Chapter 4 : Demonology 101

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I stepped into the cafe. Not Devins, it was one I found a few days ago. It was a quiet place on the edge of the main district of the building. As far as I was aware, no one from the building should be here. It was busy from the lunch rush but I didn't really care. Death was just behind me, the walk here was nearly silent. We sat down at a booth and was quickly helped by a waitress. She took drink orders and gave us menus.

It was once again silent. I was nervous and it wasn't hard to tell.

"Calm down Elly. No ones dying." Deaths voice broke me from my staring at the table. He seemed very neutral. Almost indifferent.

"Sorry, I don't mean to waste your time." I looked up and made eye contact. His crimson eyes looked back at mine and I couldn't tell if they made me more comfortable or made me want to disappear.

"Elly, you've asked me here and I can tell something is really bothering you. As of two years ago, it's happily my job to take care of what ever fears you have." My heart skipped a beat. That's right.

After Devin finally talked to me about everything, telling me we were siblings, talking about all of the shit I didn't know about my childhood, I finally remembered my full past. There are no more gaps and it's a gift and a curse. Apparently Lucy was waiting for this to happen for quite sometime because after, she adopted us. She had wanted to adopt Devin for years back when he was younger but after she learned about me she waited so she could take both of us. With Death being engaged to her now, that makes him my official dad.

"Yeah.. I know. You're just always so stressed and busy I feel bad."

"Don't. I do it to myself." He was telling the truth.

"I guess I'm just worried about Devin. Have you noticed anything strange about him?" For a split second I saw a bit of shock in his eyes. He quickly returned to normal and readjusted.

"So that's what this is about. At first I thought you were going to tell me your pregnant." He spoke smoothly and without hesitation. My face turned bright red.

"Oh no no no. That's not it at all. And normally can't you like instantly tell that kind of stuff? Well I mean Indigo and I have talked about it but we're not even officially married yet, and even if we did we would, we'd have to finish the house and that probably won't happen until after the snow melts because I don't think we want to bust down a wall while it's still this cold and that would just be a lot of work and there's a lot going on right now so I just don't think that's gonna happen soon but I do want kids an-"

"Elly," He stoped me. "It's okay." He had a grin on his face. I'm glad my nervousness amuses him.


"But you asked about Devin. Yeah, I noticed. I thought he would have told you about it but I guess I was wrong. He's a stupid kid." Death rolled his eyes and huffed. "And if you don't know I can only assume Lucy and Lillian are clueless as well."

"About what?" My mind focused down on the topic. My face slowly cooled off.

"Devin is weird. I don't have the right to go into detail on why, it's not my place to reveal that information. However, because of a few different situations, he is a demon who's possessed by a secondary one." He looked at me with both hands on the table.

"H-how does that work?" I tilted my head. I really don't know a lot about demons.

"Demonology 101, quick lesson." He gestured with his hands as he talked. He lifted his hand and held up the number 3. "For now I'll only talk about the three types of demons that apply to this situation. Fallen angels, possessive, and blood born. Fallen angels, which is what Devin is, are people who were born with Celestial energy. Depending on what people do during life can cause this to grow or decline. Because of your pasts, Devin Fell from grace when he died and became a demon. Possessive demons are ones without physical bodies. They rely on the negative emotions of others to exist. Sometimes they roam freely and eat energy in the air like ghosts at cemeteries. Most however latch onto someone with strong negative energy and feed off of them. When they do this, they can slowly take over there hosts body. If this happens the person is so mentally broken that they can fight back anymore and becomes hidden in the very back of there mind while the demon runs free. This doesn't happen often but is never good. The third kind are blood born. No matter what kind of energy a person has at birth, if they spend there life committing evil deeds and over all being a trash human, they become a blood born demon when they die. This is how most demons are born and this means any race from any realm has the ability to become a demon. Even though this is the most common demon, becoming a demon is often rare." As he finished out drinks were delivered. We broke topic while the waitress was present. Once she left I took a slip of my lemon aid.

"Okay. So Devins a Fallen angel, but what about the other two? How do those relate?"

"Your mom is a blood born."

My blood froze. My stomach twisted into a knot the size of a football and the urge to vomit shot to my throat. The glass in my hand shook violently and I set it down in fear it would spill. I put my hands over my stomach and tried to remain calm. I took a few deep breaths and looked up at death.

"Where is she?" He looked at me. Silence filled the space and it felt like the world continued while we were frozen in time.

"Are you sure you can hear this right now?" He wasn't saying this out of pity. His face had no traces of sympathy. He was asking out of only integrity. Devins integrity.


"Because of those circumstances I mentioned earlier that I can't disclose, you parents files were removed from the general archives. Your mother is a possessive type demon that latched onto Devin. I'm sure he didn't even know at first but over the years she had to have been slowly eating at him. Your dad, is a blood born but not a normal one. Most are derived from violence or over emotional actions during life. But he didn't do much of anything. He's what we call a SorrowSworn. Demons born from pure guilt and loneliness. My guess is he is roaming around the Demon realm blinded by shame." He leaned back in the booth. "Few people can see Abigail." Her name has never come out of his mouth before. I didn't know he knew it. "Singh, myself, and maybe a few others know she's there. She isn't always visible but if you really focus you can see her. Recently she's been easier to see. She knows I can see her so she never comes out around me. Same with Singh. But if it's gotten to the point where you can as well then this is bad."

"I haven't seen her, but I sensed her last week when Devin visited me on my first day back." My mind rushed with thoughts. This is a lot of information to process. I always thought my mom was gone. I'd never have to worry about her again. It sounds like that is the case with my father though.

"I assumed you saw her. I didn't know you could sense auras." He seemed confused. "Dumb question but you are human? Right? And haven't been trained on this stuff?"

"Yeah. And yes. As far as I'm aware I'm just a blunt human." He stopped. His eyes dig into mine for what seemed like minuets. I could feel his presence all around and something struck a nerve somewhere in the back of my mind. I flinched hard and shook my head. "Stop please." I looked up at death a little hunched over from the uncomfortable vibe.

"Sorry, I was just looking at something." He still seemed a little in thought.

"Anyways... what can I do about this? How do we deal with it?" I took another sip.

"Well, He could get rid of her with help but if he hasn't already asked he probably won't. I couldn't guess why."

"He's stubborn. He doesn't get help. Someone could probably confront him about all of this and he would ignore them." I sighed. This is bad. Really bad. Devin and I can't do anything about our mom. I don't care how much he's changed. Confronting him would probably make it worse.

"I figured it was something like that. Do you think anyone could get through to him?" Death actually grabbed his menu and started reading it.

"Maybe Lucy. I could have if things were different between us. If things hadn't happened how they did." Eyes flashed in the back of my head but I shook my head again and they left before doing any damage.

"Okay... I can talk to her about this. Perhaps you should ask Lillian about this."

"That's what I was thinking. Hopefully she can help." I picked up my menu as well. I really didn't feel like eating with this knot in my stomach but I knew better then to skip meals.

"On another note, how are you?" We didn't look up from the laminated sheets.

"I'm okay... still anxious, but the nightmares are getting better." My voice was a little shaky.

"That's good. Better at least. Just let me know if you need help with anything else. I'm happy to hear from you." The waitress came and took our orders. For the rest of the time we had, we talked about Deaths Engagement and when he was gonna tie the knot. He also mentioned Indigo and I have been engaged for a long time now. It's been about a year and a half. A few other people have asked about it but I've given them the same lie.

"We're waiting until we're completely ready."

It wasn't a full lie. We're waiting until I'm ready. Until I feel safe in my own body.

In the best circumstance. I want Pestilences dead.

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