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Passionate Sunsets

"Megan, Sweetheart-" Deckard attempted to apologise as I stormed into the hotel room we were staying in for the night. The grand view across the river as the sun set over the horizon; casting a melody of angry reds and oranges against my pale skin as I pivoted quickly to spit at my pathetic husband. 

"No! Deckard, no..." My voice wobbling under the anger that flowed through my veins. My hands shaking at my sides before I raised a pointed finger to his distraught face as he attempted to step closer to me. His shoulders slumped as the reality of the pain he had just put me through settled into his broken soul, "Do you know how angry, no furious, I am with you right now! I don't think there is a word to describe just how livid I am."

"I tried telling you-"

"Don't even try to tell me you tried. I know you did, I remember. That idiotic, bulldozer, guy got in the way! But I thought you would have made sure that I got the message. That I was prepared so that I didn't feel like someone was ripping my heart out of my chest and crushing it in-front of me!"

"I'm so sorry. You know how much you mean to me. I was trying to keep you safe," Deckard solemnly apologises. His rough voice calming my boiling blood as he carefully takes my hands in his. His calloused fingers intertwining with my dainty hands. Tears stinging  my eyes as I eventually let the tsunami of pain and loss consume me. 

"Anything else. Anything else I would have been able to cope with, Deckard. You know that!" my voice cracking as he opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off, "I thought you were dead! That I'd be all alone." My rage dispersing as the pain in my chest increased at the losses we had suffered through. Tears streaming down my face.

Deckard gently cupped my hot cheek in his palm; wiping a tear away with the pad of his thumb.

"And I don't think I could live without you," I sobbed. 

"I could never live without you," he whispers, pulling me into his chest as I sobbed. Kissing my head as he himself gulped to hold back his own tears, "You're my everything, Megan." 

His strong arms holding my fragile body close. His large hand stroking soothingly across my back as I held him impossibly close. Both of us not saying much after that as we stood there. Doing nothing but holding each other tightly as we wallowed in our grief and sorrow. There were too many shadows haunting us for either of us to remain angry with each other for too long. 

And so, gently, as if not to scare away a timid animal. I pulled away, resting my forehead against his own as I gave him an Eskimo-kiss. Deckard giving out a breathlessly laugh before caressing my plump lips with his own. The kiss barely a whisper. 

"I love you," I breathe, gently guiding Deckard backwards the lavish bed that is the main centre piece of the room. The setting sun casting orange shadows across his defined face. His prominent cheeks bones defined in the burning embers of the dying light. "But don't you dare, ever try something like that again,"

Even the caress of my lips against his as I speak held a deathly promise. He knew, deep in his bones, that I would kill him if he ever broke my heart. 

"I love you more," He whispers, claiming my lips in a passionate kiss as he pulls me on top of him as he lowers himself backwards onto the plush bed. 


The following morning I awoke to the light touch of Deckards fingers trailing over the sensitive skin of my exposed hip. Goosebumps rising at his feathered touch. Those fingers, stained with blood and the lives of those he's rid the earth from, could never harm me. The patterns he traced awakening me from my content sleep as he watches over me.  

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