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"Y/n Y/l/n?" I looked up from my phone and saw the police officer. I got up and went over to him "Hi. I'm Officer Williams. I'm sure that you know where the room is, I just have to escort you for safety reasons." I started walking slightly behind him "No, I know it's protocol. Are you a new officer?" "Ah yes. I'm sort of a rookie, this is my first time getting an assignment at this facility. I've heard alot about you, from officers and Donghyuck. All good things though." I smiled "Really?" "Yeah. Donghyuck really loves you and he seems like a really sweet guy." You sighed quietly "He is, he's always been the sweetest thing ever but he has his episodes. I'm pretty sure you read his file but we were hanging out with friends and he was set off by something that someone said and he ended up hurting himself, we still don't know if it was on purpose or not. We called an ambulance and they determined that he needed to be here until they could get him under control so he couldn't harm himself or anybody else. Of course he's never hurt me." We stopped at the big metal door "Just between us. In here they torture the poor kid. He'll be perfectly fine and they pump him full of medication and he's aggressive and just not what he seems like he normally is." My eyes widened "I can't believe that they're doing that to him." The officer gave me a soft comforting smile "I'll be out here if something goes wrong." I nodded and went inside. I saw Donghyuck sitting at the metal table and he was coloring in a coloring book which caused me to giggle. He looked up and saw me and his face lit up "Hi y/n!" I sat at the table across from him "Hi baby." "How are you? How are the guys treating you?" I noticed that there were cameras and I suddenly had a crazy idea. Even though I know I could possibly set him off I still proceeded to speak "I'm actually barely holding up. I miss you so much and I appreciate the guys so much but they're not you. I need you baby." His face saddened "I'm so sorry that I can't be there. I wish I could just change everything I did. I feel so bad for what I did." "Don't be sorry. It's not your fault that it happened." "I promise I'll be out soon. For you and the baby." I smiled looking down at my belly "That reminds me." I opened my purse and took out the sonogram pictures and sat them on the table. He excitedly grabbed them "Is it a boy or a girl?" "Girl." "Oh my god. We're having a baby girl in 3 months." He put his head down "But I'll probably still be in here." Seeing him so sad made me sad. "I love you Donghyuck." "I love you more Y/n." He went back to coloring and we sat in silence for a few seconds. "Babyboy." "Hmm?" "Did you have medication today?" He shook his head "No. I haven't had it in a few days now. I'm glad though, the medicine makes me feel funny and I get angry easily when they give it to me. I think that they're just trying to find what's best for me." "Did the medicine at home make you feel funny too?" "No. I felt okay. I don't like taking any medicine but I prefer the one at home." "Babyboy, can you look at me?" He stopped coloring and looked at me. "I want you to answer this in all honesty: What else do they do to you?" He sat and stared at me for a few seconds "Well, they give me alot of medication through a tube in my arm. Then they do this thing called shock therapy, but it hurts alot. They say that it's gonna make me better but I only feel better when I escape from getting medication." I felt so sad hearing him tell me what goes on in here. I didn't even notice that I was crying until he held my hands "It's okay baby. It's gonna get better. I'm gonna be on my best behavior and show the doctors that I don't need the medication and therapy that they give me. I'll be out of here so I can be there for you and our babygirl and friends." He gave me a small smile reassuring me that everything was okay. I realized that our time was almost up so I stood up and motioned for Donghyuck to get up too. I went over to him and gave him a long hug "I'm gonna get you out of here. You don't belong here. You're not explosive like they say you are, you can control yourself." Tears poured out of my eyes again and I felt Donghyuck's tears on my shoulder. We stayed like that for 5 minutes until we heard a buzzer, meaning that our time was up. Donghyuck got the pictures off the table and an officer came in to escort him back to wherever they keep him. I had a plan, to sue for what they did. I recorded all of our conversation. I walked out of the facility crying and hoping that suing them would get Donghyuck out of here, for good. 

Idek what this is. I just had a really weird dream and tried to incorporate it into an imagine.

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