5. Fuck you

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June 29th, 1989
I was still sat on my bed when I heard Jada come home, so I swallowed my pride and got ready to grovel. Slowly I opened my bedroom door and peaked out. Jada had gone into the living room with the guys, I had to tell her before they did so I rushed down the corridor. "Em hey, Jada can I talk to you for a second," I said trying not to sound worried. "Ya sure," she said as she followed me into my bedroom.

"So what am I supposed to do now?!" Jada almost shouted. I knew she wasn't going to take it well. "I already talked to the guys and Duff said I can stay here and Steven said that you can stay with him," I explained. She was about to go off on one again when she realized what I had just said. Puzzled, she sat down on my bed almost as if she wasn't sure whether she was pissed or not. "It would just be you and Steven, alone, casually living together. No pressure to do, anything, but you know. If the opportunity were to present itself you wouldn't have anything in your way," now I was just trying to distract her from the fact we weren't getting an apartment. "You're one lucky bastard," she said as she hugged me. "Omg, thank you for getting fired!" She exclaimed.

We joined the boys in the living room and Steven said "Jada, you don't have to, but you can crash at mine for as long as you need?" Timidly looking at her for a response. Pretending to be caught off guard she replied "em, ya sure, thanks I appreciate that," coyly smiling at him causing him to blush.

"Fuck, this has been a day and a half," I announced to the room. "You need a night out, you deserve a night out. Let's go to the rainbow," Jada suggested. All the guys shot their heads up at the thought of getting drunk. "Yesss, I need to get wasted, but maybe this time no Jacob, don't want a repeat of last time." I said looking at Axl who nodded in agreement. He definitely did not like Jacob.


Amanda and Mariana came over to get ready with us. I was wearing an oversized Iron Maiden t shirt that covered my shorts, fish net tights and knee high boots. This time I felt like putting in effort so I actually put on eyeshadow and false lashes.

 This time I felt like putting in effort so I actually put on eyeshadow and false lashes

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I tied my wavy hair into a tight ponytail on top of my head and put on my hoops and some rings and I was ready to go

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I tied my wavy hair into a tight ponytail on top of my head and put on my hoops and some rings and I was ready to go.

"Jordan, do you think anything will happen tonight?" Asked Mariana.
"What do you mean?" I replied.
"Oh you know, between you and Axl." My jaw dropped to the floor. Was it that obvious I had conflicting feelings about him?!
"Nooooo, no no no no. I have a boyfriend! I plus it's Axl. I have no interest in that boy, could you imagine," I huffed "nope never."
Shit, I sounded way too defensive then. Fuck, well, they know now. "Ooo, someone hit a nerve," Amanda playfully chimed in.
"Okay then, how about this? If you weren't dating Jacob would go for Axl?" Jada asked while cocking her eyebrow. "NO, of course not, come on a rock star who just cares about sex, not my style," I stated firmly realizing that yet again I that I was too defensive. "Sounds to me like someone's in denial," Mariana said with a light hearted smile. I threw a pillow at her while we all laughed.


When we were all finally ready, we walked out into the living room where the boys were waiting for us all. "Finally, it's about time," Duff complained. Everyone started walking to the door and I trailed behind them as I noticed Steven say to Jada, "you look great by the way." "You don't look too bad yourself," she replied as she nudged him. Awe, they're so cute, they have to get with each other soon or love is dead.

I didn't notice that Axl was behind me until he whispered in my ear, "you look hot." I proceeded to punch him on the arm, hard. "Heyyy, I was kidding, don't flatter yourself, you're not my type," he smiled and I just knew he was loving himself in that moment. "Ugh you're so full of yourself, I'd never even consider you as an option," I retorted loving the control I got back with my statement. "Sure you wouldn't hot stuff," he said as he ran up to join the others winking at me in the process.


When we reached the rainbow we all gathered in a booth as Izzy went to get us all drinks. I sat in between slash and Axl. It kept me calm knowing this was a group situation and I would be having some liquid courage soon enough if Izzy would hurry up. I looked up and thought I saw Jacob but it must have been someone else because they disappeared too quick for me to see properly.

Slash put his arm on top of the seat behind me, I don't think he was trying to make moves on me but Axl picked up on it. Izzy got back with the drinks and we all got stuck in with shots and cocktails. Everyone got pretty drunk pretty quickly. Duff stared making moves on Mariana and as soon as I noticed I made sure to shut it down by saying, "hey, I don't fuck your friends,  you don't fuck mine, it's the unwritten rule."
"Aye, why would you shut me down before I even got a chance?" Slash whined drunkly as he leaned his head into my shoulder. "Awe, I know it must be such a shame, we'd have great fun," I said while winking at him. "Oh would we, and how's that?"  He replied while he put his other hand on my thigh. "I guess you'll never find out, and I suggest you move your hand before Duff starts a scrap," I flirted.

I could feel Axl looking at everything that was going on so I turned around and asked him "what are you so intrigued by, hot stuff?"
"Nothing, doll, is there something to be intrigued by?" He retorted. He put his hand on my thigh "is this intriguing?" I looked him dead in the eye, held his hand and slowly moved it up my leg and answered "I don't know. Is it?" Duff stopped out little interaction, "oi, I don't fuck your friends, you don't fuck mine."
"Ugh, as if, I'm just messing. I've got a boyfriend," I replied letting go of Axl's hand and turned away. "Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night," Axl whispered into my ear. His closeness made my heart jump out of my chest and I had to breathe out hard to stop myself losing breath. I turned to face him and announced to the table, "I'm going dancing, girls, wanna come?" Just as cherry pie by warrant came on. "Yesssssss," all the girls shouted in unison. I got up to go and dance expecting Axl to move but he just sat there looking and me refusing to move. So refusing to let him intimidate me as I had to get past him I sat on his lap for a fraction of a second making sure he felt it. The fact I touched him gave me goosebumps but I ignored my excitement and made my way to the dance floor. I knew he was looking at me I didn't even have to turn around. I loved his attention.

I was enjoying myself thoroughly, swaying my hips to the music as they started to play all the sexy songs. I looked around again and saw someone who I thought was Jacob but he was with a girl. It couldn't be him, could it? I stopped dancing for a second and as I got closer I realized that it was Jacob. Not only was he with a girl but he was about to kiss her. I tapped Jada on the shoulder and pointed to the scene unfolding before my eyes. I wasn't even sad I was just pissed, really fucking pissed. He was only a few booths away from the guys and as I started marching over to Jacob and this new girl, they noticed something was going on.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" I asked through gritted teeth as Jacob pulled out of his passionate kiss with this random girl. "Shit, Jordan what are you doing here?! This isn't what it looks like I promise."
"Really are you fucking sure because it looks like your sticking your tongue down some other girls throat?"
The bitch next to him decided to answer for him saying, "probably because he was, and you are?"
"I'm his girlfriend, smart arse," I spat , that twat. I had enough of this, I slapped him right on his pussy ass face that five minutes ago I would have said was handsome. As I turned around to walk away I heard that bimbo say "bitch." That was it, the fucking nerve of her. I grabbed two drinks that were on the table and dumped them on both of their heads. With that I said "fuck you," and proceeded to strut out of the bar smashing both glasses on the floor, very smoothly I might add, not in anger.

As I walked past the guys I noticed all the jaws were open as I guessed they had watched that whole encounter. I ignored them and continued with my dramatic exit as I heard Jacob swearing at me from his booth so I flipped him off. This night was over.

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