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As predicted, it was just before dawn when they arrived.

Cars storming through the once calm valley and fireworks going off as flares to mark their arrival as they approached.

Deckard and Megan had said a few words to each other earlier, before Megan had disappeared into the shadows. Deckard could feel her heated gaze upon his skin, but he was unable to find her location. She hadn't told him where she would be, just vague points that she would move from the east to the west when she needed to. She could be standing a few metres away from him and he wouldn't even know. That was her talent.

She was more skilled than himself when it came to executing a perfect plan. Noticing every detail and manipulating the scenario so that she was in the right place, at the right time. Her targets never expected it when she would strike. As she'd watch the life drain from their eyes and a cruel smirk would be on her composed face as she left.

Today was different, yet the same.

Megan knew she had to be alert. Waiting for her prey to wander into her traps. She would strike with such accuracy, she knew they would be dead before they hit the floor.

The lights ingnited. The cars facing Eteon blinding them from everyone's position as Hobbs made his way into the kill box. ensuring all of Eteon had their attention on him as he gave his speech.

"We call upon our Gods and Ancestors-"

Megan couldn't help but roll her eyes. She never had been religious, yet she understood that others wanted to have understanding in their life and so never questioned anyone beliefs. But this spectacle he was making, was just grinding on her nerves. Her finger caressing the trigger of her makeshift sniper as she watched from her birds nest above them.

She had a clear view and little wind to affect her marksmanship.

She knew she would have a bullet embedded in the craniums of at least 30% of these idiots already if she had her way with the plan. But still she waited. Counting her steady breathes and gritting her teeth against her aching back as she laid in wait.

Megan let a deep chuckle slip past her lips as she watched through her scope the Eteon team begin to fall into dissaray as their weapons were hijacked. Hattie working her magic to halt the oncoming sea of black armour.

A cackle escaping her as Hobbs smashed his large weapon into the ground, onto the pressure place she had rigged up earlier and a car was sent into the sky. Flames dancing around the twirling vehicle as it crashed into those standing too close to the front line and setting off the domino affect with the other cars catching alight.

Igniting their kill zone and distracting the bewildered Eteon team as Megan watched her husband start his engine and begin racng across behind the uneased enemy. Fire surrounding them all and heating their skin to an uncomfortable temperature.

"Light em' up, boys," She purred, the sniper unleashing a loud crack as she fired first and two men dressed in Eteon armour fell to the ground.

A bullet through their heads. A single shot. Two dead bodies.

Hobbs and his brothers gave charge. War cries unleashed into the early dawn sky as Megan hummed from her high position. The shadows becoming one with her as she takes another shot, the gun recoiling into her shoulder and sending an immense pain down her spine, but she had dropped another body. She had underestimated just how long she could sit up here and drop them like flies. Her injuries from her last job with Hobbs still ruing her fun.

Megan had to admit, as she lifted a perfect eyebrow, at the techniques Hobbs and his family were using to eliminate their enemies. As daybrake began to commence, she could see much more clearly how they wasted little energy as they wealed their weapons and watched each others backs.

Naturally, Megan was watching her husband as she open fired again. Her shots mainly on the area around him as she protected that was hers. She ensured that no more than three were anywhere near Deckard at a given time. Her shots accurate and lightning fast as she defended him from afar.

She had noticed his attention was elsewhere, as he picked up a machatte.

Quickly moving her scope, Megan notice the two fools who were grappling with Hattie.


The bullet was nestled deep inside one of their skulls as Hattie used the others shock to overpower him. Hattie quickly turning and smiling up at the tower she knew that her sister-in-law was hiding and the amused smirk on deckards face as he shrugged and moved off to beat the sh*t out of another idiot.

It wasn't long before the small tin shed that the siblings were fighting under was becoming overrun. Even with Megan protecting them from above.

With a smirk, Megan reached out with one of her hands and pressed the first of the small detonaors she had created earlier.

Deckard swore aloud. Loudly.

Hattie quickly overpowered her attacker and the siblings began to make a run from the shed the best they could. The seconds ticking down on the microwave that Megan had set up earlier on the bench beginning its countdown.

The microwave hit zero.

A large explosion suddenly ripped the roof off the small shed and obliterated anyone within a good few feet. Screws and nails firing through the air at the bomb she had planted and the hell she had unleashed.

"Dinners ready," Megan sang as she looked through her scope to see both her husband and his sister checking the device was still working in Hatties arm. Contageous smiles on all of their faces.

Until they noticed the chopper landing and the game changing.

Megan tried to assassinate the group of mugs that were surrounding her sister-in-law. Bullets flying through the heads and chests of anyone that came close. Until, her gun misfired and Megan was out of bullets.

"Fúck a duck," she cursed as she watched a group haul her dizzy ass into the helicopter.

Then, with an open mouth, she watched as her husband got into one of the customised cars with a huge chain on the back. The engine noise almost drowned out by the war cries of everyone else still fighting around them. Hobbs making his way over; pulling on a t-shirt as he climbed into the back. Megan could only think that if he had tie to grab a shirt, he was too busy having his attention elsewhere rather than saving her friend.

Pushing herself to her feet, a pained groan escaping her as she crawled up onto her knees, before climbing to her feet; leaning heavily on one of the support beams as she grabbed the makeshift zipline she'd created earlier.

"Geronimo motherfúckers," she grunted as she pushed from the top of the high tower and fell through the air.

Wind whipping at her face, cooling her sweaty skin and having her grit her teeth in agony at the pain that spread like wildfire up her back at the strenuous activity. Spoling the amazing view that she should have been admiring as she almost flew over the battleground.

Elegantly, her feet connected with the ground running. A scream she tried to stop escaping her as she drew in shaking breathes as she disconnected the caribeaner from around her makeshift harnes and took off running into the sun as quickly as she could.

A heavy limp and teeth grinding as she pushed through her pain.

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