Happy Death Day/2

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I grabbed his hand and I stormed out of the dorms. "Can you explain what you're talking about?" "I keep reliving this day Jaemin. Yesterday, today, whatever, you told me that I have to keep dying until I find who's killing me." "Are you sure it wasn't a crazy dream? It does sound like it." I rolled my eyes and stopped outside "I know it wasn't because number one this is the fourth time and number two watch this." I turned him to face forward and I faced Jaemin. "Sprinklers" The sprinklers came on. "Golf cart" the golf cart sped past us. "A couple is arguing" we heard two people arguing and it was a couple. He looked at me "Wow. That's some crazy shit." I sighed "Yeah it is." We started walking "So do you have an idea of who it could be?" I shook my head "No damn clue. I just want to find out who it is so I can get to tomorrow. I don't think I can keep dying like you told me to." He chuckled "Well I'm a genius. So my plan makes sense. At least more sense than what anybody else would tell you." I slightly smiled "You seem really nice Jaemin." "You're not too bad yourself. I thought you were a bitch last night but now you're nice, a little crazy but that's half of my friends." "Speaking of last night-" I was stopped in my tracks by my boyfriend "Hey babygirl." "Hey Lucas." He gave me a kiss on the forehead "Who's this?" "This is Jaemin. A friend of mine." I turned to talk to Jaemin "Jaemin this is-" We bumped into each other and he spilled coffee all over my shirt "What the fuck?" "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean-" I put my finger up "Silence child. I should've known, this happened yesterday and the day before and the before that." Jaemin gave me some napkins. "Huh? Y/n, you never told me that you guys met up." Me and Jaemin looked at each other. "I did tell you. You just never listen." "Y/n. Um, let me buy you a new shirt." "O-kay. Bye baby, I'll see you later." I tried giving Lucas a kiss but he moved "Mhm. You will see me later." Jaemin walked me to the school store. "You seriously have no taste. Don't pick out that ugly shirt from last time." "Psh. I have great taste, watch this." He picked up the same shirt from last time "See. You wear a medium right? I'm always right." He paid for the shirt and I went in the bathroom and changed into it. When I came out he laughed "Like, I said great taste." I rolled my eyes and looked at the time "Shit I need to go back to my dorm and grab my stuff for class. I'll see you later and we'll talk more." "Okay. See you y/n." "Hey, how about you come to my party later? It's supposed to be a surprise but it's huge and you'll have fun." He laughed "Okay. I'll come check it out."

_Time Skip_

I walked up to the door of where the party was and I went inside. The music was blaring and all types of stuff was being done. When everybody saw me they screamed 'Happy Birthday'. I said thank you to everyone and said hi to a few people and went out back to the pool. I saw Jaemin sitting there on his phone and I went over to him and sat down. "Hey y/n." "Hey Jaemin. Sorry I'm late." "No I actually got here like three minutes before you did. I saw your boyfriend earlier inside. He did not speak but whatever. He went upstairs a while ago. I haven't seen him since." I rolled my eyes "He's jealous and he'll get over it." "You should be allowed to have friends. That's all I'm saying." "Listen, I don't let my boyfriend tell me what to do. Unless we're having sex then-". Jaemin stood up "Okay, time for me to get a drink. You want one?" I laughed "Yes please. Get me whatever you're getting." He walked inside and I texted Lucas and told him to come to the pool since nobody else was out there. Of course he texted back no. I put my phone down and got in the pool while I waited. I went underwater sort of and started swimming around. I went to come back up but I couldn't, my head was being pushed down. After a little while I started running out of air.

I woke up and spit up water all over the bed. Jaemin turned to me with a worried look "Are you okay?" "This shit fucking sucks." "Oh. I'm-" "Shush your mouth!" I smiled "Your Jaemin, I know." He gave me Tylenol and a bottle of water "You remembered." "Of course I did. How could I forget?" I laid back down on the bed.

_11 Death's Later_

I was sitting on my bed confused on what to do and ready to pack and move back home. I heard rapid knocking on the door. I grabbed my bat and went to the door "Who is it?" "Your boyfriend."  I slowly opened the door and saw Lucas standing there "What's up with the bat?" "Nothing. I was just playing around with it." I let him in and walked over to the bed "So what's up?" He came over and kissed me "I think that you deserve birthday sex." I smiled and deepened the kiss "Oh really." "Yeah." I laid down and he got in between my legs. He got on top of me and started rubbing me. He wrapped his hand around my neck "You like when I do that baby?" I smiled "Maybe." I felt his grip get tighter. I started losing air "Lucas.." I tried moving his hand but he didn't move "You're hurting me." "Just hurry up and die already! Fuck!" "What are you doing!? Stop! Lucas..stop!" "No! Fuck! I'm tired of you! You don't let me do what I want, you barely give up anything even though I'm your boyfriend but you think it's okay for you to fuck around on me! Especially with somebody like Jaemin!" I saw the bat out the corner of my eye. I reached for it and as soon as I felt it in my hand and swung and hit Lucas. He let go and fell back. When he released I got up and started coughing. "So you planned on killing me the whole time! It was you each time!" He pushed me into the desk and started choking me again "What do you mean 'each time'?" "I've been reliving this day over and over again. I would have never thought that it was you that did it." I felt his pocket to see if he had the switchblade he always carried. I smiled when I found it and I stabbed him in the chest. He fell back near the window and looked down at the blade in his chest "You bitch!" "Damn right. I am that bitch." I ran to him at full speed and pushed him out. I heard screams from the people outside. 

I laid down on the bed and let out a sigh of relief. My door opened and I saw Jaemin. I ran over to him and hugged him "I'm so happy to see you right now. Why are you here?" "I was coming to give you your earrings and I saw your boyfriend fly out of the window and I got scared so I ran over in here. Was he the one that tried to-?" I nodded "I can't believe it but was him." I looked around the room "This room is such a mess. JJ is gonna kill me." "Let's hope not." We both laughed. "Considering that you just pushed your boyfriend out of the window, that means your single now right?" I smiled and shrugged "I dunno, does it?" He chuckled "I think it does. Would you like to go on a date with me today?" "Does this answer your question?" I kissed him on the lips for a while. "I don't know maybe I need another one." I playfully hit his chest "I'll see you at 7 silly." "See you at 7, princess." I smiled and closed the door "Today has been a few crazy ass days."

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