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Shots fired

Lazily lounging around where Deckard was busy tuning and customizing his car. The beast he'd selected up above his head as he had previously removed the engine to ensure that it's performance would be precise.

"You not got something that needs installing on your car?" Deckard questions, wiping his hands on a greasy rag before pushing the sleeves of his black crew neck up to his elbows. Exposing his strong forearms as he wanders over to sit beside me. Myself, having taken apart my pistol and was currently cleaning every crevice of the cool metal.

"I have all I need right here," I smirk, showing him the pistol as I hold it up and mock shoot Jr.Nobody across the expanse of the room.

"Of course you do," he smirks.

Suddenly he grows serious. Turning so that he faces me and his broad shoulders block out the world around us as he gazes deep into my curious eyes,

"My mother called. She wants me to do an inside job when we find Toretto. It's all been planned and I need to tell you that whatever happens, I need you to stay away, stay safe; it's not real -"

"Captain Deckard Shaw." Hobbs interrupts what Deckard was going to say. My jaw clenches at the rudeness of the she-hulk that waltzed over here.

I'm sure whatever Deckard and his family have planned- all will be revealed. Just as long as I don't get in the way; which usually means I have to watch Deckards back because he can't seem to watch his six.

"Distinguished himself by acts of gallantry at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. His bold actions saved the lives of hostages and his teammates. Recommendation: Victoria Cross." I smirk as I speak, "Looks like cute, baldy, over here is more of a hero than we thought, Tinkerbell," Dekard throwing me a glare, holding the spanner he had out at me in a mild threat. To anyone else it would look like he was trying to intimidate me. But to us, just a bit of banter.

"The highest honor the British government has ever given. To a traitor." I had the hold back the snarl that so desperately wanted to break onto my face. Deckards mask more set in place as he continues working on the car as Hobbs approaches closer; trying so hard to get a rise out of the honorable man.

Only Deckard and I know what truly happened that day with MI6. I'm the only person that believes him. His story too crazy for anyone else to believe; but I would always know.

"Something about this whole thing just doesn't add up." Deckard eventually breaks his silence. Myself, sliding a dagger from the set I was cleaning in preparation. Hobbs was on thin ice; and a heffalump like him, isn't going to be ice skating long before he goes into the biting cold water.

"Well, that would be the same kind of maths that says a DSS agent, who has a Silver Star for valor, stole an EMP." I pursed my plump lips as I smirked evilly, showing my bright teeth as I sneered, "Sound familiar, fruitcake?"

"Call me something stupid one more time, I dare you. I'm not afraid to show a beautiful woman like you, just how the big boys fight," I pretend to be scared at his threat as Hobbs glares at me, "Ooh, I'm shaking in my boots , big boy,"

"Stay outta this, Megan," Deckard grunts as he steps in-front of Hobbs to direct his attention away from myself as I swing my legs back and forth where I sit. Mockingly, I salute as they move the engine that had been removed back over to the hauling system that will raise it up into the car to be reinstalled.

"You know what, twinkle toes," Deckard sighs, obviously trying to get the attention away from how close Deckard and I are acting, "In another life, I bet me and you could've done some serious damage."

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