The Epilogue

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Narrator's POV

After a couple months Franny gave birth to two beautiful baby twins. The older twin, but only by 10 minutes was named Nathaniel Jax Lawley, Franny's pick. And his slightly younger sister was given the name of Noah Serenity Lawley.

When the time came of choosing godparents Franny knew who she wanted to choose. Colby and Emily were two of her best friends who had stuck behind her when her life was a mess. They were Noah's godparents. And for Nathaniel she had chosen Bobby and Kristina. After the baptism it's safe to say Franny went way over her set budget but when Kian would bring it up she simply defended herself by saying there's two babies so we need to double the budget. He would laugh but not complain because he would give Franny the world if she asked for it.

After much discussion and arguing Kian decided to get the kids a dog for Christmas when the twins were 2 and Gavin was 4. Franny had been saying a dog was too much responsibility because they had 3 toddlers but she couldn't resist the puppy when Gavin opened the box with holes on it. Sure, she was mad at first but she couldn't stay mad for long because of it's cuteness. "You're going to be in charge of all of the dog's responsibilities" she said in her stern mom voice. "Which means taking her on walks, feeding her, and cleaning up after her. But first, she needs a name!" I said excitedly bouncing almost as much as the kids. "Aura!" Gavin shouted. He'd recently seen the Percy Jackson movies and even though I'm not sure if he completely understands them. He loves the concept of it. Hence, Aura, a Greek goddess name. "That's perfect!" Kian said. I laughed, "it is."

Eventually the time rolled around and all the kids were in school. Kian had been acting here and there but he has moved more into the directing side of filming. He ended up filming the next Percy Jackson movies after putting all his effort to get the job for Gavin's sake. Gavin loved the fact he could go on set and see all the cool behind the scene stuff. Kian was also a reoccurring Youtube original director. When they had a new project they often contacted him. Franny still ran her channel, updating weekly, while they had a family channel as well. The fans loved seeing the kids grow and Franny loved the fact that she was able to capture everyday moments with her loved ones.

While being a mom was Franny's priority, it didn't stop her from achieving her goals. She released her first album which was very successful due to her large and still growing fan base. She had loved the Ace family as a teenager and now her and Kian's family is the go-to family channel for millions of people. But back to Frannys success, she made her dreams come true. Her and Nezza went on their tour together and wore the leotards while being glammed up by her team. Franny was always one to set a goal and achieve it.

Kian and Franny were both living successful lives while still maintaining a healthy family and relationship with their kids. When the twins turned 6 kian begged Franny for another baby claiming Noah needed a little sister for when she got tired of her brothers, which was partially true.

Noah was the definition of a girly-girl, she somehow had her pastel aesthetic going for her since she was in preschool. Her favorite color was pink and she strived to be a singer like her mom. However, don't let the girlyness trick you. Noah was a competitive dancer. While she was only 6 she had the skills of a 13 year old dancer. She was a fast learner. Aside from dance she played soccer for fun with her twin Nathaniel and is on a volleyball team. They loved to play together and go against each other. They always bicker about being the better twin but they're there for each other through thick and thin.

When some kid pushed Noah off the swing on the first day of kindergarten, Nathaniel hit the little boy with his baseball bat. Needless, to say Kian and Franny decided baseball was not for Nate, and he instead stuck to soccer and basketball.

Nathaniel was a carbon copy of Kian, take that as you may. You decide whether it's a good or bad thing. Nathaniel definitely had his dad's energy. He was typically naturally energetic but his photogenic memory made school easy for him. He always made sure to help his partner in crime, Noah, if she ever struggled with anything. He was really protective of Noah. Perhaps too much which often annoys her. Noah often yelled at her twin for breaking her "bubble" of personal space when he hugged her even though Noah loves her twin just as much, she just won't admit that he gives the best hugs.

Gavin was a mixture of both his parents. He looked so much like his dad but his personality was exactly like Franny's. He was put on a basketball team when he was really little but he was still interested in production like his dad. He definitely had Franny's sense of humor too. They would always make the corniest jokes together. He was definitely a momma's boy which neither boy would admit too but both boys adored their mom and held the utmost love and respect for her. He loved going to work with him and seeing his dad direct new films. He also took his role as the big brother seriously. Noah was definitely going to have a hard time dating with her overprotective brothers. After all, she was get dads little princess and was constantly spoiled by him.

Soon Noah was begging for a little sister too claiming her brothers didn't know how to properly play tea party. Which they only played because she would beg them to join her and they would do anything for their sister. Those kids' bond was as thick as thieves.

When the twins were 8 and Gavin was 10, Kian and Noah

finally had begged enough to try for another baby. Luckily for Franny and Kian, they got there wish and in 9 months she gave birth to a baby girl, Giselle Aphrodite Lawley. Take a guess at who picked her middle name. All the kids were obsessed with there new little sister. And as she grew older she became the spitting image of Franny but had more personality traits of Kian.

"You do realize your princesses are going to grow up, start dating, and get married right?" Franny told her husband as they watched 12 year old Noah give 4 year old Giselle a make over. "Nope, they're never dating" Kian said. Franny chuckled, "well if their love life is anything like mine, you're in luck."

Kian made a face, "wait but you got pregnant young." Franny shrugged and laughed, "only time will tell for the kids. I trust them though. I've always had good gut instincts." Kian shook his head, "nope, the girls aren't dating until they're thirty and Gavin and Nate will make sure of that too." Franny laughed at his antics. "Okay, sure. Just wait until highschool rolls around and then we'll see who's right but if the girls have to wait until they're thirty to date then so do the boys because we are a household with equality." "Fran if there was a picture of a millennial mom, you would be the spitting image of it." That comment got him pushed off the chair he was sitting on. Franny laughed, "jerk" she muttered. "What? It was a compliment" he said sending himself.

Franny and Kian have always been unconditional. Their future was unplanned but neither of them would've changed the outcome. They're living their lives with each other, the love of their lives and their bond with their kids is unwithering. Maybe this was unplanned but all the best things are. They were always a spontaneous bunch anyways.

THE END!!! I loved writing this and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it. This was kinda a random book for me to write. I wrote it within a month lol so I hope it's not too all over the place. If this book does well maybe I'll write another. So comment and vote if you want another Frian book!

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