Chapter 7- Адская ночь

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3:47 P.M. Tuesday

Mairusu's POV

Mairusu was in his office doing paperwork, like always. That is when a teenager that looked like was 18 years old.
Mairusu: "May I help you?"
Teen: "Oh, um, yeah. I'm here to see about this night shift. I need a job, that's all."

Mairusu was a little sceptical about this teen, but (Y/N) was 19 when he applied for the job.
Mairusu: "Alright, just one question."
Teen: "What is it?"
Mairusu: "Are you alright working from 12 A.M. to 6 A.M.?"
Teen: "I'm alright with that."
Mairusu handed the teen a uniform.
Mairusu: "11:00 is when you should be here."
Teen: "Yes, sir."

---Time skip---

10:55 P.M. Tuesday

Enddy's POV

Everyone knew about the new guard. He was a teenager, but Enddy wasn't going to let that get in the way of protecting his girls. In fact, Enddy took Ed's knife and found a way to attach it to his tail.

(A/N- Enddy's tail looks a little like the image below.)

Mangle argued about Enddy's makeshift 'spear' being unnecessary

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Mangle argued about Enddy's makeshift 'spear' being unnecessary. Enddy didn't listen and just kept telling Mangle that it was for 'safety reasons'.

The time turned to 11:00 and the new guard entered, but what Enddy noticed was the smile on the teen's face. That perverted smile. Just as Enddy thought that, the teen wasted no time walking towards Kid's Cove.

Teen: "Welp. I doubt that this husband of yours will mind if I give you a good time."
Enddy's rage was rising to where steam was coming from his vents. Mangle looked terrified, because no one can do anything until 12:00 A.M.

Teen: "I bet everyone wants to see this sex session of ours."
The teen grabbed Mangle under her arms and dragged her to the center table. He then stripped her down and started to play with her womanhood. Mangle was in tears and shaking. Even if Mangle didn't want to, she let out little pleasured moans. The others were just doomed to watch this unfold.

Teen: "Okay. All wet and satisfied. Now, we can get sex session on."

That is when something snapped inside of Enddy. Enddy literally forced himself to move towards the teen. The others were in awe by Enddy's move, but it was short lived. Enddy's eyes weren't his original colors. They were red. A blood red. His head was spazzing out violently.

 His head was spazzing out violently

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