Chapter 1 : Stacked Papers

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January was coming to a close shortly and some new things popped into existence. The Afterlife building officially put up a noticed for a new archiver. God came to me personally hoping to would fill the spot until someone could be an official replacement. I agreed, getting into a routine would be good for me.

If he had only sent a message I would have declined but he came to me in person. I still don't trust him from the whole Electra thing but he's coming around. I'll be getting payed again which means more money for the house. Once spring starts Indigo is dead set on adding more rooms. Right now there's only three. The living and kitchen, A bathroom, and our room. We need to put in some full windows to replace the temporary ones and make sure everything is properly finished.

Last night I slept fairly well. Normally I'll wake up once or twice just out of habit but I managed to get a full night. At least I don't remember waking up.

I'm heading to the building for the first time in awhile. Indigo doesn't really like the idea but I would feel bad being able to help and declining. I had my phone fully charged and a lunch packed knowing how busy I was going to be. The archives have been empty for awhile. I'm sure there is a ton of backed up files needing to be entered into the computer and sorted away.

I strapped on my boots and threw my jacket on. I haven't seen some of the faces from the building in a while so I dressed up a bit. A tight gray tank top under an old, brown vintage blazer Libby gave me. I had on white skinny jeans and my brown heavy boots. My socks stuck out just over the rim of the boots showing off the gray plaid. My hair was pulled back and I stole Indigos Black hat for the day. I couldn't find mine.

The sun was just coming up as I closed the front door saying a quick goodbye to Indigo. My body was hit by the cold but my jacket kept the heat in well enough. I jumped down the stairs and heard the wood creek from my weight. My foot prints were left behind me from the fresh snow all from last night. The yard was pristine in the morning light. The pink hue of the sky blended with the pinkish tone of the snow and glistened. The clouds had past leaving a bite in the air. The powdery snow was kicked up as I walked down the snow covered trail to the main road. Well have to shovel again. Perhaps we can get the road plowed again if we're lucky. The walk was filled with silence of the morning so I popped my headphones in under my hat and put on some music.

Walking alone always gave me paranoia but I'm hoping I can push through and get over it. There isn't always going to be a monster around every corner. Despite my efforts I still found myself turning my music down so I could hear my surroundings and surveying the area. Some kids were getting ready for school, Devins cafe was bustling, the building was noisy as always.

"Welcome back Miss. Grim." The robotic man behind the lobby desk greeted me upon entering.

"Hi, God said I could pick up my keys here?" I pulled my headphones off and rested my arms on the counter.

"Correct." he reached under the counter and revealed a key ring. He set it in front of me.

"Thank you." I smiled a bit and took them. Stepping towards the elevator, I looked at the floor it was on. This thing moves fast but I figured the stairwell would be just as swift. Turning to the door to my right I pushed it open and was greeted with the stairwell. Looking up I saw an endless amount of stairs spiraling upwards. The railings and perspective made me slightly dizzy. I turned away and made my way slowly towards the basement door. The knob was cold and dusty. It clicked as I turned it.

Inside was the landing. The doors to the elevator were to my left and the large oak door to the archives stood before me. Memories flushed back into my mind but I shoved them away.

I picked my head up and carefully pushed the key inside the lock. The sound of heavy metal shifting sounded from within the door and I felt the magic dissipate.

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