tolerance | twenty

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We were standing at the gate of the airport and the familiar sounds and places were coming back at me again. The tremendous sight of Korea has never failed me. It seems like I realized that I really grew up here.

After some time I have been just looking left and right and something was actually hindering me from wlking and wandering. I was scared, atleast. There was a feeling inside me that was scared. But it actually just went inside me out of nowhere.

I don't know what's bothering me and I have been exchanging glances with Joshua for while and I was actually hoping he wouldn't actually notice, but I knew that I lost when he patted my shoulder and was acting that he's about to speak but I immediately spoke to him.

"I am okay, Josh."

"Because you said that before me the more im worried about you."

"Tell my why I should be worried?"

"Because you are in Korea, again?"

"So what?"

"Uh, im sorry but a year ago you called me out of nowhere because you want to-"

He stopped because I made a face. Yes, I don't want to recall those times.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

The van we were waiting for had arrived but my face was still the same looking directly at Joshua. We went inside the van but I ain't still removing this face. I was one seat apart Joshua. And he looked actually sorry.

"Please, don't be angry. I'll buy you something on our way."

I sighed and removed the face I was wearing. We're about to go to the venue if im not mistaken.

Its quite boring not talking to anyone in here. I held Joshua's hand. He looked at me but shocked at the same time. I was about to burst out laughing when I was about to do what was exactly on my mind.

What's on my mind, you ask?

Grabbing his dick.

I took a lot of courage and scooped his shaft. I immediately made a distance between us after grabbing it. He was so shocked with what I did. The reaction in his face is actually priceless.

"What are you doing?!" He asked angrily.

I just laughed at him, as I can see sweat coming out of his pores and his face is worth seeing. I actually imagined him to be turned on but he got angry.

"I'm sorry, I just felt like doing it."

"If you want to do it, tell me beforehand so that I can get ready."

"Do you really need to get ready for that?"

"Whatever, Jeonghan."

I just laughed at his not-so-innocent face. He even did it with me when I answered him, so does that mean he was ready that time. I wasn't.

After a minute of thinking we arrived at out hotel and it turns out that the lobby of the hotel is our venue.

"Why are we even here, Josh?"

"For business purposes."

We went to our hotel room and as I roam my eyes around the rooms close to us I saw a red door from afar which drew my attention.

"Hey, Jeonghan."

I was startled and continued going inside. We both went inside and he started taking off his clothes.

"Woah, im not ready." I said immediately.

"What are you thinking, Jeonghan? Change your clothes now."

As I woke up in reality, I grabbed my clothes inside the bag that the security guard gave to us. I just knew it was there, I got my suit and white long sleeves and wore it. It was a turtle neck long sleeves and I partnered it with a brown coat and a black pants.

They said it'd be a semi-formal party. But doesn't parties like these usually have very formal attire?

I waited for Joshua to finish his thing and he wore a red coat which made me gulp for some reason. Damn, he looks hot.

"Damn, Josh. Can I eat you?"

He stopped and blushed for a moment while glaring at me. I really wanna laugh so hard that he's getting my jokes.

"Don't act like you're innocent Jisoo."

"When did you start calling me Jisoo?"

"Since we're in here, let's use your Korean name."

We both walked out of the unit and started walking towards the elevator. The elevator was just about to close and we both saw the closing doors of the elevator so our pace got faster.

As the elevator door closes, I saw those eyes.

I saw a sad and angry eyes.

I felt numb as I stand. Not enough energy and will to move but enough to just stand and stare out of nowhere.

What is happening to me?

I am fine.

I am totally happy.

Am I?

As the elevator goes up again and opened for us we both got in and went to the lobby of this hotel we're staying in. I heard a soft music playing but is entertaining enough to call it a formal party. I was happy to see many people with not too fancy outfits but it still makes them look superior it was amazing how they could bring their outfits.

As the party goes deeper someone climbs up the stage.

As someone climbs up the stage my attention was drawn elsewhere. I saw a man in royal blue coat. Staring directly at me. The look sent shivers in my body. And made my heartbeat faster. The man starts to walk towards me, as he walks, behind him was a small guy holding his hand. And as they both passed by unto me they slightly walked by my pace and slightly pushed my shoulder.

I was too shocked with what I saw. Everything was in slow motion. Even the emcee was inaudible for me. It was the first time again in years that I've seen him.

"Hey, you saw a ghost?" Joshua came up to me.

"Worse." I pouted a direction to him and he also saw what he needed to see.

Joshua's eyesgot a little bit more serious and was slightly getting their attention. I wanted to stop Joshua as he does that. But I don't have the sufficient energy to do that.

The man glanced at me. His expression was dark and turns again on the businessman he was talking to and smiles.

My heart raced faster. Not because of a good thing. I am scared what would happen next. As time passes by, the food was served and Jisoo and I were already eating at our assigned table.

My mood was obviously off.

The man with the small guy approached me.

"Long time no see." The man said.

I got nervous. It was unexpected.

"Speechless?" He added.

"Y-yeah, long time." He smiled at me.

Oh, that smile. Please. Stop this already I wanna go home.

My vision got blurry once again. And was ready to fall as I felt an arm holding unto me already. It was Joshua.

Although, the man was about to catch me Jisoo was there to support my body.

"Excuse us, he might've felt sick." Jisoo excused.

We both walked towards the elevator again.

"Let's go home. I don't wanna be here anymore." I said almost begging.

"Sure, lets go home my busness is done anyways."

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