Chapter 7

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Hello, everyone!!!
I hope you all are doing fine.
Have you guys checked out my new book 'Promises to Forever' yet? Go and have a look and don't forget to tell me how's it.


"Didn't I tell you that never call me when I am in office? Why don't you ever listen to me?" Nandini had to hear these as she called Manik.

"Can you come home early today? Please." Chucking Manik's taunt she pleaded him.

"Why?" Manik asked still in his cold voice.

"Please, come." Nandini again asked him the same thing.

"Why? Tell me the reason? I don't think there is anything important?" Manik asked her in his not so interested tone.

"Please, Manik. Try to come soon at least today." Manik was feeling bad hearing her voice but he maintained his strict voice.

"I have important meeting today. I won't be able to come early. Don't waste my time and never call me again when I am in office." Manik told and before Nandini could reply he cut the call.


Today is Manik's birthday. I wanted to surprise him. I bought his favourite cake. I made all his favourite dishes just the way he likes. But he is not even ready to hear me. I don't know what's my mistake. For what reason he is punishing me like this.

I was sad. I expected that at least today he will come early and celebrate his birthday with me. But guess what??? I am wrong, completely wrong.

I was busy thinking a this when I heard the door being unlocked. I looked at the watch. It's 6 only. Manik is not suppose to come hack so soon. He clearly told me that he will be late. Then who is here at this hour? And how did the lock become unlock?

I went out of room and Manik was there. He came back early. Ayaippa, thank you so much.

Manik is early. That means he came back for me. I was so sad that he was not hearing me but finally he is here.

But without saying anything to me he went inside his room and I was back to my working mode. I started decorating the table. Suddenly my eyes fell on Manik who was all ready to go somewhere. My heart broke once again.

"Manik, where are you going? You came back just now." I asked seeing him leaving without saying anything.

"I am not bound to give you any explanation. I don't think it's necessary. Leave my way." Manik replied sternly looking straight into my eyes.

Can't he just tell me everything that why he is doing all this and then may be we can start afresh.....

"I am not asking for any explanation. I am just asking where are you going. Can't you give me a little time today also?" I pleaded softly looking at him. I was expecting him to be a little soft today and spend some time with me. It's his birthday after all.

"I am not feeling like talking to you now. Don't spoil my mood when I am going out." Manik replied angrily. I don't understand why does he never talk to me nicely. He is always angry whenever he is in home. What is my mistake?

"Are you going to meet the same girl of previous day?" Suddenly I remembered about the girl and it made me angry that may be he is going to meet her only. So, I asked in a little stern voice. I know he won't answer again still I asked.

"That's none of your business. I am not liable to tell you where I am going or whom I am meeting. Did I ever ask you anything?" Manik's eyes shot open and told me sternly. I can see his eyes getting blood red which indicates he is trying to control his anger.

But what's there to be angry? If he is going out with her, then why doesn't he tell me clearly? What's Manik doing with the girl? Moreover, who is she? I know all his friends but I never met her not Manik ever told me about his any friends whom I don't know.

"Why? Why won't you tell me? You don't have time for your wife but you are meeting an outside girl. What kind of work is that?" This time I also lost control over myself. So, I shouted on him for the first time in life as it was really too much for me to handle all the happenings of my life. I can't take it anymore.

"Nandini, shut up. Don't make me more angry. You will regret it." Manik warned me. He was literally fuming in anger. Anyone can see that he is getting angry or we can say going out of controls which is of course not a good sign.

I know he can't control his anger. Whenever he is angry beyond limit, he does something stupid. I don't know what is he going to do now. But I am also angry on him.

"When are not you angry?" I told this and that was it Manik didn't wait more.

He just left from there angrily. I just sat on one of the chairs with a thud. I was totally unaware of this face of Manik. Why is he doing this to us? I can't handle all this anymore.

Precap: Something unexpected.

Done with this chapter. I am not gonna continue, if the response won't be good from next chapter.

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