Chapter Ten

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Tiara's POV

So basically, I'm here in the car with Jack and Steve. It took me a lot of begging before they gave in to come with me. We are currently on our way to the carnival where Harry was supposed to take me. I don't blame him though and no, I don't blame his girlfriend, Felicity, either. I think she's right, I'm tearing them apart. I shouldn't have invited Harry to hang out with me. Maybe I got to excited and never thought that he has other plans too. Well, can you blame me? I never had a real friend since the day my ex best friend used me for money. That was the day when I saw dad got really angry and also the day when he started being over protective and all.

The giant ferris wheel outside caught my attention. That's when I realized the car stopped and we have arrived at our destination. The boys got out of the car, signaling me to go follow them.

"I'm gonna get tickets! Wait here!" Steve beamed as he run off to the ticket booth.

"Tia, you okay?" Jack asked, full of concern with a worried look on his face.

"Yeah." I gave him a weak smile.

"You sure? You seem a bit down today. Did anything happened yesterday at dinner? Is it that Harry guy?" Wow, Jack really knows me so well. They all did. Him, Steve and Wilson understands me more than my dad does. If only I could tell you what happened, Jack. If he knows, the others will know too. I don't want to worry them.

"Nothing happened." i replied, giving him a weak smile.

"Okay." no, it's not okay. He knows that I'm hiding something. I took a deep breathe and frowned a little, hoping he didn't notice it.

"Tia, we know that curly lad was one who was suppose to go with you here and I don't know what is the reason why he can't make it. We may not be him but I'm gonna make sure we're going to have fun." he said sincerely.

Why did I get so lucky to have a bodyguard that acts more like a brother to me? That was so sweet of him. Without thinking i hugged him, "Thank you Jack!"

"Woah! What's with all the hugging?" Steve asked, holding the tickets in his hands.

"We're just talking about how much fun we will spend on this carnival." i smiled, pulling out of the hug.

"Then what are we standing here for? Let's go!" he said, as he rush through the entrance. He seemed pretty excited. I laughed at his cheekiness. Steve can be a bit immature for his age. Maybe this day would turn out to be good and maybe I'll forget about what happened yesterday, hopefully.

"Come on, kiddo." Jack invited, tousling my hair. He walked ahead of me, following his blonde haired buddy.

"Hey!" I whined, making him look back at me. I smiled at him, running towards his direction. He lifted his arm and slung it around my shoulders. We catch a sight of Steve waiting impatienly for us, making us chuckle.

Jack's POV

Something's wrong with Tia. What is she hiding? I swear if it's that curly haired dude. Who knows what I'm gonna do to him.

"Jack come on! Let's go ride there!" Tia begged, pulling my arms.

"Okay! Okay!" I'm really glad she's back to her cheerful self. She's like a little sister to me. It doesn't look like taking care of her is my job, it seems like it's just a normal thing for me to do.

We spent hours of riding here and there, playing different carnival games and watching Steve try to win one.

"I'm hungry! Let's go buy food!" Tia demanded, pointing towards the food stall near us.

The both of us turned our gaze to the blonde lad, hoping that he'll buy, food for us. "I'll go get it." he sighed, sounding a bit exhausted making us laugh. He started walking away from us , towards the stalls.

My phone started ringing. I immediately pulled out my phone and stared at the caller id, 'Harry Styles'. You might be wondering why I have his number. Well, I asked him for it and gave him mine, just incase something happen to Tia. Why the hell is he calling?

"Aren't you gonna get that?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at me. "Who is it?"

"Erm. Wilson. He probably wants to check things up." i lied. I need to talk to this guy. Tia was really happy for the past few weeks but after last night, she seemed a bit down.

"I'll just answer this. Wait here." she nodded and I turned around, walking far from her. I clicked the answer button and placed the phone over my ear.

"Hello? Is this Jack?" the curly lad on the other line asked.

"Yeah, this is me speaking. What do you want?" i muttered, keeping my voice as cold as possible. He made Tia upset. So there's no reason for me to be polite even if he's a friend of my boss' daughter. "What happen last night? Do you know how frustrated Tiara been because you didn't keep your promise to her?" i whispered that turned out to be more like a scream.

"I know. I know I messed up. That is why I needed your help, please. I'm keeping my promise." he pleaded. He sound sincere and I am pretty convince besides it will make Tia happy.

"Fine. How can I help?" I asked.

"Well, a little while ago I went to Tia's house but her mum told me she went to the carnival with you so I decided to go there. I'm here now at the entrance. I gonna suprise her." he explained further of his plan. I really hope this will make her feel better. I hope he will make her feel better.


A/N: Well, that's about it! I know, short boring chapter. I got really busy for the past few week. School work and stuff. I'm really sorry for putting you guys on hold. Good news! 4000 reads! Yay! Thank you so much! xx

And because Christmas is coming soon, i will do Take Me Home Oneshots! It is where you pick a song from the album and i will base a story to it. Get ready with your requests. SOON!

Oh yeah, almost forgot. I will be dedicating the next chapter to a random commenter.


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