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Everything was going normal for the past few weeks

Jungkook's YouTube video went pretty viral, gaining him more fans.

Finally, the result of his exams is here, oh how hard taehyung had worked to teach jungkook.

Not sleeping and preparing notes for him to study from, teaching him whenever jungkook had a doubt, even if he was sleeping at that time, finding funny ways to make him learn the formulas and definitions, making him coffee and pulling an all nighter with him to study

Jungkook was so thankful to taehyung for giving his time and dedication to make a badboy like him study.

When jungkook would get stubborn and all daddy mode, taehyung would pull off his dominance and make jungkook study by force.

He was the one who will be behind his result

He pushed the students away and shoved himself towards the result board, finding his name while keeping the bull like people away from him as he tried to read his result

"Jeon jungkook.....fail?!" He gasped

No, this cannot happen, he knows that what he wrote in the exam was just like how taehyung taught him, there is no fucking chance that he can fail

"Aish, why are you looking at jeon jungmin's result? Look at yours" a guy behind said to him and he whipped his head towards the result once again

And as soon as he saw his result he cupped his mouth

"Jeon jungkook, A+" he couldn't fucking believe his eyes.

Jeon jungkook, the guy who never used to get more grades than C+ is now on A+ only because of taehyung and he's so fucking grateful to him

He quickly rushed out of the college and sitting inside his car before driving towards taehyung's house, the smile never leaving his lips.

He parked his car in the parking lot and dashed towards his house, ringing the doorbell, anxiously waiting for taehyung to tell him his result.

Soon, taehyung opened the door and jungkook's heartbeat stopped

It does everytime he looks at how breathtaking taehyung looks even if he is doing nothing.

"Jungkook? Aren't you supposed to be in college? What are you doing here?" Taehyung asked.

"I'm here to tell you my result" jungkook said and as soon as he said that, taehyung's breath hitched, heart beating fast.


"Wh-what is the result then?" He asked and gulped

"I got.....an A+" as soon as he said that, taehyung gasped, cupping his mouth and expressions clearly showing that he was startled.

"Oh my God!" He exclaimed before jumping to hug jungkook, taking his heart away at the same moment while the other blushed because of it, heart going crazy.

He bit his lip to stop himself from smiling before gently placing his hands over the other's waist.

"Congratulations" taehyung smiled

"It's all your work" jungkook smiled.

Unwillingly, jungkook let go when taehyung wiggled to get out of the hug.

"I'm throwing you a party!" Taehyung exclaimed

"What? No! That should be me!" Jungkook said

"I said I'm throwing the party, do you understand? That's an order" taehyung smiled, crossing his hands over his chest

Jungkook smiled lovingly at taehyung before bowing

"As my highness says" he said

"Pshh, stop acting so cheesy, bastard" taehyung chuckled.

"Anyways, tomorrow. Be ready" taehyung winked at jungkook

"So bye, I gotta go to college" taehyung said and jungkook nodded.

They stared at each other for a second, something uncanny held in their eyes.

And an instant taehyung pulled jungkook in for a kiss and jungkook immediately kissed him back.

It was a chaste kiss, but it was making taehyung uncomfortable as he pushed jungkook away soon and smiled at him while jungkook had the biggest grin over his lips.

He gently cupped taehyung's cheek and kissed him over his cheek.

"Bye then, see you tomorrow!" Jungkook grinned leaving a confused taehyung with mixed feelings in his heart.

Anger, confusion, pain and a flutter in his heart which turned out to be a blush over his cheeks.

Maybe that's because it reminded him of how Minho used to kiss him over the cheek

But why wasn't he able to push jungkook away? Obviously he doesn't love him, but still.

He is still not over of what happened the day he forgot to visit minho's grave just because of jungkook's stupid act.

But what could he do when jungkook always reminded him of minho?

He saw jungkook sitting in his car, still waving to him with that big grin over his lips

Taehyung held an expressionless face, how could he show expressions when he was so confused over them?

But for now, he needs to prepare for jungkook's celebration party.

Who You?| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now