7. Eargasm

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“You hungry?” Alek asked, turning off the game and standing up. Not waiting for an answer he walked out of the room.

I sat there, still shocked by his little tease. “Fucker,” I muttered standing up and following him out of the room. We made our way into the kitchen. I sat down on the stool at the counter watching Alek as he took out some food. “So what are you cooking for me?”

“I ain’t cooking you shit,” he said bending over to grab something from the back of the fridge. My eyes wandered across his body until they landed on his ass. They lingered there for a second before I looked away.

“But I’m your guest.”

“That you are,” he said glancing at me with a small smile, “but you’re capable of making your own food.”

“Dude, I’m fucking with you,” he said when I didn’t say anything. “Come help me make a sandwich.” I stood up and walked around the counter where Alek was. He handed me some tomatoes and an avocado. “Cut these up.”

After grabbing a cutting board and a knife I did as I was told. “So where are your parents?” I asked.

“It’s just me and my mom.” He answered spreading mayonnaise on some bread. “She’s the new nurse in the hospital and doesn’t get home until like two in the morning.”

“Wow, so you don’t get to see a lot of her lately?”

“I get a few hours with her, but most of the time she’s either sleeping or working.”

“You must get lonely,” I said glancing at him from the corner of my eye.

            He looked at me and smiled, but not before I caught the hurt in his eyes. “I’m used to it. It’s been like this for a few years now since my dad left.”

            “I’m sorry.”

            “Don’t be. My dad’s a dick, I’m glad he’s not around anymore.”

            It was quiet after that.

“You play the guitar and piano?” I asked astonished. We were nearly done with our sandwich now.

“Well don’t sound so surprised. I mean I may not look like it, but I am talented.” Alek said.

“Well you’ve gotta show me now. You can’t bring up stuff like that without giving me full on proof that you can play.”

“Come on, then.” He said standing up and heading for the stairs. I followed him into his room. He walked into his closet and pulled out a guitar case. Walking to the bed, he sat down and pulled out an acoustic guitar. He handled the guitar with such gentle care, as if it were a new born baby. “Alright, I’m gonna show you something that I’ve never shown anyone before . . . well other than my mom but she doesn’t count.” Alek said looking up at me and grinning. “I wrote this song myself.” And then he began to play and it was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. I found myself watching Alek. His eyes were closed and he had a small smile on his face as he strummed the guitar. I had never realized how beautiful he actually was until this very moment. He was baring his soul to me right now and it was so raw that it almost hurt. The song held everything in it. Happiness and pain and heartbreak and love and I could only wonder how he had managed to put so much into one song. And then the song ended and I felt disappointed that it hadn’t been longer. “So what do you think?”

It took me a few seconds before I could answer. “That was—I can’t even begin to describe how amazing that was.”

He rolled his eyes. “Whatever, it’s not that great.”

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