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"Look! What I can do." Chloe held out her hand over the tiny flower bud, at once it began to grow, the sprout grew a few inches and the flower blossomed.

"She has the Hand of Life!" Niccy said in awe.

"No, its the Hand of Growth, or Fertility." said Fiona softly. "the Hand of Life could do much greater things than growing a flower, and the last one to possess that power died centuries ago."

"Yes, but it can begin like that, the Hand of Life is one that develops gradually, she has only just acquired it, right?"

"Yes, but there is no way she can have such a power, neither I nor anyone in her family is that powerful."

"Children have their own power, regardless of their origin many times."

"Maybe, but her magic is too weak for that, I have observed her since birth."

"Don't listen to mom, she just doesn't want to admit I that I am good at something."


"What? It's true, you are always scolding me for not being good enough."

"I scold you when you run from your lessons, don't you know how proud I am of you"

Chloe shook her head.

Niccy turned to her, "well, you amazing, my little buddy and I have a gift for you." he handed her a vial of tiny yellow liquid, he had collected from his garden, it was a life potion, it healed wound, refreshed you, gave you a spark of energy like a really good caffeinated drink in the human world.

"Thank you, I have wanted to meet you for so long Niccy, mom is always telling me how you were her best friend, and you would be mine too, I remembered you a little but not clearly."

"You were adorable as a baby, and I am sorry I wasn't here to celebrate your birthday every year, bring you gifts and teach you everything I know about flowers."

"Oh don't be sorry, I know the King forbade you to come to us, maybe we can visit you for my birthday this year?" she looked hopeful.

Niccy looked at Fiona. "Yes," she said. "we will visit."

She turned to Niccy when Chloe went a few steps away to admire the other flowers. "She loves you, I wish I can be everything or her, but she needs a father too."

"You are a wonderful mother, Fiona."

"I try my best, but I can't be her father. She needs a father figure, I wish I was better at getting men to love me, but after Chloe's dad, all I can bring myself to love are my flowers and our cat." she smiled weakly. "He won't even visit her, he says that I should..."

"Leave our court and join his? Yes, I know. He is such an idiot, to suggest to a Raven to abandon her vows... why wouldn't he come and join you if he thinks it's so easy to switch loyalties!"

"He can't, King Essus won't let him," Chloe said, she wasn't that far away after all and had probably heard their whole conversation.

"Chloe!" Fiona was shocked. "Who told you that?"

"You think I am stupid, I am eleven years old now. Why would you lie to me? You want me to believe my dad doesn't love me?"

"I never lied to you, its true he doesn't want to keep you, I asked him if I could send you to live with him for a couple of months he asked me if I was coming too, he doesn't want to take care of you by himself."

"He didn't want o have me and then lose me, too painful. And I don't need a father mom, I need my father,"

"Why didn't he offer to keep you permanently, why do I have to come with you, he has never offered that not even once since you were born."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2019 ⏰

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