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Another tear fell from my eye as I stared down at the paper. Everyone's voice became faint as the past best three years of my life flashed through my head. Pulled from my thoughts, someone put their hand on my shoulder. I looked up and it was my manager "Sign it Y/n. The sooner the better." I looked at Kun and he was crying too but he wasn't loud, it was more like the way I was crying. I could tell that he was most likely thinking about the same thing I was thinking about. "Do I really have to sign it? Why can't we just fake it?" Kun said staring at the long brown table. "I don't see the problem now. You two had a problem when we had you two get married and now it's a problem when you two are getting a divorce." I looked into his eyes as more tears fell from mine "You know when you make two people get into a marriage for publicity and to make money for yourself, they'll learn to like each other." Kun looked at me and spoke "Yeah, maybe even fall in love. Think about if we made you get into a relationship for publicity and then you fell in love and we made you two break up." "We're not doing this Kun. You two knew that there was a three year contract." "Well fuck your contract. I'm not signing these divorce papers. I fell in love with this woman. These past three years have been maybe the best three years of my life. Maybe you guys didn't plan for this to happen but you made us do this in the first place. I'm not signing these papers." Kun's manager slid a big yellow envelope across the table to him "This is your contract with me, you can either sign those papers or say goodbye to the best manager that you'll ever have. And when I'm gone, good luck cooperating with your label because you'll be kissing your contract with the label goodbye. The only reason why you're there is because of me." Kun picked the envelope up and stood up. He walked over to the other side of the table to me and both managers. More tears came out of my eyes. He's choosing his career over us. I sort of understand but it just hurts. Kun looked down at me in my seat then back up at his manager "You can have your contract back then." He handed it to him. He held his hand out to me and I took it. He pulled me up "Me and my WIFE will be just fine. We don't need you." "Y/n. You will not walk out like this. I'll tell everyone everything." "Go ahead. Tell them that you two made us get married. Better yet, I'll tell them." My manager sighed "And what about them outside?" She said pointing to the press and basically every news and scandal page waiting for us to come outside and announce that we were officially divorced because things "didn't work out". I shrugged "You got them you. You make them leave. We're leaving though." 

I grabbed my purse and me and Kun walked out into the hall. He turned me around and cupped my face "I'm so sorry about everything. I hated sitting there watching you cry over this." "Don't apologize for anything. You did nothing wrong. I'm just surprised that you took me over your career." "It's not the end of my career. And I'm gonna express this as much as I have to, I'm in love with you Y/n Y/l/n. Being with you made me so happy. You make me feel how no girl has ever made me feel." I felt myself about to cry again, but this time out of happiness. "I'm in love with you too Kun." He smiled at me and pulled me into a long kiss. Once we pulled away from each other our managers came out of the room. "As much as I don't want to admit it. You two were right, this was wrong of us to do knowing how you guys felt about each other. So we'll suck it up as a loss. But what we won't do it tell anybody that this was a publicity stunt." We all nodded in agreement. "Kun. You can keep your contract. It would be wrong of me to take it away because of something that I caused. Now we need to get going." Our managers followed behind us and our bodyguards were in front of us. Our bodyguards had opened the huge doors to the outside of the courthouse. Paparazzi and news reporters started to swarm around us asking a ton of questions while we tried to get through. "Y/n y/n. Are you two officially divorced?" "We're not getting a divorce. We are in love with each other and it will stay that way." "Is the baby rumor true? Is that why you two are staying with each other, for the baby?" "Do you see a belly?" I quickly avoided that question because I didn't want my unborn child to be presented to the world. Our managers pushed us gently so we could keep going "No more questions please."

I let out a long sigh when we got into the limo. "Y/n." "Hmm?" "I want a real wedding. It doesn't have to be big. But we didn't have one. After our daughter is born." "Well I've been begging for a son, so that's what we're getting." "Psh. Yeah right. We're having a daughter, I can guarantee it. We should set the date so we can do it the real way. Just pass it off as renewing our vows." I laid my head on his shoulder "I would love that."

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