tolerance | twelve

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chapter twelve: fascinated

[ third ]

as expected the travel was so long. the two boys were sighing and sighing throughout the road. jeonghan went to check downstairs and they were all asleep. while these two are just cuddling each other, and kissed. but obviously, someone's begging for more.

"jeonghan, don't you really have to thank me?"

"thank you, seongcheol. so much."

the older rolled his eyes at the younger one because of its silliness. of course, our dear seongcheol wants to score. it has been days since they did anything.

but on the other hand, jeonghan wants this trip to be perfect since seongcheol planned this.

actually, their relationship has been really bothering him. not to forget vein just there. as soon as jeonghan remembered vein, he came to seongcheol's gaze.

"how's vein?" he asked.

with an annoyed look seongcheol said, "do i look like i care? she's a rival now."

"what? you're still her brother." jeonghan protested.

"wow, you have the guts to say that.. you might wanna rethink our situation here baby."

jeonghan stopped and actually thought it wasn't a good idea for them to contact vein. but putting aside their problems isn't a good idea too.

"how about your parents?"

"they probably don't care about me." seongcheol said.

he was emotionless when he said this but the tone of seongcheol's voice doesn't agree.


it was very dark when the people arrived at the forest. also, finding where the camp is. when they found the camp site, where there is no one around they gathered pieces of woods and everything they could find that can be added to the bonfire to make it consistent.

seongcheol started the fire. of course the camp wouldn't be fun without some games. they played a lot, including truth or dare. its impossible to play in the woods without truth or dare.

as they were also all tired, they all forgot to eat and entered each of their tent. ofcourse, seongcheol and jeonghan is in one tent, since jeonghan isn't informed about this camp. so seongcheol planned to have one tent for them.

"hey, cheollie."

seongcheol answered with a groan.

"why me?"

"do you even need an answer to that? you are you that's it."

"i mean why? even though i am your sister's boyfriend."

"just, i felt it. even before you felt something for her. i saw it, how you work. but i didn't like you for that. you don't know how much i want to drag you out of that fucking bar. every guy tasted you there, i just want you to taste me."

jeonghan was too shocked to keep up with what seongcheol was saying. the fact that it was too sincere. he cannot express it in words how his heart is reacting to it now.

"seongcheol, lets just wait. we still gotta deal with many things. once we go back, i'll let you court me i guess."

"i am more willing to do so."

they both laughed and jeonghan kissed seongcheol slightly. but only at that point, jeonghan realized it was wrong to kiss him.

you know how pervert this man is. what are you thinking jeonghan?

"don't even start, seongcheol."

"you kissed me for nothing?"

"well, i wouldn't kiss you for a fuck. you always kiss me first when we do that."

fuck, its embarrassing. jeonghan thought.

seongcheol was smiling and almost laughing staring at the cuteness of his love. and they both fell asleep after that.

they all woke up in the morning with a few of his colleagues awake. they all asked where do they go to take a bath or wash their faces.

seongcheol asked them to packed their bags, since jeonghan was still asleep. when jeonghan woke up, they all stood up and walked towards somewhere. seongcheol was leading. after thirty minutes, they all saw a big falls right in front of their eyes.

luckily, some of them knew how to swim. but some people like jeonghan cannot.

"why are you like this? i can't swim."

"i got you baby, i won't let you drown."

they looked into each other's eyes which caught the attention of their colleagues and went for a shout and a whistle for them. well, except for some boys in there. they were cringing at some point. but the girls? they were all screaming, they all like bl.

who doesnt?

jeonghan became red and seongcheol being embarrassed, because seongcheol wa sknown for being a slightly rude boss. and he's completely soft right now for jeonghan.

they both went swimming, jeonghan was holding seongcheol's hands and they are faced in front with each other. its too embarrassing but seongcheol's enjoying the moment.

after being washed they all went beside the falls and started to dry themselves up before they all change clothes the changing of clothes.. well all the girls dealed with their shit and the boys, scattered everywhere. they just changed clothes everywhere.

they were also hungry so they went for a small bonfire again. after returning to the campsite. they set the bonfire and started the fire and put some things in it. there was meat, sausages, hotdogs, and marshmallows.

seriously? marshmallows for lunch? that's not even enough for breakfast. jeonghan thought.

seongcheol was taking care for jeonghan a lot. he even had put lotion on jeonghan's legs and arms. they still haven't changed their clothes. the two were shy about this. seongcheol waswearing a red robe again which reminds jeonghan about their thing that day. and how he teased him.

he blushed without notice. considering that it was hours from now when seongcheol wore the robe.

it was their last night, tomorrow morning they will leave and come back at work again. its continous. after going there, they will work again, tiring.. but worth it.

ok, this was boring. i know, but i had to.

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