😬Doing Me😬

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Yani POV

I was in class as usual bored as ever. I grabbed out my phone checking to see what time it was. I seen it was around the time to go to lunch so I got up and went to go wash my hands as usual.
I applied hand sanitizer afterwards.

I sat back down looking around the class to see Kentrell. He was cute but I couldn't date my best friend. He's more of a god brother to me so that's just plain up wrong.

Sincere, my brother, and him were born a week from each other. My moms loved Kentrell moms so we just claimed his as god brother. Kentrell sister Eisha is very beautiful and my best friend. I couldn't stand when she asked me about him.

All of us are 13 except for Eisha. Little 12 year old. Birthday stands at March 7 babes. Kentrell birthday is October 20. So he's way older than me. The bell rung pulling me outta my seat into the lunchroom where nasty greasy pizza was made.

I got my tray and sat with Eisha, Nyla, Dee, and. Kentrell. My brother always comes late. I didn't really think much of it so I just did me.

Kentrell asked me "You still single sis" I smiled as he looked at me. I nodded my head. "Welp imma put you on with someone" He said to me.

"Kentrell I like this one person but nobody else so." I said to him as he sat closer to me to talk to me as usual. His accent got deeper and heavier as he began to talk to me about the person.

It was like he was mad but I don't tell people my personal business cuz that's just my way. That's the number uno rule in life and everywhere else. Kentrell should've known that by now. "Kentr-" I said being cut off by his grip on my arm.

"My little sister isn't allowed to have any boyfriends or crushes whiteout letting me know first." His eyes glaring into mine as his left eye got black then the other.

I was kinda scared but not really. I just got up. "You always try to control my life." I said before walking to the trash to throw away my tray.

I sat at another table where nobody goes at. I put my head down. Thoughts of me and him were in my head. The thought of him controlling my life made me even madder.

But we were best friends and god brother/sister. I hated his guts but loved him so much. If that makes sense. The bell rung after 5 minutes of loneliness.

I walked to my locker before the last period of the day began. As I opened it I saw Kentrell flirting with another girl. Good for him I thought to myself. He's probably happy with her anyway. I couldn't hold a grudge just because of earlier.

I get stressed and annoyed easily so whatever the case be. The bell rung for the first time telling us to get in class. Kentrell came up to me grabbing my arm tight.

"Why you always acting like that?" He asked me knowing I don't tell my business. "Kentrell get out of my way." I told him as he began to get even more frustrated.

I walked away for about 5 seconds before he kissed me. I looked at him as a fool. I slapped him then walked away crying a little. I can't believe he had did that. It didn't make sense to me.

I had a crush on him but just never wanted to tell him. I ran in the girls bathroom looking in the mirror. Why is he doing this to me? I thought.

I walked into class about 5 minutes later to see him and another girl talking and flirting. I was probably the only girl who never tried to get at him. It was ridiculous how he could just do that to me and go back to another hoe.

I tried not to seem bothered so I just kept my feelings to myself. "Today class we will right a quick right on your future. And afterwords share it to the class. You guys have 10 minutes. Which starts now." Mrs. Griffin said before putting the time on the board.

I seen Kentrell look at me and smile. I held my feelings in. I looked back over to my paper focusing on it more than him.

I hated his guts but loved him so bad. I told him everything and he knew I stopped talking to him about stuff because he gets mad easily.

I wrote about my life with my brother and me doing hair for a living. Which I currently do now. I just didn't wanna get to deep in talking about my brother because it's dangerous about talking about his personal life mixed with mine.

After my last sentence the timer went off. "Anyone wants to go first." Mrs. Griffin asked. I nodded my head and raised my hand. I walked up to the board and began my small paragraph.

"When I was younger I didn't have it all. I lost my father and only 2 people have been there for me. My brother and Kentrell. But I love both of them for helping out my depressing stage. And I really don't like to speak on my past but that's the only way I'll ever get over it. My brother took me in and cared for me every night and day. So I wanna do hair to provide for me and him when he's not able. And I will always be thankful for my mother even though she wasn't here. I also wanted to say that in my future I'll always talk about my past. And until time hits I'll always speak my mind and do my favorite thing hair." I said before another hand went up.

I sat down as I seen Kentrell was up there talking about me and my brother who helped him a lot. And even though I was there he wants to spend his life with a special someone get married and have a lot of kids. I just didn't know who and we always talk about this. It was probably just some random thing popping up in his head as he was writing.

I dozed off as the others spoke as the bell run and I went home.

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