Chapter Nine

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Tiara's POV

Here I am, sitting on the couch, watching the telly, waiting for our visitor to arrive. It's almost 7pm, Harry will be here any minute now. Mum is a little bit excited. Wait! rephrase that, mum is very excited with Harry coming over for dinner. I think she developed a little crush on him. You can't blame her though. He's pretty handsome, you know. Have you seen his beautiful green eyes? his chocolate curly hair? or his cute dimples that appears when he smiles? Who wouldn't fall for that? I know I would. Wait, what? No Tia! What are you saying?

"TIARA GALE WILLIAMS! GET THE DOOR!" mum's loud voice awakened me from my thoughts, realizing that the door bell is ringing non-stop. I got up from my comfy position and turned off the TV, making my way to the door. Before I opened the door, I stopped for a minute and examined myself if I look presentable enough.

Mum suddenly popped her head through the kitchen door. "Sweetie, you look fine!" she must've notice me being insecure and all. "Now open the door before that cute friend of yours break the door bell." she ordered, going back inside the kitchen.

I took a deep breathe and opened the door. "Jeez, your raping our door bell like there's no tomo- GEMMA?!" I yelled, a little bit shocked. I mean I'm not that surprised that Gemma is going with him but Harry should've texted me that she is coming.

"Heeeey Tiara! How's it going?" she asked, in a weird tone.

"Great, I can't believe Har-" before I could continue she interrupted me when she pinched my arm. "Ouch, what the?" I looked up to her and she's giving me weird looks that made me confused. Then she mouthed 'Harry's girlfriend is here.' At first I didn't understand what she said but then I saw a blonde girl beside Harry.

"I really hope you don't mind me bringing some people? Our parents went out and I have to bring these two love birds along." she asked, giving me the 'just play along' look.

I shook my head. "Of course not! The more the merrier, right?"

"You remember my brother? Harry?" i simply nodded. "And his girlfriend, Felicity." she continued, pointing to the girl beside Harry. I reached out my hand for her to shake and she gladly took it.

"Nice meeting you. I'm Tiara." I smiled which she returned.

"Same here." she said sweetly.

"Come on in. Dinner will be ready in minute." letting them inside our house.

"So, Um.. Harry and Felicity why don't you sit down on the couch while Gem will help me in the kitchen?" i asked, leading them to the living room. After the two settled down, I quickly grabbed Gemma's hand and dragged her to the kitchen.

"Hey mum! This is Gemma, Harry's older sister."

"It's very nice to meet you, Mrs. Williams. You have a lovely home." she exclaimed in a polite manner.

"Why thank you honey and please call me Claire." my mum replied, preparing the dishes.

"Do you need any help?" i questioned mum, looking over what she's doing.

"No I can handle it. Why don't you prepare the dinning table? And where's Harry? Don't tell me you left him all alone?" mum raised her eyebrow, handling me and Gemma the plates, spoons and stuffs.

I hesistated and answered, "Actually he's not alone. Her girlfriend came as well."

"You told me he's single? Aww honey! You must be heart broken. " she cooed, having a sympathetic look on her face.

"I never told you that and besides Harry is just a friend." i groaned, turning my gaze to Gemma and whispered, "Sorry 'bout that. Mum always assume that I have a crush on Harry, which I don't."

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