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"Alright," Deckard greeted as I entered our home. Placing my shoes in the cupboard inside the entrance to our London house. We had moved South from Northumberland a few months ago, spring now in full bloom and I was missing the protrusion of all the daffodils in fields surrounding our open planned house in the North East. Everything was more picturesque in Northumberland, every coastline had a grand castle overlooking the land and the beautiful hills were always a lush green. The blooming flowers always seemed brighter, the fresh air seemed somewhat crisper than anywhere else ever visited. It just made it that much easier to forget the troubles of the world when you were surrounded by the magnificence that nature had to offer.

This house we had now moved into was more masculine than what I would like. Very open planned with full view windows into the surrounding woods and the colour scheme seeming to flow from grey to a darker grey throughout the house. It was minimalistic, cold, and made me miss the bright yellow kitchen we had in our home up North. It was unfair really, home was always Northumberland and nothing would ever be able to compare to that.

"Aye" I sigh, Deckard cursing under his breath when he hears my accent being so prominent. It usually meant I was stressed about something.  Chuckling to myself, I move into the kitchen where I could hear Deckard moving around. A mouthwatering aroma filling my nose. Deckard began dishing up our meal. Steamed vegetables and Canarian potatoes- today was a treat day and the batter rich Yorkshire puddings that we being placed on the plates had my stomach growling in hunger.

"I have to go to Mosco, " I grumble. Setting the table and thanking Deckard as he hands me my dinner, "My target is giving me the runaround. She's hiding behind everything she possibly can and I'm sick of playing cat and mouse now," I sip at my iced water as we began eating.

"Is this the one selling black market weapons to the military?" Deckard muses. He could possibly give a helping hand with his previous training. "Yeah, but I don't think I have to interfere much as her contacts are becoming suspicious. They can deal with her. I have uncovered another lead for a different client and I think these two are connected. I'll just visit the local Russians," I think.

"Ah, that's fine." he agrees. With having managed to get a few clients with some less intensive work due to my back flaring up every few weeks if I push myself too far. I was what some people say... bored. Deckard hadn't been complaining. He preferred the fact that I was eighty per cent of the time out of the firing line, for now. But I wanted to get my hands dirty again, and this next case would be a perfect opportunity. If I planned it correctly and anticipated everything that could possibly occur, I wouldn't have to worry about injuring myself and having to step back again to recover.

"I need to gather intel on this nightclub owner anyway, so I'll be busy with that," Deckard says. My eyebrows raised at the fact that the cat was playing with the canary. Deckard usually was one to strike quick and fast. Not have a case hanging around for a few weeks.

"How come?" I pop the last potato into my mouth before helping to clear the kitchen down. Washing the plates and pans by hand as we continue our discussion.

"Things are a little slow at the minute, and I like making the man sweat a little," He explains, putting the last of the glasses away after drying them. Both of us moving through into the lounge area after having made a cup of tea for myself and a coffee for my husband. The plush sofa comforting against my aching hips from walking all day in heels, all because I walked slightly differently due to my back pain. A sigh of relief escaping my plump lips as I turn the telly on low.

"Want me to run you a bath?" Deckard offers. Noticing my aches and pains with his calculating eyes. 

"If you're offering," I smile sweetly, resting my head on his shoulder, where he sits next to me on the sofa.

"My pleasure," Deckard leaning his head forward to place a gentle kiss on my lips. My eyes closed in content as I move from my position to whisper in his ear, his light stubble tickling my cheek, "Pleasure is all mine, Dexy,"

Deckard pulls away and frowns at me. He hates that name. His eyes almost squinting at his slight annoyance. "Is that face meant to scare me, baby?" I pout, "Because you need to work on your Mr bad guy, scary face," Both of us burst out laughing before I snuggle further into his side. Agreeing that we'd enjoy a bit of mundane telly before running the bath. Happily content as we let the world go by and the rain, pitter-patter, against the windows as we stay warm inside. The dark nights perfect for enjoying our steaming drinks and forgetting about all our troubles.


Bit of trivial info here:

Pictured above is Alnwick Castle in Northumberland. Loads of movies have been filmed here, including the broomstick lesson scene in Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone.

My high school was literally on the other side of the road to this castle.

It also has a huge treehouse built around the tree in the gardens that you can sit in and have a meal with the open fire. If you ever visit Northumberland, it's definitely a place to visit.

...I should be on the payroll for the amount of advertising of Alnwick/ Northumberland I've done throughout the entirety of my books.

I understand this is a short chapter, but a mahooooooosive one is on its way.

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