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        "C'mon! Someone already heard the gunshot! We have to go!" The spectacle man said as I was being fireman-style carried by Rod Ross. I had to fight back. I tried to kick his face, but he was holding my legs tight to make sure I didn't squirm out. My tears were running down my face; I couldn't take this pain anymore.

        "Jesus, Jack, we're coming!" Rod yelled back as we were going towards the exit of my house, I finally got to see my mother. She was slumped against the wall and in her stomach was a knife. I covered my mouth and my tears ran over my hand. My mother was sitting there with a blank stare on her face as if she had no idea what was next, "If you're wondering, that wasn't us. She was like that when we got here." He tried to convince me and I shook my head a thousand times as if that would make it less true. My burgundy hair kept getting in my way, but I couldn't move my hand or else it would shake like crazy. All I could do was watch and endure; those were the two least things I would ever want to do.

        We were at my curved driveway and in front was a black hearse as if they were ready to go to a funeral home. Rod threw me inside and seated himself in the back with his two followers hopping in the front with Zakk as the driver. Next to Rod, in the middle seat, was the briefcase full of money. Money was a terrible thing. Us humans ran on either pieces of paper or circles of metal. Why does everything and everyone have to revolve around it?

        "Fucking drive!" Rod yelled and I covered my ears as they started yelling and as the police sirens started getting louder. I took my hands away and went for the opportunity. I started pounding on the window when Rod grabbed me and held me back. At that same moment, one of the police officers shot the glass, causing a piece to come flying at me. I closed my eyes as I felt the glass bare its fangs and slide down my right eye. I screamed in pain and held my eye. I took my hand back to see that it came back sticky and coated with red.

        "Jesus," Jack breathed and he looked as panicked as I felt. He was huddled in the front seat and held onto the bar near the door as Zakk recklessly drove around, trying to lose sight of the police. I held my eye and I couldn't open it. Everything was happening so fast and it felt as if the car was spinning out of control. I had no say in what happened next. It was like the whole world was against my well being. I opened my left eye a little wider to see what was happening and if I had any route of escape. As expected, there was nothing.

        "Go faster! They're fucking catching up!" Jack hysterically screamed at Zakk who looked like he was one second away from punching the man in the mouth. He did a swift, psychotic turn and the police didn't have time to switch gears and the two cars that were following crashed into each other and the sirens slowly got quiet.

        "There you go." Zakk said sarcastically and Rod grimaced at him and looked irritated. I held myself closer and felt the cut along my right eye. It was a straight line from the top of my eyelid to where my nostrils would be if they were on the right side of my face. There would definitely be a scar. I couldn't cry or else the tears would get into the wound and that would hurt like hell. I had to be strong for another fifteen minutes. Then, I would let it all out.

        "When we get to our base, we'll clean you up." Rod said as if, for a moment, he genuinely cared about my health. I had nothing to say to him, so I just looked out the forever open window. Instead of crying tears, I now cried blood.

        Zakk drove around town via alleys so that the car wouldn't be spotted by the police or any witnesses. He finally parked in the middle of an alley. "We walk now." He said and then as we got out, he grabbed me and put over a blindfold over my eyes though only one could see. I squirmed a bit as his finger brushed my newly found wound, but when he was done, someone threw me over their shoulder and walked to wherever the hell we were going.

        "Do you really think it was a good idea taking the girl?" I thought his name was Jack. I could only recognize him by the voice, "What if she gets out?"

        "She won't; has anyone before?" The voice was closer and it was Rod's which meant he was the one carrying me, "We could also make money off of She's also quick because of her size; I think she'd be useful in a quick getaway."

        "Even I wouldn't be up to that." Zakk muttered and I could feel the irritation coming off of Rod. I felt as if Zakk were trying to hide something from him. Maybe he was stealing, but that would be plain ironic, "We're here," he announced and I heard two knocks, a pause, three more knocks, one more pause, and then two other knocks.

Two, three, two. Not very clever.

        Someone must've answered the door because all I could hear were whispers. I tried to struggle or to even catch a word that they said because I honestly didn't care anymore. I thought that even Rod was impressed with the fact that I stopped struggling. I knew it was fruitless, so I gave up both physically and mentally. I had almost fallen asleep but I realized that I would probably never sleep again.

        "Dropping," Rod announced and I fell on something soft. It was probably a couch. I learned that it was when they took my blindfold off. The blood had crusted onto my eyelid to the point where it was impossible to actually open it. So I opened the other to see more men staring down at me.

        "Do you think this is a good idea, Ross?" A dark skinned man with black braided hair said. He was wearing a white suit with a wine purple buttoned shirt.

        "Don't worry, Pedro. I'm sure that in two years you'll be enjoying her company." Rod nodded with a smirk on his face. Pedro gave an ugly one right back at him, "Clean her up, will you Miller." He said to a blad man wearing a dark gray suit with a white buttoned shirt.

        "Sure thing, Boss." The man said and came closer and I tried to kick out but it wasn't very powerful. He just caught it and put it back on the couch, "so you're a fiesty one. Our Boss has chosen well." He laughed and it caused me to cringe. He took a piece of cloth with some cleaning medicine. He lightly placed it on my eye causing me to scream. I bit my tongue and felt blood come out. He patted it again and I felt a tear come out of my other eye. He then took another cloth and cleaned off the blood, "Aw, shit." He muttered and Ross came by, "She's tainted."

        "No, it makes her even better. I just hope she doesn't scare my other gems." Rod laughed and Miller gave him a unsteady smile. Maybe he was going against Rod Ross' Mafia as well.

        "I'll just give you a bandage and it should be healed in two days but you'll have a scar." Miller finished up as he got out some of bandages from a little case with a white plus on it.

        "You should let me bleed out." I muttered and he looked as if he were about to sap me before he heard Rod give a pleased chuckle.

        "You want to sleep here or would you rather sleep in my room?" Rod asked and I could've never given him a worse look, "Don't worry. In two years, we'll all get our fair share of time with you." He gave me a look of consideration, "I have too many long haired beauties. Cut it."

        That was the worst thing I ever could have heard.

The Critical Puzzle Piece (A Death Note Short) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now