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   Essus put the wine glass back on the table, the festival had begun. In the evening it would officially start. It was the biggest festival in Heaven, occurring only once every ten years. A certain celestial combination marked the event, was the cause for celebration. He had always enjoyed it, he thought about Miley, she was supposed to join him by now, Carmela, Miley to him and her friends, the love of his life, she was probably in her room, trying on her gown for the dozenth time. He didn't know why she bothered, the woman could look beautiful in rags. But then it might be the love talking. He sighed, he was bored. Of course, he only had to send for it and any number of people would show up to entertain him, play music or dance, but he wasn't in the mood for shallow pleasure, he wanted to talk, discuss the new policies, his thoughts kept circling back to that stranger, that dark tall hooded figure he had seen at the Ball a week ago. Essus was wary of him, he seemed like a spy.

   Essus got up and signalled for his messenger, his phoenix and it flew up to him from his porch. He wrote a small note: "Come and see me, I want to talk. Nothing urgent." He gave it to the phoenix, "Take this to Aaron." He bobbed his pretty head. Essus gave him a small pat on the head and he flew off. Essus took a book from the shelf and settled down. He had no doubt Aaron would come but it would take him at least 15 minutes to get the message and come.

   "You called." Aaron's voice floated in the room. Essus looked at him and smiled, he had finally broken Aaron of the habit of bowing to him every time he saw him. Ever since he took the throne decades ago, all of his friends and lovers had started doing that, no matter how many times he told them not to. They could do so in the court but they even did it on unofficial, purely social visits like this one.  

   Essus said. "I did. I am bored and have conflicting feelings about the opening ceremony tonight."

   "I thought you loved it."

   "I do. I am worried about that stranger."

   "Oh forget about that, we followed up on him and found nothing. He was probably one of the demi fey, who else would spy on a public gathering? There was nothing important going on there!"

   "Nevertheless it irks me, and then there is the matter of invitations. Should I invite the Unseelie Lords?"

   "Crystal didn't tell you, she already invited them." Essus looked surprised. "Why didn't she tell me? Does she not think it important to inform me?" When Aaron shrugged, Essus said, "I am way too lenient with all of us, she should suffer a penalty for this."

   "Oh c' mon, I would like to see what penalty you give her, maybe you won't give her the special spring wine tonight?" Aaron said, laughter twinkling in his eyes.

   Essus glared at him, but he was not really angry, he had worked way too hard to make Aaron and the others comfortable around him, talking to him even laughing at him. It was true what Aaron said, he never did punish any of them properly but then most of those who served him all the time were his closest friends and lovers. How could he hurt them?

   "I am bored" Essus repeated.

   "I can call the dancers, they have been waiting all week to perform for you."

   "They'll get their chance at the feast tomorrow. I want to see you dance ... and ... and Crystal! That can be her punishment." He could see Aaron laughing. "Oh, that would be too precious. Shall I fetch her?"

   "Yup, do so." Aaron left almost having a laughing fit.

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