4. Don't Make Deals

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I had managed to avoid Alek the majority of the week. The only time we were really forced to interact with one another was in gym and lunch. Other than that, he didn’t try to talk to me and I didn’t try to talk to him.

            “I’m so excited for tonight!” Mia said wrapping her arms around my waist. We were at lunch now and today was Friday. The day we’re all supposed to go hang out.

            “Do you guys just want to show Alek around or do something?” Nathan asked.

            “What do you mean?” Rachel asked him.

            “Are we just gonna walk around and point out things for him or are we going to do something? We could go bowling or go to the top of the world.” He said.

            “Top of the World?” Alek asked. “What’s that?”

            “It’s the view of the whole city,” Mia explained. “There’s a steep trail you walk up and then you get to look across all of Salt Lake. It’s really beautiful, especially at night.”

            “Top of the World is just the ghetto name for it.” Christian said. “I think the real name is The View or something.”

            “So we can go bowling, eat something there, go to the movies and then go to the Top of the World.” Zoey said, glancing around to see if everyone agreed.

            “Sounds good,” I said.

            “Isn’t there supposed to be a party tonight though?” Rachel asked. “Yeah, it’s Stacey Moreno’s party today.”

            “Are we even invited?” Alek asked.

            Mia chuckled. “Andrew gets invited to everyone’s party. And because we’re all friends with Andrew we’re automatically invited too.”

            Alek glanced over at me. “Really?” he asked, his right eyebrow rising slightly.

            I shrugged. “Basically.”

            “Do you guys just want to skip the movie and go to the party instead?” Nathan asked.

            Christian groaned. “But I really wanted to watch Fast and the Furious.”

            “You can go watch it and the rest of us will just go to the party.” Rachel said a slight smile on her lips.

            Christian glared at her. “I never liked you.”

            “It’s okay, I never liked you either.” She retorted.

            “You’re eyebrows are fucked up and uneven.” Christian said back.

            I busted out laughing at the look on Rachel’s face. She smoothed her eyebrows, looking concerned. “They’re even,” she muttered.

“So what is it, the party or the movie?” Zoey asked.

            We looked over at Alek, since this night was mainly for him. “Honestly, I already watched Fast and the Furious.”

            “We’re gonna part-ay!” Christian sang. “Andrew, do you think you can get me with another girl tonight?”

            “What? With all your charm why would you need my help again?” I said teasingly.

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