tolerance | fifteen

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It was very nerve-wrecking for the both of us. This scene was familiar but not with Seongcheol. It was with Vein.

Fuck that bitch.

I know everything about her. But it still isn't proved. So we're gonna get some answers.

The scene that's familiar? Well, we're going to their house. Seongcheol's family. Yes, im gonna meet them the second time. But this time im Seongcheol's bitch.

Hope they wouldn't be triggered with Seongcheol, because he told me how his parents were against homo.

Fuck that shit, his sister's straight but a living slut. Might as well be homo but loyal. I was once, okay. Once, but changed. But Vein? Changing? Well, I pray to God she would.

"Baby, you are hella nervous." I said to Seongcheol.

"Fuck, of course. You think im hella strong? No im scared with my parents."

I laughed at the cuteness he's actually showing.

"I don't really care about my parents, but their approval of you matters." He added.

We arrived at the house with his mother and father welcoming us warmly. We were about to talk, about me and him but we both don't know how to start it.

"Oh, sweetie. You're here. But you're not with Vein. Why?"

"Vein's a little bit busy, for work." I laughed in confusion.

We put down our bags and went to his bedroom first. I don't know why I followed him to his bedroom. But this would rise suspicion, but its okay. Its not a suspicion anymore. Its true.

We went downstairs and their mom was still waiting for us to start a conversation. Smiling and looking at us.

I don't know up to now what to say. I've been exchanging glances with Seongcheol. But its obvious that we were both clueless. Its like we're questioning why we're here in the first place.

Seongcheol approached me. Becaus etheir mom was talking to me.

"So, mom. About uh, Vein. Jeonghan hasn't been really seeing her.."

"No, Seongcheol let him explain."

I was astonished with what his mother said. It looks like they're really out of trust with their own son. Which is very sad I think.

"Sweetie, why don't we eat first. Its exactly lunch time. And lets talk about it at the table."

The table has been already set for 4 people. Im impressed. As usual Seongcheol sat in the middle of the table where he sat when I first saw him in here.

"So sweetie, tell me about her. Is she doing fine?"

I nervously engulfed the food in my mouth. And answered the question cautiously. I can't even find the right words to say even tho its not a very difficult question to answer.


"She's doing fine mom, why do you keep bringing her up?" Seongcheol answered with an annoying face.

"Shut up, your mother isn't talking to you." His father answered.

"Uhm, Mr. and Mrs. Choi, you do know well that Vein cheats, right?"

"Yes our baby cheats but, she only truly loves one."

What the fuck? Wow, Seongcheol and Vein's sense of humor came from them. Seriously, that's a fucking dumb answer. I just kept my mouth shut for I can't withstand that dumb thought..

"Mom, you know well what cheating is, right? You just can't say you love someone and say that to another. If you do that, then its not love."

His mom and dad looked at him, annoyed. I was clapping inside of my thoughts. I am happy with his answer. Good job! Seongcheol is the most intelligent in this family. Not to offend my future in-laws. But fuck?

Their family phone rang all of a sudden. Their mom and dad looked at each other the same with me and Seongcheol.

Their mom stood up, obviously questioning why is it ringing.

Is there something special with the phone? Can they just answer it?

"It only rings when someone's hurt. All the hospital only has that contact. Meaning when a Choi is hurt, they immediately call that number." Seongcheol explained it to me briefly.

I was shocked, panicking and baffled when Seongcheol's mom suddenly fell on the floor making a huge noise inside the house.

"Mom! What happened?" Seongcheol said.

Their dad gets the phone.

"Seongcheol! You're sister jumped on a building!"

"What?!" I said.

I was confused. Suicide? But why? Is there something to it? Like am I the reason?

Seongcheol hugged me immediately and he asked where the hospital or, what is the location of her body.

Everything was blurry to me. I was just crying and lifeless. Questioning why is this happening. What happened to Vein? What happened?

I was happy without her but not this kind of without.

She still made a huge impact to me even though she's like this.

I immediately had an idea.

"Seongcheol. To her house. Forget the location. Go to the house now."

"Are you sure?"


It was also obvious that Seongcheol was rushing and worried but still tried to not show it. I admire him for that.

After a few minutes we arrived at the house and I went running inside and went to the bedroom. And my hunch was correct. There was a letter.

Hi, its me Vein.
By the time you're reading this im probably dead. Or you've probably heard that I am. The reason why I did this was something personal, and it was purely my decision. To my mom, im sorry. To my dad, im sorry. And thank you. To ny love, Jeonghan. I know you caught me. I saw you cried and I saw my brother's car arriving somewhere and I knew. I know, it was my fault. And I blamed myself for hurting you. Im sorry, always keep in mind that I love you. Always.

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