Chapter 5 : Nirvana

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After talking with Death my head was lighter but my heart was weighed down. I told Indigo everything I knew about the situation as well as What death told me. I feel bad about keeping things from him so I've gotten in the habit of keeping him on the same page as me. It makes me feel better about the glued together pages behind us.

The rest of the week went by as normal. Lucy texted me letting me know Death filled her in as well and I set up a lunch date with Lust. Apparently she had something to talk to me about as well. Convenient.

The weekend was different, Indigo brought me around town and we check out some places nether of us had been before. We ate out some new places and spent the days exploring. It helped take my mind off of all the drama going on. We even stopped at some local shops in the District just to chat up some old friends. We spent a few hours at Zaire's shop helping him out and I convinced Indigo to check on Azazel and Puck.

Ever since the battle clash Azazel had been different. She never uses magic anymore and won't tell anyone why. Puck and her live together and run the shop. The place still smells like iron and she never talks about that ether. Puck is held under an oath of silence. We've tried getting it out of him.

He's a shy guy. No one trusted him for the longest time and he ended up getting super depressed. He and Ryan get along extremely well so he's always had at least two people to go to in town. Both Puck and Azazel have a long history with Pestilence but they don't talk openly about it. The building questioned them multiple times and I'm sure they've told the higher ups but it's not common knowledge.

Monday arrived before I knew it and I had revived a letter directly from Gabe the night before. It was weird seeing him. He makes me uncomfortable for some reason and I can't put my finger on it. The letter was from God. He found someone to intern under me for the archives. I'm meeting them today at work.

The early morning was business as usual. I got ready for work as I did daily and Indigo saw me off. I listened to my same old music while I walked leaving one headphone out. I still get a little paranoid walking alone but the routine is making me less so. I absentmindedly entered the building and took the stairs down. I unlocked the doors and pushed them open.

Apparently the new intern is an early riser. God and who ever this new face is, beat me down here.

They stood in the center of the room and their eyes latched into me as I opened the door. I had dressed up a little bit more then normal today but that seemed to be a mistake. God was in his Norma attire but she was comfy casual. A teal drug rug and bike shorts. She didn't look cold but I would be freezing in those shorts. Her skin was darker then I expected. I guess I'm just not used to it. Her hair was what really caught me eye however. The side shave was even deep magenta so I assumed it was natural or freshly dyed. The pink spiraled over her shoulder and curled wildly. She flashed me a wide smile. Her lipgloss glistened in the light of the room.

"Good morning Elly. This is your new intern. I figured I would show her the Area while we waited for your arrival." God turned to face me while he talked. I looked back at him as I hung my coat. I could feel her green eyes digging at me. I didn't know how to feel.

"Oh, well that's good to hear." I pried my boots off and stepped forwards. Her hands were held behind her back and she stood proper.

"Hello! My names Nirvana Lee. It's good to finally meet you Miss. Grim." She flashed a sweet smile.

"I'll leave you two. Let me know if any issues arise or you have questions Elly. You know where to find me." We both were still as he left the room. As soon as the door clicked shut she stretched and sighed. Overdramatized.

"Oh dear! He's quite a guy. intimidating." She walked behind the desk and sat down spinning the chair. She propped her bare feet up on the top of the desk and leaned back with her hands behind her head. "So. What's the plan boss."

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