Chapter 10- Troubles Begone

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10:30 A.M. Thursday

Ed's POV

Ed wanted to have a job that required him to do basically nothing. And he knew the perfect place.
Ed: "Freya's Anime Convention."
The building was in front of him. He was here yesterday, but was told to come back today.
Ed: "Well, here goes nothing."
Ed walked up to the door, and noticed something on it. A note. From the owner.
Ed: "What's this? *starts reading note* Notice: Freya's Anime Convention is being relocated. This means it will be closing after closing time this Friday. Thank you."

Ed was a little shocked by this. But he was still wanting to be the night guard. He backed away from the door for a second and heard talking behind him.
???: "So, which girl would have sex with?"
???: "Probably that white fox, or the red fox."

Two perverts walked into the convention, but didn't seem to notice the sign about it closing.
Ed: "Boy, a bunch of asses are going to be disappointed when they come here and get greeted with a closed door."
Ed decided to go inside, time was ticking. He walked inside and the first thing he heard was yelling.

???: "What do you mean I don't meet the requirements to work here?"

Ed walked towards the source of the yelling. It was in the manager's office. Ed peeked in and saw two men in there. One must be the manager, probably the one furthest from the door.

Manager/Mairusu: "Sorry, but from what your answers say, you are too dangerous to be around those girls."

Man: "Um… Oh, what if I, uh, do your paperwork for you?"
Manager: "Ah Ha! Now I know you're a fucking pervert."
Man: "I ain't no pervert!"

Manager: "Get the fuck out of my office!"
The man then grabs Mairusu by the neck and starts choking him. Ed had to do something about this.

Man: "Listen here, I don't care what you say. I WILL work here, I WILL fuck all those girls, and I WILL-"
Ed: "DIE!"
Man: "What the?"

Ed charged at the man and slammed into him, causing him to drop the manager, who got up and grabbed a silenced pistol from inside his desk. The perverted man got up and faced Ed.
Man: "Who do think you are, you shorty?"
Ed: "A non-perverted teenager."

After Ed said that, two sounds were heard. A click and a crack. The crack was in front of him. Ed saw that the man had a gunshot wound in the center of his head. The man collapsed, dead. Ed turned around and say an angry manager.

Manager: "No perverts are getting to work here on my watch."
The manager looked at the teenager standing before him.
Manager: "Um… Sorry about killing him in front of you."
Ed: "I done it has well, having to protect the girls here actually. Had to kill my own brother."
Manager: "Wait a minute, does your name so happen to be Ed?"
Ed: "Yes, sir."
Manager: "Well, I'll be damned. Oh, um, being the manager here, is there something I can help you with?"

Ed nodded and spoke clearly.
Ed: "I'm here for the night shift."
Mairusu: "Well, I don't have a reason to stop you, but I'm going to make you take a little test."
Ed: "Okay."

---Time skip--- 

10:40 A.M. Thursday

Mairusu's POV

Ed finished his test. He signed his at the bottom, like it said to. This indicates that he was done. Mairusu was hiding the dead body under a tarp for now. He was going to let the others deal with it.
Mairusu: "Alright, you done?"
Ed nodded and handed it Mairusu.
Mairusu: "You sure you don't want to change your answers?"
Ed froze for a minute before nodding again.

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