I stressing myself about this? It's his problem.

I shook the thoughts away from my head and stood up, getting myself something to drink. I walked towards the kitchen when I heard rustling voices from our front door.

"Harry, i thought yo-" before i could continue I saw his girlfriend standing in front of him. Luckily they didn't hear me. I immediately hide and decided to eavesdrop. I kept on listening to their conversation. Seems like Harry's in trouble.

"Friends? Who are those friends of yours?" Fel is starting to get feisty. I could tell she's very suspicious right now.

"Uh-" Harry is really a dimwit. He can't tell her she's going to Tia's. Of course me being a good older sister will save his butt. He's gonna owe me big time.

"My friend!" I suddenly butted in, having two pairs of eyes staring at me like I have something on my face. "He's coming with me to my friend's house for dinner. Right Harry?" I turn my gaze up on him and gave him a 'just play along' look.

"Uh? Yeah. Gem asked me if I could go with her since our parents are out." he explained, sounding a bit unsure.

"Oh, why didn't you say so?" she smiled, lightly nudging Harry's shoulder. "Who is that friend of yours?" looking at my direction.

"Her name is Tiara. She's new to our neighborhood." I look up to my brother pointing to his watch. Looks like we're late. I nod my head at him, hoping her girlfriend wouldn't notice. "Uh. Felicity I'd really love to stay and chat but Harry and I are late."

Harry's POV

"I'm really sorry Fel. I promised we'll have a date some other time. Are  you ok going home by yourself?" I apologized, giving her a weak smile. 

"Uh- Um. Yeah. Sure, i'll be fine." she replied. She looked so disappointed. Guilt is definitely killing me right now.

We started walking out. As we reach the street, I said goodbye to my girlfriend. "Fel, Bye! I'll text you." We parted ways, walking into different direction. 

" You owe me BIG time, brother." Gemma beamed, emphasizing the word 'big'. "I can't believe you made me lie to your girlfriend."

"I know, I'm sorry and thank you. If wouldn't for you, Fel and I would've broken up." I confessed. I am really thankful to my sister. Without her I would have been dead by now.

"Your Welc-" 

"HARRY! WAIT UP!" Gemma was interrupted by Fel. I looked back and saw her running towards us.

"Oh what now?" Gem groaned.

Felicity finally reached us and grabbed my hand. She's panting from all the running. 

"Why? Did you came back?" i asked her curiously.

I waited for her reply. Apparently I wasn't expecting her answer. "Could I come with you?"



A/N: Here's chapter 8! Sorry guys. I know I promised the other day that 'll post chapter 8 but our test was resceduled and I have to complete all my requirements. Good News: they gave us one week vacation. Means more writing time for me! Will start writing chapter nine now! 

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