The Planning

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Franny's POV 

It's been about six moths since Kian and I got engaged. During the that time I was basically  just looking at different ideas for the wedding and I wanted to get an idea of what I wanted. Every now and then I would ask Kian for his opinion and he'd just say, "whichever one you want I think will look perfect." How is that supposed to help me decide which color scheme looks better!?

This particular morning I woke up feeling like crap, sadly Kian got the short end of the stick as we were discussing wedding things. 

"I was thinking about doing like a bohemian kinda vibe, like I want the pastels and the flowers and the lace. What do you think?" I asked. 

"That sounds great Fran, if you love it then I love it" He said. I smiled satisfied. I then grabbed my phone so I could show him center peices ideas.

 "There's a couple of different flower arrangements that I really liked that were creative and cute. Pretty and elegant but not too over the top" I explained. He scrolled through the pictures quickly. "They all look great" he said simply. I rose an eyebrow at him. 

"I need your opinion on which one you like best" I said. He shrugged, "whichever you like best is fine." I rolled my eyes but decided to drop it, we'll get back to that later. 

"Okay... I also wanted to show you the colors of the bridesmaids dresses so the groomsmen can match. Which color scheme do you like best" I said sliding through the pictures with him."I don't know if I'm the best at this color stuff Franny, maybe ask Nezza?" He said. "But I want your opinion" I said stressing the word 'your' as I said it. 

"Fine, let's just go over venues. Would you prefer outside or a church?" I said. "I don't know, which do you think will look better?" He asked. 

I huffed, "just choose one, Kian." 

"This is your day Franny, you can choose" he said. I groaned, I'm not sure why but even though he was trying to be generous I couldn't stand the fact he wasn't being cooperative. "Do you not want to do this!? Come talk to me when you decide you want to get married!" I said storming out of the kitchen to our room slamming the door. 

A few minutes later he lightly knocked on the door. "Go away!" I said sternly. He opened the door anyways. Stupid doors, I wished they locked automatically. 

"You want to talk about it?" He said sitting on the corner of the bed gently. 

"About what? You being an asshole?" I retorted. He cringed, "sure, I'm not quite sure what I did wrong anyways" he said calmly. 

"Why are you getting mad at me? You're the one who's acting like a stupid doormat as if you can't think for yourself!" I said getting upset hold back tears. Why the fuck am I crying? 

"Fran, I'm not mad or even upset. I'm just confused but I'm sorry. You wanted my opinion and I wasn't putting enough of my effort into the planning. I just figured you wanted things done your way because isn't that how most girls are about weddings? It's their special day after all" Kian said patiently.

 "So suddenly I'm just like most girls? I'm just a statistic? And it's not my special day Kian, it's ours! I want your opinion on certain things and you're literally acting as if you could care less if you're getting married in 2 months" I said.

Kian sighed, "Fran, don't take this the wrong way but what's going on? Talk to me, you're never one to act like this. I'm here for you what's up?" He said as he rubbed my arms gently.

I rested my head on his chest, "I don't know I guess I just want you to be more involved. I just want to make sure you're actually excited to get married and aren't just doing this because you feel like you have to" i said. 

"I love you babe, there's nothing more that I'm looking forward to than our wedding day. You're officially going to be mine and I'm going to be the luckiest guy on earth because you will be my wife" he said lightly kissing me. 

"I'm sorry I over reacted. And to think I didn't want to be a bridezilla" I said chuckling. Kian laughed with me, "your not a bridezilla, you're just having an off day and that's okay, hon." 

"Can we just take a nap and cuddle?" I said. "Anything you want princess, well until Gavin wakes up at least" Kian joked. I chuckled already dozing off, "true" I mumbled before my mind drifted off to a dark abyss. 

I woke up about 2 hours later and I could hear noises from what sounded like the living room. I got up to check what it was and it was just Kian and Gavin in the kitchen. 

"Hey—" I was about to say something before I was hit with a sudden and strong nausea. I ran out of the kitchen and into the bathroom to empty out my stomach. Kian was quickly at my side holding my head and rubbing my back soothingly. Once I was done, I brushed my teeth. 

"Ugh" I groaned sitting next to Kian and Gavin on the couch. "Fran, don't take this the wrong way but... I think you should take a pregnancy test" Kian said. I stared at him with narrowed eyes until I realized the possibility of me being pregnant was actually possible. 

"Fine" I mumbled, "I'm going to the store to pick up a test. Watch Gavin and I'll be back in a few" I instructed, "got it" kian said. 

I took my time at the store as I bought the test and picked up a couple things that fought my eye. I had felt a sudden craving for apples and caramel, which I haven't eaten since I was like 8 so it was a bit strange. I also picked up jello because it was calling my name. 

"I'm home!" I called out. Gavin came running with his little legs, "mama!" He called out. "Hey baby" I said giving him kisses all over his face. "Ready?" Kian asked as he walked in. 

"Nope" I said placing Gavin down before I walked to the bathroom. I took the test and waited in there until my timer went off. 

Two pink lines, one said.

Pregnant, the other said. 

Well fuck, I'm screwed. No it's not like last time, you're engaged and you're prepared to have another. Well not really, but is anyone ever really ready to have a kid? I took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom. 

"What's the verdict?" Kian asked. "It's positive" I said plainly. He ran up to me and gave me a tight hug. "Hopefully it's a girl, I want my mini Franny" he said kissing me. I gave him a weak smile, "time will tell I guess." "Are you okay?" Kian asked. I nodded, "yeah, of course! I'm just processing. It's going to take me a moment" I said. 


For the next two weeks I had the worst morning sickness ever. It was way worse than my first pregnancy. I hardly had morning sickness but with this one I can't seem to catch a break, I can't seem to keep anything down. Hopefully it mellows throughout my pregnancy. Currently Gavin was laying with me as we watched Mickey Mouse. Kian was out filming with Jc so it was just us. "Gav, do you want a baby brother or sister?" I asked. "Baby" he mimicked with a giggle. "I'll take that as a yes" I said smiling. 

"Maybe this isn't so bad. I mean people do say that baby's come when they're supposed to and they can change your life. Maybe this is for the better" I thought to myself. 

A/n: Thank you guys so much for over a hundred reads!!! Love you all<3

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