3. The rainbow

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June 24th, 1989
We arrived at sunset strip and went immediately to the guys usual stop, the rainbow. Jacob met us at the entrance as I had invited him. As we were walking in kickstart my heart by Mötley Crüe was blasted out the speakers, I wanted so badly to get drunk so I headed straight to the bar. "Hey sweetheart, can I get you a drink" the bartender flirted. "Three vodka and cokes please," I shouted over the music. I came to have a good time and I wasn't about to waste a moment.

Everyone else had settled into a booth on the other side of the bar except for Axl who I noticed was walking over to me. My heartbeat started to pick up and I didn't know why, I mean Axl was good looking but his personality was so off putting and I was in a good relationship with Jacob. Jacob was great, he was kind, flirty and extremely good looking,
I could really see myself falling for him. So why was Axl making nervous?

Axl stood next to me at the bar while I waited for my drinks. "Hey," he said while leaning to look at me. I replied "oh, hi," trying not to look him in the eye. What was I doing? I'm never like this. I'm usually the one doing the intimidating, I need to get a grip. "Two whiskeys, please" Axl requested from the bartender. He looked at me, puzzled. "Did I do something wrong? You look annoyed?" He shouted competing with the load music which was now T.N.T. by AC/DC. "No, I'm fine" shooting him a smile acting much more coy than before. As I saw my drinks arriving I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that this slightly awkward interaction would be over soon. Axl giggled to himself as he saw my sigh then producing a cocky smirk. "Huh, am I making you nervous, doll?" He questioned leaning in slightly. The fact that he was getting closer did make my heartbeat speed up ,but I was used to keeping my cool and seeing him so full of himself right now just made want act uninterested even more.

I leaned in closer and whispered to him "no, but if Jacob or Duff see you trying to flirt with me they'll be making you nervous soon enough" I leaned away as I picked up my drinks. "Don't flatter yourself doll" he retorted in his usual "I'm the alpha" attitude. Just before I walked away I got the last words in "oh, trust me I don't need to" I winked at him and with that I walked back to the others secretly praying that Jacob hadn't witnessed that flirty encounter. I felt Axl's eyes burning into me as I left him there a with little wind taken out of sails.

"Awe, thanks for getting me a drink Jordan," slash teased as I sat down next to Jacob with my collection of beverages. As slash went to grab my drink I quickly swatted his hand away informing him "trust me you don't want to be the one in between me and my alcohol." Jacob looked in agreement at slash and as though he was speaking from experience he said "trust me, she can be mean when she wants to."
"Oh I'm sure she can," said a voice from behind me as I was sipping on my vodka. I immediately knew it was Axl and I could feel his cocky grin burning into the back of my neck. "Shut the fuck up Axl" I snapped while laughing. I felt Jacob put his arm around my shoulders and shoot Axl a dirty look, it was nice to have guys be possessive over you.

Axl sat directly across from me and Jacob and every so often I could see him looking over to me. Feeling in control of myself again i concentrated fully on my boyfriend, with dude by Aerosmith and the groups light hearted laughter as the background. Steven was busy flirting Jada and Mariana, Amanda, slash, Izzy and Axl were having a heated debate on weather Led Zeppelin or Van Halen were better.

"Would you do me the honor of dancing with me tonight?" Jacob asked me in a horrible fake English accent while extending his hand out to guide me to the dance floor. "Why it would be a pleasure sir," I replied as seductively as possible with my raspy fake English accent hoping Axl would hear. What am I doing? I shouldn't be trying I get another guys attention when I have a boyfriend, never mind when I'm with him.

I followed Jacob to the dance floor just as rock you like a hurricane by the scorpions came on.
We were in view of the group still sitting at the table. I grabbed Jacobs neck making sure we were close as we moved in unison to the music. I felt Axl's eyes burning into me as they scanned my whole body.

Eventually the rest of the group joined us starting with Steven and Jada and with enough begging from Amanda the rest of them did as well. When living on a prayer by Bon Jovi came on everyone in the bar was up dancing belting the lyrics at the top of their lungs "ohhhhhh, we're half way there, WOOOAH LIVING ON A PRAYER," it was the best fun I'd had in ages. I probably would've enjoyed it more though if some random girl wasn't grinding on Axl.

It was annoying me that I cared and I felt guilty, but the fact that every few seconds Axl would look over to me and Jacob did make me feel much better about myself. When me and Jacob started making out, I just started getting into it when we were rudely interrupted by a falling Axl crashing into us. "Shitttt, sorry man" he said extending his hand to Jacob who he just floored. Jacob just laughed to himself slightly as he was visibly pissed off. He rejected Axl's hand as he got up, "for fuck sake, dude not cool," he said as he towered over him. Axl was tall but Jacob was 6,3 so he towered over most people but I would not have wanted be Axl in that situation because when he wants to be Jacob is very intimidating. "Hey it was an accident," Axl snapped matching Jacobs pissed offness.

Not wanting a fight to break out I interjected trying to separate them. "Both if you back off, it was an accident, you don't want to get thrown out just because if that," I warned them being as firm as possible. "You better listen to your woman, Jacob. Don't start a fight that you can't win," Axl threatened.

Jacob started moving into Axl's space so the guys tried to hold him back as he locked his eyes glaring at Axl. "I am no ones woman, and if you have any sense in that head of yours you'll shut the fuck up before I start a fight with you," I sneered at Axl. Was I fuck about to let him get away with that. Realizing he was being a dick he backed off and stormed out of the rainbow.


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