Chapter 9 : Chronic Migrane

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I woke up sober and actually feeling well rested. The sun was already in full swing, blinding me through the curtains. The bedding was a mess and my clothes were pulled around my body uncomfortably. I got up after straightening myself out. I made the bed as memories from the night before swing back into my mind. My mind grew dizzy at the thought of them knowing a good deal of information but I forced myself to walk into the living room anyways. Nirvana was no where to be seen but Alyssa was in the living room watching something on the TV.

"Morning." She looked over to me and smiled. "How did you sleep?" I walked towards her and sat in the other end of the couch.

"Good I guess. I feel different."

"That's something at least. You were a bit of a high mess last night but I'm glad you opened up. If you need and ear anytime, don't be afraid to come over and vent. Or just chill and get away from everything for a while."

"Thanks. I might take you up on that."

We exchanged numbers and she gave me the passcode for the house as well as the address.

"Like I said, don't be afraid to start focusing on you and take some starts to getting better. It sounds like from your story, medication if any kind isn't going to be an option."

"Yeah, that's kind of been ruined for me."

"But don't just wallow in self pity. Here." She stood up and grabbed her bag. Digging in it for a moment she pulled out a small card and handed it to me. It was a business card for a dance class in the main district of the city. "Ask for Luciana, she's amazing. Her classes helped me with my self body image a lot."

"Thanks. I own you guys a lot for all of this."

"Don't worry about it, having been low before, I know you can get better and if I can help prevent you from making my mistakes, it's a win in my book." She stood up and walked towards the kitchen. "Nirvana headed into work this morning. I don't blame you if you want to crash at home. But work helps keep bad thoughts at bay."

"Yeah, I should probably go home. Indigo is probably extremely worried about me."

Remembering I have a life outside of yesterday, I quickly went downstairs to retrieve my jacket and phone. Everything had been picked up and put away but I found my belongings as well as many miss calls from Indigo. I put my jacket on before calling him back as I returned upstairs. I slipped my shoes on and waved Alyssa goodbye as I exited the house with my heavy jacket and bag in hand. Just as I pulled my jacket on, indigo answered.

"ARE YOU OKAY?!" His voice was sudden and loud.

"Yes, I'm sorry I didn't answer. I was sleeping. I did text you I was sleeping at Nirvanas right?" I adjusted my purse and began walking to the subway.

"Yes but you didn't answer any of my texts after that. We're does she live? When will you be back? Should I be worried about you or her?"

"Indigo, it's okay. I'm fine and doing better actually. We talked a lot and her girlfriend gave me a lot to think about. I'm in the Floral district and on my way home right now."

"Okay. I was just worried. I'm at home, I almost sent out a search party for you. You've gotta give me more details next time."

"I'm sorry. I'll explain everything in detail when I get home. I love you."

"I love you to, see you soon" I hung up, he spoke like he was okay, but I could feel unease in his voice. I felt guilty for not answering his calls earlier.

I put my phone in my pocket and pulled out the card Alyssa gave me. I slipped it into a card slot in my wallet before putting in my earbuds and pulling my gloves on.

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