1. Making moves

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January 24th, 1989
I woke to the sound of incessant buzzing at a time I'm not used to at all. Angrily I covered my ears with my pillow trying to drown out the noise for even just a few more seconds of blissful sleep. "Jordan, turn the fucking alarm off already!" Jada my best friend ordered me through gritted teeth. Giving into the fact I would have to get up anyway I reluctantly rolled over and turned off the alarm.

I'm not a morning person anyway so waking up at 5:00 am would have really put me in a shit mood if it wasn't for the fact that me and Jada were moving to LA today. We already got the moving company to take our stuff up to our apartment yesterday so now all we had to do was endure a 3 hour flight.

I lazily got ready and put on black leggings, a Led Zeppelin t shirt and my denim bomber jacket. I tied my long wavy light brown hair up in a messy bun, put on a bit of mascara, lined my waterline and with that I was ready.

Jada crashed with me at my parents house last night so they could take us the the airport this morning. As I predicted my mom was an emotional mess, I mean to be fair her youngest child was moving 1000 miles away. Even my dad started to tear up which was very unusual. "Now remember what you promised?" My mom questioned through sobs.
"Mom, don't worry I will call as soon as I land and everyday after that." I said trying to be as comforting as possible.
"Don't forget that drugs are everywhere in LA so if, no when someone offers you some what do you say?" Mom lectured.
"Mother I am 23 years old, I know how to stay safe, now stop worrying and give me a hug." I said  as I brought my mother into an embrace.
" Em, Mrs. McKagan I don't mean to rush you but if we don't leave now we're gonna miss our flight" Jada worryingly pointed out, and with that we were off on our way ready to start the next chapter of our lives.


As soon as we got off the plane Jada took and exaggerated breath and said " You smell that Jordan? That's the smell of opportunity, of new beginnings and youth hungry for success!" She turned to me waiting for a response.
I sniffed the air and questioned "really? Huh, I thought it was just weed."
You see me and Jada have known since we were born that we wanted to be actors. We met at a drama school back in Seattle when we were 6 and we've been friends ever since. Our dream was always to move to LA together and now here we were, living it.


Moving to LA was scary but we weren't going to be completely on our own, my brother Michael, or as he's now known as, Duff lives here as while he's currently on tour with his band Guns N' Roses for their album Appetite for Destruction. He'll be back in a couple of months but for now he's letting me and Jada stay in his apartment until we find a place. I've only met his band a few times and yeah, they're good looking but I know the type of guys they are. All they want is sex, they never get attached. They use girls and throw them away. Even if they weren't Duff has previously proclaimed that they aren't strictly prohibited for making any sort of moves on me never mind actually acting on it.


Author's Note
Sorry this is a short chapter, I'm going to try to make the next one longer. Thanks for reading xxx

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