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Noblesse oblige

The wind was blowing through her hair, some stranding tickling her face as she hung out of the back window and took in the amazing scenery. The greens of the trees and the depths of the blue of the sky had a smile gracing her face as she took in the wonder of it all.

The intense sun kissing her skin as her free spirit allowed her hand to glide along in the breeze as they drove.

She wasn't even paying any attention to the phone call to Dinkley that was currently commencing.

She just wanted to stop and enjoy the beautiful tranquillity of the peace surrounding them.

Her pleasant thoughts being interrupted by the man's voice on the phone. A scowl making its way onto her face as she climbed back into the truck.

Deckard taking the phone from its perch and making noises into it. A poor effort at pretending that the line was breaking up.

"Give it here, you soft shít," she cursed, leaning forward between the two men in the front and snatching the phone from her husbands hold.

Launching the phone out of the passenger window before settling back into her seat with a triumphant grin. Hattie, hiding her laughter behind a cough; Megan hitting her in the leg to get her to stop.

"That was my phone," Hobbs complained,

"Well, your phone was making too much noise," Megan hummed as she stretched her legs out and rested them over Hattie's lap. The seatbelt was forgotten and not a care in the world as her sister-in-law began to gently massage one of her aching knees.

"I've got you well trained, don't I?" Megan smirked. Deckard turning in his seat to see what she was boasting over before releasing a short laugh at the girl's antics.

"If you're not careful, I'll break you're knee instead of making it feel better," Hattie threatened playfully,

"No you won't," Megan sang as she clicked her fingers and motioned for the blonde to continue massaging.

Deckard sighed as he looked in the wing mirror and watched the relaxed face of his wife in the seat behind him. Content that she appeared to be more at ease in the sun and miles away from the nearest airport,

"Well, I hope this brother is as good as a mechanic as you say he is,"

"Jonah is the best mechanic I know. He's gonna help us," Hobbs casually adds, "That's if he doesn't kill me first,"

"YES!" All jumping at Megan's outburst as she cackles, settling back down into her seat. A grin that could challenge the Cheshire cat lighting up her face as she closes her eyes and lets the wind whip at her face from the window behind her.  "I'm pretty sure everyone you meet wants to kill you, dumpling," she smirks

Unintentionally, Megan fell into a fitful sleep. Hobbs pulling the truck to a stop outside the skeleton of what appeared to be a submarine that had be transformed into a home.

Deckard shaking his head at the other two when Hattie went to wake her up,

"Let her sleep for a little bit." Deckard sighed worriedly as he carefully leaned over between the two front seats and kissed Megan's warm cheek. Brushing a few stray hairs away from her flushed face gently with his fingers as he watches her sleep. A soft sigh escaping her as she curled into the seats a little more.

The others have had a few hours sleep on the flight over while Megan paced and chewed her lip generously. Deckard had stayed awake with her most of the flight, but eventually, he let her be as he saw there was no calming her down whilst she was in the air.

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