5. When You Can't Deny It

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After we ate some pizza we decided to just go to the party. “We’ll show you Top of the World another day.” Rachel told Alek.

            Once we arrived at the party it was already a wild mess. There was a car parked in the yard, a girl throwing up in the bushes, couples making out in the grass, and music blasting from inside. I wouldn’t be surprised if a few girls came running down the street naked. The closest parking spot we could find was down the street. “Looks like we got here just in time,” Nathan said beside me.

            “I want to get fucked up.” Rachel said walking slightly ahead of us. “Who’s with me?”

            “I am,” Alek said.

            “Andrew, you’re driving us home,” Mia said.

            I looked back at her. “What? It’s not my turn.”

            “Nathan drove us home last time, I did it the time before that, and Rachel the time before that. It your turn, bitch.” She said.

            “Who you calling a bitch?” I asked grabbing her by the waist and pulling her to me.

            “I’m calling you a bitch,” she said grinning before standing on her tiptoes and kissing me.

            “Get a room,” Alek said walking past us.

            Mia pulled away from me and shoved Alek playfully. He grinned before walking into the house.

            Inside the party was worse than I had imagined. Strobe lights were flashing and people were grinding up against one another and dancing to the beat. A DJ was in the corner with a drink in his hand. It took a few seconds before my eyes could adjust to the lights. Mia took my hand and we pushed past a few people until we made our way into the crowded kitchen. She grabbed a beer off the counter and handed it to me. “You can have one beer.” I rolled my eyes and took it from her.

            “Andrew, you made it!” someone yelled from behind me.

            I turned around to find Stacey. She leaned forward and gave me a hug. “Hey, Stacey.” I said awkwardly hugging her back.

            “I didn’t think you were going to come,” she said pulling away. “What do you think of the party so far?”

            “Pretty awesome,” I answered.

            “Great, I’m glad you like it. You can help yourself to whatever you want. There’s food in here,” she said gesturing around the kitchen. “And a snack bar outside. There’s also a pool out there; and I don’t care if you get naked to get in, but my only rule is no sex in the pool. That’s the only rule.”

            “Okay,” I said. “I’ll try not to have sex in your pool.”

            “No, you will not try. You will not have sex in my pool.”

            I laughed. “Alright, I won’t have sex in your pool.”

            “Good, now go drink or something.” She said beginning to walk away. “I’ll see you around.”

            I took a drink of my beer and began talking to a few people. “How do you like the party so far?” Alek asked me after a few minutes of talking to some random strangers.

            I glanced over at him, wondering when he had gotten there. “It would be better if I could drink,” I answered.

            “You have a beer in your hand.” He said gesturing to my half empty bottle.

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