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A mothers agony

"Megan," Deckard sighs once he sees my frozen state. Immediately placing the babbling toddler down and walking over to me. Pulling me tightly into his comforting embrace as I try to hold back tears. Deckards own shoulders slumping; he needed to hold me just as much as I needed to hold him.

"I miss him," my voice comes out barley a whisper as I bury my head into the crook of his neck. Inhaling his comforting scent. "Me too, Darling... me too,"

"I miss my baby," I try so hard to hold back the tears as I grip onto Deckard so tightly. Ignoring the fact that we had left Owen, unattended, upstairs to be in control of the plane, "My beautiful baby,"

All I could think of was the small baby I once held tightly against my breast. Our son, who had eyes as bright as the sky and a laugh as joyous as a babies could ever be. His small button nose would scrunch up tightly every time he sneezed. His delicate hands would hold onto my fingers as if they were the only thing important to him in the world. His smile when Deckard, his father, would tickle his tiny feet until his cheeky were rosy pink with laughter.

And his still body as his final breath left him, whilst he was nestled in Deckards arms. How his brave soul valiantly fought against the Leukaemia that riddled his tiny form. And even in passing, he is loved deeply by both his parents. Forever our precious baby boy.

"I can't do this," I sob, pulling away until Deckards calloused hands settle on my cheeks. Wiping the tears with the pad of his thumb. Tears in his own eyes as he remembers our son.

"Yes, yes you can. We can do this." His voice barely a whisper, "I can't do this without you, Megan,"

"I gaze over his shoulder to look at the small child that was watching us with interest. Bouncing on his feet as he dances around to an unknown beat.

"Oliver will always be our baby, Megan." A gentle kiss on my forehead, "But Toretto needs us to save his little guy. To get him home safely and away from the sociopath upstairs,"

I took a deep, mind clearing, breath as I tried to focus. Now was not the time to get emotional. Now was not the time to think of the small two year old boy we had to lay to rest.

"I'm gonna kill that bítch," I whisper harshly. The nerve of her to take such a small child and wrap him up in all of this horror was something no child should ever have to witness.  Cipher was dead. She'd already jumped from the plane, without a parachute; she just didn't' know it yet. It wouldn't be long before her body met with the ground.

Wiping away my tears. I give Deckard a sloppy kiss before bending down and picking up the baby carrier. "To hell with the lot of it,"

I think I surprised Deckard with my sudden mood change. Blowing hot and cold when it came to Oliver was dangerous, but for now I had to focus. I could grieve later. My face was now emotionless and only concentrating on the small child that I motioned for him to pick up and strap in. "Let's just get this over with,"


"I'm fine!" I grumble as I reload my pistol and check I had my spare magazine tucked netly away at my hip.

"No you're not-"

"I said I'm fine!" Spitting through clenched teeth as I launch the pair of headphones we'd collected to stop the little boy getting scared with all the noise we were about to make.

With a sceptical look over his shoulder, Deckard starts talking to the little boy as if he understood everything that was going on; as he once had to Oliver. My heart feeling like someone had reached their taloned hand into my chest and were ripping it out; slowly, excruciatingly painfully.

"Alright, governor, it's gonna get a little noisy. This is for your ears." Placing the headphones over the drooling child, and turning the music up to a safe level for his sensitive ears,"Good?"

I huff loudly, catching Deckards attention, when the small boy lets out a gurgle at his delight at the chirpy music. "You got him?" I don't even look over my shoulder for a reply as I leave the room. My strides strong and purposeful as I go looking for trouble. Some people on this plane had an appointment with the devil, and I was the delivery service.

"Megan! Megan, wait!" I hear Deckard behind me as I pull my pistol from it's holster and shoot a man point blank range. The bullet penetrating his brittle skull and ejecting out the tissue at the base of his neck. Blood splattering across my porcelain skin as I pull his body into me and use him as a human shield. Marching my way towards the other guards that were charging in our direction I took down another two with head shots before dumping the heavy weight I was carrying and launching myself at another guard.

Wrapping my legs around his neck, I swung my body in a circular motion towards the ground, using the momentum at the last min to land back on my feet. The man falling on his face; before I used my boot to smash his head in.

In less than a second I was divining for cover before throwing one of my daggers into the neck of the person shooting the room up. Deckard, still in the other room making sure the baby was properly strapped in before he would come running after me.

Before he could emerge, I attempted to shoot the last three men entering the slightly open area. My gun misfiring at the empty mag and no bullets in the chamber. So instead I grabbed the nearest, ugliest, bowl I had ever seen that previously had no use on the small shelf beside the glass divider in the room. Now, it was my new toy as I pummelled it into the throat of the first attacking man. His six foot height towering over me as his eyes bulged at his crushed trachea. The back swing of my first attack now knocking him to the ground before I pivoted on the balls of my feet, crouching to the ground, and struck out with the butt of my gun into my second attackers knee. His grunt of pain as he tries to throw a punch at me was useless as I stood quickly, bringing my knee up between his legs.

His high pitched squeal as I did so allowed me the opportunity to snap his neck between my hands. The third, and final, guy now shot wildly with his automatic in any direction. Hoping something would hit me and take me out as panic bubbled inside of him. My blood covered face revealed nothing as I reloaded quickly, taking refuge behind a plush sofa before I lunged faster than a cheetah. Shooting the mans feet from beneath him and then launching entire body into his.

The momentum of my well sculptured body threw us harshly into the glass panel behind him. His body twisting at odd angles beneath me as we disappeared over the other side and into a heap on the floor.

"MEGAN!" I hear Deckard roar as he eventually enters the room. Panic evident in his voice at the fact it had now fallen silent and I was nowhere to be seen.

Sighing, I lift myself gracefully off the warm body beneath me, removing the dagger that was plunged deep into his chest cavity.

"Yes, dear," I say emotionlessly, flicking a piece of glass from my hair that was up in a high ponytail and look at him questioningly. The bewildered look on his face as he sees the destroyed room and the multiple bodies that lay thrown across the war zone.

"I thought you were gonna let me kill at least one of them!" he complains as I stride from the room and off to find the woman who had hair that resembled a mop.

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