Blind Date

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Sorry if it's too long in advance but if enough of you enjoy it then i'll turn this into an actually story
"Maybe I can just tell her that I feel sick and I can't go. Yeah that's what I'll do." I stood up and opened the door and Joy was standing in front of me. "You look amazing." I looked down at my outfit "Really? I'm just wearing jeans and a simple tshirt." "Exactly. So he won't know that you're trying too hard." Joy grabbed my arm and pulled me to the front door. "But I'm not." "Right. Let's believe that." She opened the door and there was a really cute guy with flowers in his hand. "H-hi. I'm Y/n." "I'm Jaehyun, and these are for you." He held them out and I took them "Thank you." "Joy didn't tell me your favorite flower so I went with red roses." Joy took the flowers from me "I'll put them in water. Now go you two." Joy gently pushed me out of the door and closed it behind me.

We got in Jaehyun's car and put our seatbelts on. "You're really pretty Y/n." "Thank you. You are too." I mentally cursed "I meant you're cute. I didn't expect you to be since Joy wouldn't show me a picture of you." He chuckled "She didn't show me one either. I started to think that she wanted me to take her on a date." "Yeah but you gotta love her." He pulled off and we went to the carnival that was around 45 minutes from my apartment. It looked really nice and it was huge. The last time I went to a carnival I was six. The car parked and we got out. We went to the booth and Jaehyun asked for tickets. "That'll be 20 dollars." I pulled out my wallet and gave the lady a 20 dollar bill and Jaehyun looked at me "What?" "I could've paid." I shrugged as we got our wristbands "It's a date. Doesn't matter who pays if we have a good time right?" "I should've paid." I shook my head and pulled him in the entrance

Time had flew by and we had such a great time. We had been on so many rides and we even went on a few twice. We had won each other a few stuffed animals. We got back in the car and he was going home with me to watch a movie and I was going to try to get him to stay the night. "I had a great time with you tonight Jaehyun." "I had an amazing time with you Y/n. And um, if we're going to take this to the next level or go on more dates then I have to tell you-" His phone started ringing. He quickly looked down "Shit. Um, this might be important. I have to take this." "Oh okay." He quickly answered his phone after pulling over. "Hello. Um I'm kinda busy. But- I have to do something. Yes I know but-. Listen can you just give me like a few hours? Please?" Whoever was on the other side of the phone sounded really angry. "Okay fine. I'm on my way."

He hung the phone up "So um Y/n. Is it okay if we take a little detour? It's like twenty minutes, please. It's important." I nodded "Of course." Jaehyun made a U-turn and drove the other way. I think he owns like some huge company and there's something bad that happened at the office. Oh my god, he's rich. After a few minutes we had pulled up to a house. It was sort of small but it looked cozy. He parked in the driveway. "I don't know how long I'll be so you can come in because I don't want to leave you in the car for a long time." We both got out of the car.

He ran up to the door and put the key in and turned it. He quickly closed it when I walked inside. A woman walked to where we were "Oh thank god you're home Jaehyun! You must be Y/n." She held her hand out so I shook it. A little boy came running to Jaehyun "DADDY! YOU'RE HOME!" The boy grabbed Jaehyun's leg and hugged him tight. Joy didn't tell me that he had a child. Another boy came walking from the back of the house rubbing his eye. Two?! But they're both so adorable. "Y/n. I'm so sorry." I looked at Jaehyun "For what?" "I probably should've told Joy to tell you about them. This is Donghyuck and Minhyung." He said pointing to each child. The one that was rubbing his eye, Minhyung, was looking up at me. "Hi." "Hi little one." "You're pretty. I like your hair." I smiled at his adorableness "Thank you Minhyung." "Hey! That's not fair, you got to talk to daddy's girlfriend first!" Donhyuck unlatched from Jaehyun's leg and stood next to Minhyung. "Hiii! I'm Donghyuck. And I'm 4 years old." He said holding up 4 fingers and smiling. "Hii Donghyuck. I'm Y/n and I'm 24." "I'm 4 too Y/n!" I chuckled at them. "They're twins. Fraternal." I heard Jaehyun call next to me "Cute." "Okay guys now let's get you to bed so I can take Y/n home." "But she's not staying here?" Minhyung started pouting. "She can't stay here tonight but she will eventually okay?" He crossed his arms and stomped away "I want her to stay here tonight!" Donghyuck followed behind him "Stop being a meany to daddy!" "Leave me alone Donghyuck! Go in your own room!" I heard Jaehyun chuckle next to me "I'm really sorry honestly. I should've told you that I had two kids from a previous relationship." I smiled "It's okay. I don't mind. I actually already love them." "As you can see they love you too. Can you actually help me get them to bed please then I can take you home?" "Of course." "Okay I'll pay Ms. Kim and then I'll help you."

I went into Minhyung's room. "Hii." "Hi Y/n." I sat in the chair next to his bed "Your daddy told me to come help you and your brother go to sleep." "I'm not sleepy anymore." I giggled "If you go to sleep now. I'll come back tomorrow, I promise." "Really?! Okay then I'll go to sleep. I can't wait for you to be my new mommy and we can play games together and we can bake together. It's gonna be so much fun!" "Only if you promise me that you'll go to sleep." "I pinky promise." I smiled "Good job." "Can I have a hug Y/n?" I melted at his question "Of course you can." I opened my arms and Mark gave me a big hug and I did the same. "Okay. I'm gonna go to sleep now but only because you promised to come back." He laid under the blanket and I turned his lamp off "Goodnight Minhyung." "Goodnight mommy." I left his room softly closing the door and meeting Jaehyun in the hallway.

"I'm sorry that they keep calling me their mom." "Don't sweat it. They want to have a mother around since theirs isn't. But can you spend the night because I sort of told Donghyuck that you would if he went to sleep." "That's funny because I told Minhyung that I would be back tomorrow if he went to sleep." We both laughed quietly. "Well I can sleep on the couch and you can sleep in your room." "Don't be silly. We can sleep in my room together. I'll give you a change of clothes and everything." He softly grabbed my hand and we went in his room. "Thanks for letting me meet your kids on the first date by the way." "It wasn't intentional. There was just a small emergency because the boys couldn't wait until I got back." "It's fine. Who knows maybe in the future i can help you with them?"

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